2 summary:: timed embedding of values
3 related:: Classes/Ptime, Classes/Pstep, Classes/Env
4 categories:: Streams-Patterns-Events>Patterns>Time
8 Pseg defines a function of time as a breakpoint envelope using the same parameters as link::Classes/Env::. These patterns can be used to describe tempo or dynamic variations independent of the rhythmic patterns that express them.
15 A link::Classes/Pattern:: that returns the levels. The first level is the initial value of the envelope, all subsequent values are interpolated.
18 A link::Classes/Pattern:: that returns segments durations in seconds.
21 a link::Classes/Symbol::, link::Classes/Float::, or an link::Classes/Array:: of those. Determines the shape of the segments.
26 The possible values are:
28 ## code::\step:: || || flat segments.
29 ## code::\linear:: || code::\lin:: || linear segments, the default.
30 ## code::\exponential:: || code::\exp:: || natural exponential growth and decay. In this case, the levels must all be nonzero and the have the same sign.
31 ## code::\sine:: || code::\sin:: || sinusoidal S shaped segments.
32 ## code::\welch:: || code::\wel:: || sinusoidal segments shaped like the sides of a Welch window.
33 ## code::\squared:: || code::\sqr:: || squared segment.
34 ## code::\cubed:: || code::\cub:: || cubed segment.
35 ## a link::Classes/Float:: || || a curvature value for all segments. 0 means linear, positive and negative numbers curve the segment up and down.
36 ## an link::Classes/Array:: of symbols or floats || || curvature values for each segment.
45 \note, Pseg( Pseq([1, 5],inf), Pseq([4, 1],inf), \linear),
52 \freq, Pseg( Pseq([400, 1500], inf), Pseq([4, 4],inf), Pseq([\linear, \exp],inf)),