Protected backtrace: don't print all of a very long sourceCode string
[supercollider.git] / editors / scapp / include / SCCocoaView.h
1 /*
2 SCCocoaView.M
5 Created by falkenst on Tue Feb 08 2005.
6 Copyright (c) 2005 jan truetzschler. All rights reserved.
8 SuperCollider real time audio synthesis system
9 Copyright (c) 2002 James McCartney. All rights reserved.
12 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 (at your option) any later version.
17 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 GNU General Public License for more details.
22 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
27 #include "SCView.h"
28 #import "SCCocoaView.h"
29 #import "SCTextView.h"
30 #import "SCVirtualMachine.h"
31 #include "QTKit/QTKit.h"
32 #include <Quartz/Quartz.h>
33 #include <WebKit/WebView.h>
34 #import <WebKit/WebEditingDelegate.h>
37 @interface SCCocoaTextViewResponder : NSResponder <NSTextViewDelegate>
38 #else
39 @interface SCCocoaTextViewResponder : NSResponder
40 #endif
43 //struct PyrObject *mSCObject;
44 struct SCCocoaTextView *mSCViewObject;
45 BOOL usesTabToFocusNextView;
46 BOOL enterExecutesSelection;
49 //- (void) keyDown;
50 //- (void) keyUp;
51 //- (void)setSCObject: (struct PyrObject*)inObject;
52 - (struct PyrObject*)getSCObject;
53 - (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
54 - (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
55 - (void)setSCView: (struct SCCocoaTextView*)inObject;
56 - (IBAction) executeSelection: (id) sender;
57 - (void)sendSelection: (char*) methodName;
58 - (void) keyUp: (NSEvent*) event;
59 - (BOOL) handleKeyDown: (NSEvent*) event;
60 - (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent*) event;
61 - (void) setUsesTabToFocusNextView: (BOOL) flag;
62 - (void) setEnterExecutesSelection: (BOOL) flag;
63 - (BOOL) textView: (NSTextView *) textView
64 clickedOnLink: (id) link
65 atIndex: (unsigned) charIndex;
66 - (void) loadHTMLToTextView:(NSURL *)url;
67 - (void)setActiveTextView:(SCTextView*)aTextView;
68 @end
71 @interface SCTextFieldResponder : NSTextField <NSTextFieldDelegate>
72 #else
73 @interface SCTextFieldResponder : NSTextField
74 #endif
76 struct SCTextField *mSCViewObject;
77 BOOL mDragStarted;
78 BOOL mAcceptsFirstResponder;
79 BOOL mEditingInactive; // we use this to determine if editing is not active when keyDown is received
80 NSNumberFormatter *mFormatter; // for numbox
83 - (struct PyrObject*)getSCObject;
84 - (void)setSCView: (struct SCTextField*)inObject;
85 - (void) setAcceptsFirstResponder: (BOOL) flag;
86 - (void) addNumberFormatter;
87 - (void) setEditingInactive: (BOOL)flag;
88 - (BOOL) editingInactive;
89 @end
91 @interface SCNSMenuItem : NSMenuItem {
92 struct PyrObject *mMenuItemObj;
95 - (void)setSCObject: (struct PyrObject*)inObject;
96 - (struct PyrObject*)getSCObject;
97 - (void)doAction: (id)sender;
99 @end
101 @interface SCNSLevelIndicator : NSLevelIndicator {
102 BOOL drawPeak, isVertical, criticalAboveWarning;
103 float peakSubtract, peakLevel, peakY, peakHeight;
104 double value, peakValue;
105 double warning, critical;
108 - (void)setDrawPeak:(BOOL)flag;
109 - (void)setIsVertical:(BOOL)flag;
110 - (void)setPeakSubtract:(float)val;
111 - (void)setPeakLevel:(float)val;
112 - (void)prepPeakBounds;
113 - (void)setUpWarning:(double)val;
114 - (void)setUpCritical:(double)val;
116 @end
118 @interface SCNSFlippedView : NSView {
122 @end
124 @interface SCNSWebView : WebView {
125 struct SCWebView *mSCWebView;
126 int loadCount;
127 bool handleLinks;
128 BOOL enterExecutesSelection;
131 - (void)initVars;
132 - (void) setHandleLinks: (bool)handle;
133 - (void)resetLoadCount;
134 - (void)setSCObject: (struct SCWebView*)inObject;
135 - (struct SCWebView*)getSCObject;
136 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;
137 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:(NSError *)error forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;
138 - (void)doFailAction;
139 - (void)doLoadAction;
140 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error;
141 - (BOOL)webView:(WebView *)webView shouldInsertText:(NSString *)text replacingDOMRange:(DOMRange *)range givenAction:(WebViewInsertAction)action;
142 - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation request:(NSURLRequest *)request frame:(WebFrame *)frame decisionListener:(id )listener;
143 - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView unableToImplementPolicyWithError:(NSError *)error frame:(WebFrame *)frame;
144 - (void)doLinkAction:(NSString *)urlString;
145 - (void) setEnterExecutesSelection: (BOOL) flag;
146 - (void)sendSelection: (char*) methodName;
147 - (void)setSelection;
148 - (IBAction)openCode:(id)sender;
149 - (IBAction) showHelpFor: (id) sender;
150 - (IBAction)showHelpSearch:(id)sender;
152 - (IBAction)methodTemplates: (id)sender;
153 - (IBAction)methodReferences: (id)sender;
154 - (IBAction)executeSelection: (id) sender;
155 - (void)cmdF:(id)sender;
157 @end
159 class SCCocoaTextView : public SCView
161 public:
162 SCCocoaTextView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
163 virtual ~SCCocoaTextView();
164 virtual void makeFocus(bool focus);
165 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
166 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
167 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
168 virtual void keyDown(int character, int modifiers, unsigned short keycode);
169 virtual void keyUp(int character, int modifiers, unsigned short keycode);
171 SCTextView* getTextView(){return mTextView;};
