2 summary:: a Window with a FlowView on it for use in ObjectGui's MVC model
4 related:: Classes/ObjectGui, Classes/FlowView, Classes/Window, Classes/NotificationCenter
7 This class encapsulates the common task of creating a Window, adding a FlowView (CompositeView with a FlowLayout on it). It also supports the MVC model by registering controllers that are then removed (sent the .remove message) when the Window closes. Additionally it can resize itself to fit the contents.
13 Create a Window with a FlowView on it. The PageLayout object can be treated like a Window or like a View.
19 Bounds or nil. Default of nil will size the window to the entire screen size. Use .resizeToFit to shrink the window to the content size.
28 boolean: add scroll bars or not.
31 boolean: whether to immediately display the window, bringing it to the front. default is true. You may choose to first add your views to the window and then front it which is useful for large slow GUIs
33 returns:: a PageLayout
44 the top most view on the Window
49 boolean: has the window been closed ?
54 Just as for Window, this method is called when the PageLayout's window is closed. The actual Window's onClose method is used to trigger clean up operations, releasing dependencies and will also call this onClose function.
56 returns:: get/set onClose handler
66 if bounds are nil then it returns self, as a PageLayout is compatible with FlowView. If bounds are supplied then a child FlowView is placed and returned
68 returns:: self or a new FlowView
71 inner bounds of the top level view.
76 Similar to asFlowView, this message converts nil and various other objects to a PageLayout. This is already a PageLayout, so it returns self.
79 Ignored. If the receiver had been nil then the name would be the Window name.
82 Ignored. Would have been used to size the PageLayout
87 compatible with FlowView
91 METHOD:: indentedRemaining
92 compatible with FlowView
96 METHOD:: checkNotClosed
102 bring Window to the front
112 Show the window if it was previously hidden.
117 Close the window, releasing any dependencies and calling the onClose handler.
122 Refresh the top level view
127 set background color of top level view
134 METHOD:: removeOnClose
135 Register an object, usually a ObjectGui subclass or an Updater so that when the Window closes the .remove message will be sent to it. This will cause the object to release its dependencies on its Model. This means the ObjectGui (or other controller object) will stop getting update messages and will stop trying to update the View which has just been closed along with the Window. It also means that if there is no link to the Model and no longer any Views that held links to the controller object, that the controller is now unreferenced and will be garbage collected.
138 the object that wishes to be sent .remove on closing the window
143 Resize the top FlowView to fit its contents and then resize the Window to fit that.=
146 boolean: FlowView can relay all of its child views in cases where the bounds have changed or views have been removed. This puts them all back in place one by one for the updated bounds. So this may result in smaller over all bounds, after which the window is shrunk.
149 boolean: after resizing, re-center the window in the screen.
154 see FlowView reflowAll
163 METHOD:: endFullScreen
168 subsection::FlowView extensions
171 Place a new FlowView on the window
174 A handler that recieves the new FlowView as argument
177 Bounds fo the FlowView
179 returns:: (returnvalue)
182 (describe method here)
185 (describe argument here)
188 (describe argument here)
191 (describe argument here)
193 returns:: (returnvalue)
196 (describe method here)
199 (describe argument here)
202 (describe argument here)
205 (describe argument here)
207 returns:: (returnvalue)
210 (describe method here)
213 (describe argument here)
216 (describe argument here)
218 returns:: (returnvalue)
221 (describe method here)
224 (describe argument here)
226 returns:: (returnvalue)