supernova: fix boost.thread move semantics
[supercollider.git] / SCClassLibrary / JITLib / ProxySpace /
1 // lightweight objects that insulate different ways of playing/stopping.
2 // the bundle that is passed in is a MixedBundle
5 AbstractPlayControl {
7         var <source, <>channelOffset;
8         var <paused=false;
10         classvar <>buildMethods, <>proxyControlClasses; // see wrapForNodeProxy for methods
12         *new { | source, channelOffset = 0 |
13                 ^super.newCopyArgs(source, channelOffset);
14         }
16         build { ^true }
17         pause { this.stop }
18         resume { this.start }
19         nodeID { ^nil }
21         readyForPlay { ^true }
22         distributable { ^false } // shared proxy support
24         loadToBundle {}
25         spawnToBundle {} // only active in synthcontrols
28         playToBundle { | bundle, args |
29                 bundle.addOnSendMessage(this, \play); //no latency (latency is in stream already)
30                 ^nil //return a nil object instead of a synth
31         }
33         stopToBundle { | bundle |
34                 bundle.addOnSendMessage(this, \stop);
35         }
37         freeToBundle {}
39         set {}
40         controlNames { ^nil }
42         play { this.subclassResponsibility(thisMethod) }
43         stop { this.subclassResponsibility(thisMethod) }
46         wakeUpParentsToBundle {}
47         addParent { "wrong object in NodeProxy.buildControl".error } // for now.
48         parents { ^nil }
49         store {}
55 // The stream is a pause stream. This is meant for running in the proxy to control inner properties so it is stopped when removed.
58 StreamControl : AbstractPlayControl {
60         var stream, clock;
62         playToBundle { | bundle |
63                 // no latency (latency is in stream already)
64                 if(paused.not) { bundle.addOnSendMessage(this, \play) }
65                 ^nil // return a nil object instead of a synth
66         }
68         build { | proxy, orderIndex = 0 |
69                 clock = proxy.clock;
70                 paused = proxy.paused;
71                 stream = source.buildForProxy(proxy, channelOffset, orderIndex);
72                 ^true;
73         }
75         pause { stream.pause; paused=true }
76         resume { | clock, quant = 1.0 |
77                 stream.resume(clock, quant);
78                 paused = false;
79         }
81         readyForPlay { ^stream.notNil }
83         play {
84                 if(stream.isPlaying.not) {
85               , false, 0.0)
86                 }
87         }
88         stop { stream.stop }
93 PatternControl : StreamControl {
95         var fadeTime, <array;
97         playStream { | str |
98                 var dt;
99                 dt = fadeTime.value;
100                 array = array.add(str);
101                 if(dt <= 0.02) {
102               , false, 0.0)
103                 } {
104                         str.xplay(dt / clock.beatDur, clock, false, 0.0)
105                 }
106         }
108         stopStreams { | streams, dt |
110                 dt = (dt ? fadeTime).value;
111                 if(dt <= 0.02) {
112                { arg item; item.stop  }
113                 } {
114                         dt = dt / clock.beatDur;
115                { arg item; item.xstop(dt) };
116                         // make sure it is stopped, in case next is never called
117                         SystemClock.sched(dt, { });
118                 }
119         }
121         build { | proxy, orderIndex = 0 |
122                 fadeTime = { proxy.fadeTime }; // needed for pattern xfade
123                 stream = source.buildForProxy(proxy, channelOffset, orderIndex);                clock = proxy.clock ? TempoClock.default;
124                 paused = proxy.paused;
125                 ^stream.notNil
126         }
128         stopToBundle { | bundle, dt |
129                 var streams;
130                 streams = array.copy;
131                 array = nil;
132                 bundle.onSend({ this.stopStreams(streams, dt) });
133         }
135         pause {
136       ;
137                 paused = true;
138         }
140         resume { | clock, quant = 1.0 |
141       , quant));
142                 paused = false;
143         }
145         playToBundle { | bundle, args, proxy, addAction = 1 |
146                 if(paused.not and: { stream.isPlaying.not })
147                 {
148                         // no latency (latency is in stream already)
149                         bundle.onSend {
150                                 var str, event;
151                                 str = source.buildForProxy(proxy, channelOffset);
152                                 if(args.notNil) {
153                                         event = str.event;
154                                         args.pairsDo { arg key, val; event[key] = val }
155                                 };
156                                 this.playStream(str)
157                         }
158                 }
159                 ^nil // return a nil object instead of a synth
160         }
162         stop {
163                 this.stopStreams(array.copy);
164                 array = nil;
165         }
171 SynthControl : AbstractPlayControl {
173         var <server, <>nodeID;
174         var <canReleaseSynth=false, <canFreeSynth=false;
176         loadToBundle {} // assumes that SynthDef is loaded in the server
178         asDefName { ^source }
180         distributable { ^canReleaseSynth } // n_free not implemented in shared node proxy
182         build { | proxy |       // assumes audio rate proxy if not initialized
183                 var rate, desc;
184                 desc = this.synthDesc;
185                 if(desc.notNil) {
186                         canFreeSynth = desc.canFreeSynth;
187                         canReleaseSynth = desc.hasGate && canFreeSynth;
188                 };
189                 if(proxy.isNeutral) { rate = \audio };
190                 ^proxy.initBus(rate, proxy.numChannels ? 2)
191         }
193         spawnToBundle { | bundle, extraArgs, target, addAction = 0 | // assumes self freeing
194                 var targetID = target.asTarget.nodeID;
195                 bundle.add([9, this.asDefName, -1, addAction, targetID]++extraArgs.asOSCArgArray);
196         }
198         playToBundle { | bundle, extraArgs, target, addAction = 1 |
199                 var group;
200                 server = target.server;
201                 group = target.asTarget;
202                 nodeID = server.nextNodeID;
203                 bundle.add([9, this.asDefName, nodeID, addAction, group.nodeID]++extraArgs.asOSCArgArray);
204                 if(paused) { bundle.add(["/n_run", nodeID, 0]) };
205                 ^nodeID
206         }
208         stopToBundle { | bundle, fadeTime |
209                 if(nodeID.notNil) {
210                         if(canReleaseSynth) {
211                                         bundle.addAll([['/error', -1], [15, nodeID, \gate, 0.0, \fadeTime, fadeTime], ['/error', -2]]);
212                         } {
213                                         if(canFreeSynth.not) { //"/n_free"
214                                                 bundle.addAll([['/error', -1], [11, nodeID], ['/error', -2]]);
215                                         };
216                                         // otherwise it is self freeing by some inner mechanism.
