2 summary:: A gui for History objects
3 categories:: GUI>Interfaces
4 related:: Classes/History
7 The gui elements in detail:
9 ## button start || stops and starts History emphasis::if:: code::gui.history:: is current.
10 ## popUp sameDoc/newDoc || switches whether the code::postDoc:: method posts to old post-doc window or new.
11 ## button closeAll || closes all documents called "History repeats".
12 ## button closeOld || closes only those created from this gui, except the latest.
14 ## button X/- || turns filtering on/off.
15 ## popup \all || selects which key to search for (only useful if networked)
16 ## textview || allows for typing in search string.
18 ## listview || shows either all code::lineShorts::, or the filtered code::lineShorts::; selecting them in listview makes them come appear in post-doc window.
26 h = History.new.lines_([
28 [1, \me, "3+5"], [1.234, \you, "q = q ? ();"],
29 [3, \her, "\"Herstory\".speak"]
37 // how filtering works:
47 // internal state cached in gui:
51 // to do: execute line on special key in listview;