3 *new { arg parent, bounds; ^super.new(parent,bounds).initQDragView }
6 var plt = this.palette;
7 plt.baseColor = plt.windowColor;
9 this.setProperty(\readOnly, true);
12 // override QView.mouseDownEvent to initiate drag without keyboard modifier
13 mouseDownEvent { arg x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber, clickCount;
14 // Try to get drag obj and start a drag.
15 // If successful, block further processing of this event.
16 if( this.beginDrag( x, y ) ) { ^false };
18 // else continue to handle mouse down event
19 modifiers = QKeyModifiers.toCocoa(modifiers);
20 ^this.mouseDown( x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber, clickCount );
23 defaultGetDrag { ^nil }
24 defaultCanReceiveDrag { ^false }
25 defaultReceiveDrag { }
28 QDragSource : QDragView
30 defaultGetDrag { ^object }
35 defaultCanReceiveDrag { ^true }
36 defaultReceiveDrag { this.object = QView.currentDrag; action.value(this); }
41 defaultGetDrag { ^object }