deprecate SCViewHolder-layRight
[supercollider.git] / SCClassLibrary / Common / Control /
1 GraphBuilder {
2         //used to create an out ugen automatically and a fade envelope
4         *wrapOut { arg name, func, rates, prependArgs, outClass=\Out, fadeTime;
5                 ^, { arg i_out=0;
6                         var result, rate, env;
7                         result = SynthDef.wrap(func, rates, prependArgs).asUGenInput;
8                         rate = result.rate;
9                         if(rate === \scalar,{
10                                 // Out, SendTrig etc. probably a 0.0
11                                 result
12                         },{
13                                 if(fadeTime.notNil, {
14                                                 result = this.makeFadeEnv(fadeTime) * result;
15                                 });
16                                 outClass = outClass.asClass;
17                                 outClass.replaceZeroesWithSilence(result.asArray);
18                                 outClass.multiNewList([rate, i_out]++result)
19                         })
20                 })
21         }
23         *makeFadeEnv { arg fadeTime = (0.02);
24                 var dt =\fadeTime, fadeTime);
25                 var gate =\gate, 1.0);
26                 var startVal = (dt <= 0);
29                 ^[startVal, 1, 0], #[1, 1], \lin, 1), gate, 1.0, 0.0, dt, 2)
31         }
38 EnvGate {
40                 *new { arg i_level=1, gate, fadeTime, doneAction=2, curve='sin';
41                         var synthGate = gate ?? {\gate, 1.0) };
42                         var synthFadeTime = fadeTime ?? {\fadeTime, 0.02) };
43                         var startVal = (synthFadeTime <= 0);
44                         ^
45                       [ startVal, 1.0, 0.0], #[1.0, 1.0], curve, 1),
46                                 synthGate, i_level, 0.0, synthFadeTime, doneAction
47                         )
48                 }
53 /*EnvGate {
54                 classvar currentControl, buildSynthDef;
57                 *new { arg i_level=1, gate, fadeTime, doneAction=2, curve='sin';
58                         var synthGate, synthFadeTime, startVal;
59                                 if(gate.isNil and: { fadeTime.isNil }) {
60                                         #synthGate, synthFadeTime = this.currentControl
61                                 } {
62                                         synthGate = gate ?? { Control.names('gate').kr(1.0) };                                  synthFadeTime = fadeTime ?? { Control.names('fadeTime').kr(0.02) };
63                                 };
64                                 startVal = (synthFadeTime <= 0);
65                                 ^
66                               [ startVal,1,0], #[1,1],curve,1),
67                                         synthGate, i_level, 0.0, synthFadeTime, doneAction
68                                 )
69                 }
71                 // this allows several instances within a single synthdef
72                 *currentControl {
73                         if(this.hasCurrentControl.not) {
74                                 currentControl = Control.names(['gate', 'fadeTime']).kr([1, 0.02]);
75                                 buildSynthDef = UGen.buildSynthDef;
76                         }
77                         ^currentControl
78                 }
79                 *hasCurrentControl {
80                         ^UGen.buildSynthDef === buildSynthDef and: { currentControl.notNil }
81                 }
86 NamedControl {
87         classvar currentControls, buildSynthDef;
89         var <name, <values, <lags, <rate, <fixedLag;
90         var <control;
92         *ar { arg  name, values, lags;
93                 ^, values, \audio, lags, false)
94         }
96         *kr { arg  name, values, lags, fixedLag = false;
97                 ^, values, \control, lags, fixedLag)
98         }
100         *ir { arg  name, values, lags;
101                 ^, values, \scalar, lags, false)
102         }
104         *tr { arg  name, values, lags;
105                 ^, values, \trigger, lags, false)
106         }
108         *new { arg name, values, rate, lags, fixedLag = false;
109                 var res;
112                 this.initDict;
113                 res =;
116                 if(res.isNil) {
117                         values = (values ? 0.0).asArray;
118                         res = super.newCopyArgs(name, values, lags, rate, fixedLag).init;
119                         currentControls.put(name, res);
120                 } {
121                         values = (values ? res.values).asArray;
122                         if(res.values != values) {
123                                 Error("NamedControl: cannot have more than one set of "
124                                                 "default values in the same control.").throw;
125                         };
126                         if(rate.notNil and: { res.rate != rate }) {
127                                 Error("NamedControl: cannot have  more than one set of "
128                                                 "rates in the same control.").throw;
129                         };
131                 };
133                 if(res.fixedLag and: lags.notNil) {
134                         if( res.lags != lags ) {
135                                 Error("NamedControl: cannot have more than one set of "
136                                         "fixed lag values in the same control.").throw;
137                         } {
138                                 ^res.control;
139                         }
140                 };
142                 ^if(lags.notNil) {
143                         res.control.lag(lags.asArray)
144                 } {
145                         res.control
146                 }
147         }
149         init {
150                 var prefix, ctlName, ctl, selector;
152                 name !? {
153                         name = name.asString;
154                         if(name[1] == $_) { prefix = name[0]; ctlName = name[2..] } { ctlName = name };
155                 };
157                 if(fixedLag && lags.notNil && prefix.isNil) {
158                         buildSynthDef.addKr(name, values.unbubble);
159                         control =, lags);
160                 } {
161                         if(prefix == $a or: {rate === \audio}) {
162                                 buildSynthDef.addAr(name, values.unbubble);
163                                 control =;
165                         } {
166                                 if(prefix == $t or: {rate === \trigger}) {
167                                         buildSynthDef.addTr(name, values.unbubble);
168                                         control =;
169                                 } {
170                                         if(prefix == $i or: {rate === \scalar}) {
171                                                 buildSynthDef.addIr(name, values);
172                                                 control =;
173                                         } {
174                                                 buildSynthDef.addKr(name, values.unbubble);
175                                                 control =;
176                                         }
177                                 }
178                         };
179                 };
181                 control = control.asArray.reshapeLike(values).unbubble;
182         }
184         *initDict {
185                 if(UGen.buildSynthDef !== buildSynthDef or: currentControls.isNil) {
186                         buildSynthDef = UGen.buildSynthDef;
187                         currentControls =;
188                 };
189         }