1 // just a label with the name of the object
3 StringGui : ObjectGui {
6 gui { arg parent, bounds ... args;
7 var layout,string,font;
9 layout=this.guify(parent,bounds);
10 font = GUI.font.new(*GUI.skin.fontSpecs);
14 // floats, integers, symbols will show more clearly what they are
15 string = " "++model.asCompileString;
17 if(string.size > 1024,{
18 string = string.copyRange(0,1024) ++ "...";
21 bounds = bounds.asRect;
24 string.bounds.width(font).max(30),
25 GUI.skin.buttonHeight);
27 this.view = GUI.staticText.new(layout,bounds)
28 .stringColor_(GUI.skin.fontColor)
30 .background_(GUI.skin.background)