2 summary:: Exponential decay
3 related:: Classes/Decay2
4 categories:: UGens>Filters>Linear, UGens>Envelopes
8 This is essentially the same as link::Classes/Integrator:: except that
9 instead of supplying the coefficient directly, it is calculated from a 60
10 dB decay time. This is the time required for the integrator to lose 99.9%
11 of its value or -60dB. This is useful for exponential decaying envelopes
12 triggered by impulses.
22 60 dB decay time in seconds.
31 plot({ Decay.ar(Impulse.ar(1), 0.01) });
33 // used as an envelope
34 play({ Decay.ar(Impulse.ar(XLine.kr(1,50,20), 0.25), 0.2, PinkNoise.ar, 0) });