Add New Feature Compatibility Table.
[svn.git] / build / win32 /
1 @echo off
3 rem ====== Environment change lives only for the duration of the script
4 setlocal
6 rem ====== Set these shell variables before doing a build.
7 rem VER is used to name the output bin dir as svn-win32-%VER%
8 set VER=trunk
9 rem DIR is appended to src- to make the dir name, e.g., src-trunk
10 set DIR=trunk
11 set DRIVE=C
12 set PYTHONDIR=C:\Python22
13 set AWKDIR=C:\SVN\awk
14 set NASMDIR=C:\SVN\nasm
15 set SDKINC=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\include
16 set SDKLIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\lib
17 set APACHEDIR=C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2
18 set GETTEXTINC=C:\SVN\gettext\include
19 set GETTEXTLIB=C:\SVN\gettext\lib
20 set GETTEXTBIN=C:\SVN\gettext\bin
21 rem ====== End of shell variables which need to be set.
23 rem Set up path to include Python and BDB.
26 rem Set INCLUDE and LIB for the msdev builds.
30 rem Check that the subversion code exists here.
31 cd %DRIVE%:\SVN\src-%DIR%
32 if not exist subversion goto wrongstartdir
33 cd ..
35 rem ====== Check the prerequisites are at least in the right place.
36 if not exist httpd-2.0.50 goto httpderr
37 if not exist nasm goto nasmerr
38 if not exist openssl-0.9.7d goto opensslerr
39 if not exist src-%DIR% goto svnerr
40 if not exist zlib goto zliberr
41 if not exist zlib\zlibstat.lib goto zlibstaterr
42 if not exist src-%DIR%\db4-win32 goto bdberr
43 if not exist src-%DIR%\neon goto neonerr
44 if not exist gettext goto gettexterr
45 goto allok
47 :wrongstartdir
48 echo Unable to find %DRIVE%:\SVN\src-%DIR%\subversion
49 goto theveryend
50 :httpderr
51 echo Unable to find httpd-2.0.50
52 goto end
53 :nasmerr
54 echo Unable to find nasm
55 goto end
56 :opensslerr
57 echo Unable to find openssl-0.9.7d
58 goto end
59 :svnerr
60 echo Unable to find Subversion source in src-%DIR%
61 goto end
62 :zliberr
63 echo Unable to find zlib
64 goto end
65 :zlibstaterr
66 echo Please copy zlib\static32\zlibstat.lib to zlib\zlibstat.lib
67 goto end
68 :bdberr
69 echo Unable to find Berekely DB
70 goto end
71 :neonerr
72 echo Unable to find neon
73 goto end
74 :gettexterr
75 echo Unable to find gettext
76 goto end
77 :allok
79 rem ====== Build openssl.
80 cd openssl-0.9.7d
81 perl Configure VC-WIN32
82 call ms\do_nasm
83 nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
84 cd out32dll
85 call ..\ms\test
86 cd ..\..
88 rem ====== Build Apache 2
89 cd src-%DIR%
90 python -t dsp --with-httpd=..\httpd-2.0.50 --with-berkeley-db=db4-win32 --with-openssl=..\openssl-0.9.7d --with-zlib=..\zlib --enable-nls --enable-bdb-in-apr-util
91 cd ..
92 msdev httpd-2.0.50\apache.dsw /MAKE "BuildBin - Win32 Release"
94 rem ====== Subversion
95 cd src-%DIR%
96 msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /USEENV /MAKE "__ALL_TESTS__ - Win32 Release"
97 mkdir Release\subversion\tests\cmdline
98 xcopy /S /Y subversion\tests\cmdline Release\subversion\tests\cmdline
99 copy Release\subversion\mod_dav_svn\ "%APACHEDIR%"\modules
100 copy Release\subversion\mod_authz_svn\ "%APACHEDIR%"\modules
101 cd ..
103 rem ====== Copy the binaries into a tree suitable for zipping.
104 mkdir svn-win32-%VER%
105 mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\bin
106 mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
107 mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\iconv
108 copy src-%DIR%\db4-win32\bin\libdb42.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
109 copy openssl-0.9.7d\out32dll\libeay32.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
110 copy openssl-0.9.7d\out32dll\ssleay32.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
111 copy httpd-2.0.50\srclib\apr\Release\libapr.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
112 copy httpd-2.0.50\srclib\apr-iconv\Release\libapriconv.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
113 copy httpd-2.0.50\srclib\apr-iconv\Release\iconv\*.so svn-win32-%VER%\iconv
114 copy httpd-2.0.50\srclib\apr-util\Release\libaprutil.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
115 copy gettext\bin\intl.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
116 copy gettext\bin\iconv.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
117 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svn\svn.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
118 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnadmin\svnadmin.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
119 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svndumpfilter\svndumpfilter.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
120 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnlook\svnlook.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
121 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnserve\svnserve.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
122 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnversion\svnversion.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
123 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\mod_authz_svn\ svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
124 copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\mod_dav_svn\ svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
125 copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\intl.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
126 copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\iconv.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
127 copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\libdb42.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
129 rem ====== Configure Apache ready for doing tests.
130 @echo off
131 echo Configure Apache to use the mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn modules
132 echo by making sure these lines appear uncommented in httpd.conf:
133 echo LoadModule dav_module modules/
134 echo LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
135 echo LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
136 echo LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
137 echo And further down the file add:
138 echo ^<Location /svn-test-work/repositories^>
139 echo DAV svn
140 echo SVNParentPath %DRIVE%:/SVN/src-%DIR%/Release/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/repositories
141 echo ^</Location^>
142 echo ^<Location /svn-test-work/local_tmp/repos^>
143 echo DAV svn
144 echo SVNPath %DRIVE%:/SVN/src-%DIR%/Release/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/local_tmp/repos
145 echo ^</Location^>
146 echo Then restart Apache.
148 echo Please configure Apache and press enter:
149 pause
150 @echo on
152 rem ====== Run the tests.
153 PATH=%DRIVE%:\SVN\svn-win32-%VER%\bin;%PATH%
154 cd src-%DIR%
155 python -c -r -v
156 python -c -r -v -u http://localhost
157 cd ..
159 :end
160 cd src-%DIR%
161 endlocal
162 :theveryend