2 summary:: two streams combined by a binary operator
3 related:: Classes/UnaryOpStream, Classes/NAryOpStream
4 categories:: Streams-Patterns-Events
8 A BinaryOpStream is created as a result of a binary math operation on a pair of Streams. It is defined to respond to strong::next:: by returning the result of the math operation on the strong::next:: value from both streams. It responds to strong::reset:: by resetting both Streams.
13 x = Routine { 6.do { arg i; i.yield; } } + 64;
19 x = Routine { 6.do { arg i; i.yield; } } + 64;
32 x = Routine { 6.do { arg i; i.yield; } } + Routine { (1..7).do { arg i; (1 / i).yield; } };