172 void tabPrevFocus();
173 void tabNextFocus();
174 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
175 void setLoadLinkInView(bool flag){mLoadLinkInView = flag;};
176 bool getLoadLinkInView(){return mLoadLinkInView;};
178 int open(NSString *path);
179 NSURL* getLastURL() {return mLastURL;};
180 bool linkAction(NSString *path);
182 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mTextView; }
184 protected:
185 SCTextView *mTextView;
186 NSScrollView *mScrollView;
187 SCCocoaTextViewResponder *mCocoaToLangAction;
188 bool mLoadLinkInView;
189 NSURL *mLastURL;
192 class SCMovieView : public SCView
194 public:
195 SCMovieView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
196 virtual ~SCMovieView();
197 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
198 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
199 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
200 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
201 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mMovieView; }
203 protected:
204 QTMovieView *mMovieView;
205 QTTime mTime;
206 QTMovie *mMovie;
209 class SCWebView : public SCView
211 public:
212 SCWebView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
213 virtual ~SCWebView();
214 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
215 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
216 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
217 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
218 //virtual void keyDown(int character, int modifiers, unsigned short keycode);
219 void tabPrevFocus();
220 void tabNextFocus();
221 virtual void doOnLoadAction();
222 virtual void doLoadFailedAction();
223 virtual void doLinkClickedAction(PyrString* pstring);
224 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mWebView; }
225 SCTopView* getTop() { return mTop; }
226 virtual void mouseTrack(SCPoint where, int modifiers, NSEvent *theEvent);
228 protected:
229 SCNSWebView *mWebView;
230 SCNSFlippedView *flipView;
233 //class SCTextField : public SCStaticText
234 class SCTextField : public SCView
236 public:
237 SCTextField(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
238 virtual ~SCTextField();
239 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
240 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
241 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
242 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
243 virtual void makeFocus(bool focus);
244 virtual void keyDown(int character, int modifiers, unsigned short keycode);
245 void tabPrevFocus();
246 void tabNextFocus();
247 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mTextField; }
248 BOOL performDrag();
249 NSDragOperation draggingEntered();
250 virtual bool canReceiveDrag();
251 SCTopView* getTop() { return mTop; }
252 virtual void mouseTrack(SCPoint where, int modifiers, NSEvent *theEvent);
253 virtual void beginDrag(SCPoint where);
255 protected:
256 SCTextFieldResponder *mTextField;
257 SCColor mBoxColor;
258 //SCTextFieldResponder *mCocoaToLangAction;
260 SCColor mStringColor;
263 class SCNumberBox : public SCTextField
265 public:
266 SCNumberBox(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
267 virtual ~SCNumberBox();
268 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
269 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
270 virtual void keyDown(int character, int modifiers, unsigned short keycode);
273 //////////////////////////////////////
275 SCQuartzComposerView by Scott Wilson
276 Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Wilson. All rights reserved.
277 Development funded in part by the Arts and Humanites Research Council
280 class SCQuartzComposerView : public SCView
282 public:
283 SCQuartzComposerView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
284 virtual ~SCQuartzComposerView();
285 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
286 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
287 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
288 virtual id getNSObjectForSCObject(PyrSlot *scobject, int *returnErr);
289 virtual int getSCObjectForNSObject(PyrSlot *slot, id nsObject, NSString *type);
290 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
291 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mQCView; }
293 protected:
294 QCView *mQCView;
297 class SCLevelIndicator : public SCView
299 public:
300 SCLevelIndicator(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
301 virtual ~SCLevelIndicator();
302 virtual void setBounds(SCRect inBounds);
303 void setImage();
304 void resetParams();
305 virtual int setProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
306 virtual int getProperty(PyrSymbol *symbol, PyrSlot *slot);
307 virtual void setVisibleFromParent();
308 void tabPrevFocus();
309 void tabNextFocus();
310 virtual NSView* focusResponder() { return mLevelIndicator; }
312 protected:
313 SCNSLevelIndicator *mLevelIndicator;
314 NSImage *mImage;
315 int mStyle;
316 double mNumSteps, mWarning, mCritical;
317 float mTickHeight;
318 bool mIsVertical;
321 SCView* NewSCCocoaTextView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
322 SCView* NewSCMovieView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
323 SCView* NewSCQuartzComposerView(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
324 SCView* NewSCTextField(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);
325 SCView* NewSCLevelIndicator(SCContainerView *inParent, PyrObject* inObj, SCRect inBounds);