2 summary::ascii character
6 Chars may be written as literals using the $ sign. For example $a, $b, $c.
7 See link::Reference/Literals::
9 Chars may be created from link::Classes/Integer::s using the methods link::Classes/Integer#-asAscii:: and link::Classes/Integer#-asDigit::.
24 Returns a bullet character (•) in SuperCollider.app on OSX, but a simple asterix (*) on other frontends.
25 This method is not recommended, since it's actually not cross-platform.
28 private:: archiveAsCompileString
30 subsection::conversion
34 returns:: the integer ascii value of a Char.
38 returns:: an integer value from 0 to 9 for chars $0 to $9, and values 10 to 35 for chars $a to $z
43 returns:: the upper case version of a char. Nonalphabetic chars return themselves.
47 returns:: a lower case version of a char. Nonalphabetic chars return themselves.
53 returns:: whether the char is an alphabetic character.
57 returns:: whether the char is an alphabetic or numeric character.
61 returns:: whether the char is printable.
65 returns:: whether the char is a punctuation character
69 returns:: true if the char is white space.
73 returns:: true if the char is a decimal digit $0 to $9.
77 returns:: true if the char is safe for use as in a filename.
78 excludes the path separators / and :
83 [i,a = i.asAscii,a.isAlphaNum,a.isPrint,a.isPunct,a.isControl].postln;