supernova: allocators - fix construct method
[supercollider.git] / editors / scapp / include / MyDocument.h
1 /*
2 SuperCollider real time audio synthesis system
3 Copyright (c) 2002 James McCartney. All rights reserved.
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
21 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
22 #import "UserPanel.h"
23 #import "SCTextView.h"
24 #include "PyrObject.h"
25 #include "PyrKernel.h"
26 #include "GC.h"
27 #include "VMGlobals.h"
29 extern pthread_mutex_t gLangMutex;
30 extern PyrSymbol *s_closed;
33 @interface MyDocument : NSDocument <NSOpenSavePanelDelegate, NSTextViewDelegate>
34 #else
35 @interface MyDocument : NSDocument
36 #endif
39 IBOutlet SCTextView* initTextView;
40 IBOutlet SCTextView* textView;
41 IBOutlet NSScrollView* scrollView;
42 IBOutlet NSSplitView *mySplitView;
43 IBOutlet SCTextView *textView2;
44 IBOutlet NSScrollView *scrollView2;
45 SCTextView *activeTextView;
46 Boolean isRichText;
47 struct PyrObject *mWindowObj;
48 Boolean promptToSave;
49 NSString *pathToSaveAttachments;
50 BOOL split;
54 - (SCTextView*)makeTextView;
55 - (SCTextView*) textView;
56 - (SCTextView*) textView2;
58 - (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController*) aController;
60 - (void)addDocument;
62 - (IBAction)openCode:(id)sender;
63 - (IBAction)methodTemplates: (id)sender;
64 - (IBAction)methodReferences: (id)sender;
66 - (IBAction)balanceParens: (id)sender;
68 - (IBAction)syntaxColorize: (id)sender;
69 - (void) insertText: (char*) text length: (int)length;
70 - (IBAction)shiftLeft: (id)sender;
71 - (IBAction)shiftRight: (id)sender;
72 - (IBAction)commentCode: (id)sender;
73 - (IBAction)uncommentCode:(id)sender;
74 - (IBAction)wrapParens: (int)sender;
75 - (IBAction)wrapSquareBrackets: (int)sender;
76 - (IBAction)wrapCurlyBrackets: (int)sender;
78 - (IBAction) executeSelection: (id) sender;
79 //- (NSString*)currentlySelectedTextOrLine: (NSRange*) outRange;
80 -(void)selectRangeStart:(int)rangeStart size:(int)rangeSize;
82 - (IBAction) showHelpFor: (id) sender;
83 - (IBAction)showClassBrowser:(id)sender;
85 - (BOOL) textView: (NSTextView *) textView
86 clickedOnLink: (id) link
87 atIndex: (unsigned) charIndex;
88 - (IBAction) createLink: (id) sender;
90 - (void)sendSelection: (char*) methodName;
92 - (NSString *)windowNibName;
94 - (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString*) path ofType:(NSString *)aType;
95 - (BOOL)readFromFile:(NSString *)path ofType:(NSString *)aType;
97 - (BOOL) shouldRunSavePanelWithAccessoryView;
99 - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender;
100 - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
101 - (IBAction) becomePostWindow: (id) sender;
102 - (BOOL) isDocumentEdited;
104 - (void)doToggleRich;
105 // toggleRich: puts up an alert before ultimately calling doToggleRich
106 - (IBAction)toggleRich:(id)sender;
107 - (void)setRichText:(BOOL)flag;
109 - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)aCell;
111 - (void)setSCObject: (struct PyrObject*)inObject;
112 - (struct PyrObject*)getSCObject;
113 - (void) closeWindow;
114 - (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor *)color;
115 - (void)setSelectedBackgroundColor:(NSColor *)color;
116 - (NSScrollView*) scrollView;
117 - (SCTextView*) initTextView;
118 - (SCTextView*) activeTextView;
119 - (void)initialiseTextViewParams: (SCTextView*)aTextView;
120 - (void)selectLine:(int)linenum;
121 - (IBAction)selectLineWindow: (id) sender;
122 - (IBAction)advancedFindReplaceAction:(id)sender;
123 - (void) callSCLangWithMethod: (PyrSymbol*) method;
124 - (BOOL) promptToSave;
125 - (void) setPromptToSave: (BOOL) flag;
126 - (void) keyUp: (NSEvent*) event;
127 - (void) keyDown: (NSEvent*) event;
128 - (BOOL) handleKeyDown: (NSEvent*) event;
129 - (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent*) event;
131 - (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)affectedCharRange replacementString:(NSString *)replacementString;
132 - (void)flashHighlight: (BOOL)onoff atIndex: (int)index wait: (NSTimeInterval)interval timesLeft: (int)timesLeft;
133 - (void)replaceOldStyleHelpLinksWithHyperLinks;
134 - (IBAction)convertHelpLinksToHyperlinks:(id)sender;
135 - (void)convertFileLinksToRelative:(NSTextStorage *)textStorage;
137 - (void) loadHTML:(NSURL *)url;
139 - (IBAction)toggleSplitWindow: (id)sender;
140 - (void)setActiveTextView:(SCTextView*)aTextView;
141 - (void) setUsesAutoInOutdent: (bool)flag;
142 @end
144 NSString* pathOfHelpFileFor(NSString* selection);
145 void showHelpFor(NSString* selection);
146 void fixHTMLBoldUnderline(NSMutableString* html);
147 NSString* pathOfFileRelativeToBaseDir(NSString *filepath, NSString *baseDir);