1 title:: basic_live_coding_techniques
2 summary:: basic live coding techniques
3 categories:: Libraries>JITLib>Tutorials
5 basic live coding techniques ("object style") without the use of JITLib
9 using a simple environment. this looks just like ProxySpace, but works differently. for the difference, see link::Tutorials/JITLib/jitlib_basic_concepts_01:: and link::Tutorials/JITLib/jitlib_basic_concepts_02::.
12 d = (); // create a new environment
13 d.push; // push it to current
15 // this synthdef can be changed on the fly, but the synth will
16 // not change from this. use expression [1] for replacing a given synth
18 SynthDef(\x, { |freq=440|
20 Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(40), freq, 0.1)
25 // send a first synth:
29 // now you can play around with these lines, as well as with the synth def above
30 ~s1 = Synth.replace(~s1, \x, [\freq, 3000]);
39 // set the bus to different values:
44 ~s3 = { Out.kr(~b1, MouseX.kr(300, 900, 1)) }; // add some mouse control on the fly
45 ~s3.free; // remove it again.