217                         };
218                         nodeID = nil;
219                 }
220         }
222         set { | ... args |
223                 server.sendBundle(server.latency, ["/n_set", nodeID] ++ args);
224         }
226         pause { | clock, quant = 1 |
227       , quant, false);
228         }
230         resume { | clock, quant = 1 |
231       , quant, true);
232         }
234         run { | clock, quant, flag = true |
235                 if(nodeID.notNil) {
236                         (clock ? SystemClock).play({
237                                 server.sendMsg("/n_run", nodeID, flag.binaryValue);
238                                 paused = flag.not;
239                                 nil;
240                         }, quant)
241                 } { paused = flag.not; }
242         }
244         synthDesc {
245                 var dict =;
246                 ^if(dict.notNil) { } { nil };
247         }
249         controlNames {
250                 var desc = this.synthDesc;
251                 ^if(desc.notNil) { desc.controls } { nil }
252         }
254         synthDefPath { ^SynthDef.synthDefDir ++ this.asDefName ++ ".scsyndef" }
256         store { }
261 SynthDefControl : SynthControl {
263         var <synthDef, <parents;
265         readyForPlay { ^synthDef.notNil }
267         build { | proxy, orderIndex = 0 |
268                 var ok, rate, numChannels;
270                 NodeProxy.buildProxyControl = this;
271                 synthDef = source.buildForProxy(proxy, channelOffset, orderIndex);
272                 NodeProxy.buildProxyControl = nil;
274                 rate = synthDef.rate ?? { if(proxy.rate !== \control) { \audio } { \control } };
275                 numChannels = synthDef.numChannels ? proxy.numChannels ? 2;
276                 ok = proxy.initBus(rate, numChannels);
278                 if(ok and: { synthDef.notNil}) {
279                         paused = proxy.paused;
280                         canReleaseSynth = synthDef.canReleaseSynth;
281                         canFreeSynth = synthDef.canFreeSynth;
282                 } {
283                         synthDef = nil;
284                 }
285         }
287         loadToBundle { | bundle, server |
288                 var bytes, size, path;
290                 bytes = synthDef.asBytes;
291                 size = bytes.size;
292                 size = size - (size bitAnd: 3) + 84; // 4 + 4 + 16 + 16 // appx path length size + overhead
293                 if(server.options.protocol === \tcp or: { size < 16383}) {
294                         // full size: 65535, but does not work.
295                         bundle.addPrepare([5, bytes]); // "/d_recv"
296                 } {
297                         // bridge exceeding bundle size by writing to disk
298                         if(server.isLocal.not) {
299                                 Error("SynthDef too large (" ++ size
300                                 ++ " bytes) to be sent to remote server via udp").throw;
301                         };
302                         path = this.synthDefPath;
303                         this.writeSynthDefFile(path, bytes);
304                         bundle.addPrepare([6, path]); // "/d_load"
305                 }
306         }
308         freeToBundle { | bundle |
309                 if(synthDef.notNil) { bundle.addPrepare([53,]) } // "/d_free"
310         }
312         writeSynthDefFile { | path, bytes |
313                 var file = File(path, "w");
314                 protect { file.putAll(bytes) } { file.close }
315         }
317         asDefName { ^ }
319         wakeUpParentsToBundle { | bundle, checkedAlready |
320        { | proxy |
321                         proxy.wakeUpToBundle(bundle, checkedAlready)
322                 }
323         }
325         addParent { | proxy |
326                 if(parents.isNil) { parents = };
327                 parents.add(proxy);
328         }
330         controlNames { ^synthDef.allControlNames }