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12 <title>Why Damon Poole is Wrong about Subversion and Open Source</title>
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18 <h1 style="text-align: center;"
19 >Why Damon Poole is Wrong about Subversion and Open Source</h1>
21 <p style="font-size: 70%; text-align: center;">[First published: 10 Jan 2006,
22 canonical URL:
23 <a href=""
24 ></a>]</p>
26 <p>In an <a
27 href="">
28 opinion piece</a> in the Dec. 15th issue of the Software Development
29 Times, AccuRev CTO Damon Poole makes various false or misleading
30 claims about Subversion and about open source SCM systems in general.
31 Beyond that, he uses not-very-subtly biased language to imply that
32 only proprietary SCM systems are worth taking seriously. Since his
33 company competes directly against open source systems, it's
34 understandable that he'd want his readers to think this, but it is a
35 disservice to people seeking solutions to their change management
36 problems.</p>
38 <p>Poole's article does make some valid points, and we agree that
39 commercial investment is good for software, both proprietary and open
40 source. However, we think he misanalyzes the amount, nature, and
41 effect of commercial backing in open source software. The purpose of
42 this response is to correct his mistakes and point out his biases.
43 Therefore we address only those issues below, and urge you to read his
44 original piece for the rest (<a
45 href=""
46 ></a>).
47 Indented red text in italics is quoted from the original, the regular
48 text is our commentary:</p>
50 <blockquote>
51 <p style="color: red;"><i>According to the analyst firm Ovum, most
52 professional developers are still using homegrown SCM tools. Homegrown
53 tools are either built entirely from scratch or more commonly built
54 atop one of the free version-control tools such as CVS or
55 Subversion.</i></p>
56 </blockquote>
58 <p>By saying "still", Poole tries to imply some clear industry trend
59 toward proprietary solutions, when there is no such trend. Numbers
60 are hard to come by, because open source licenses cannot be tracked
61 like proprietary ones, but anyone working in professional software
62 development today knows that adoption of open source SCM is strong; on
63 the Subversion mailing lists, we often see posts from people seeking
64 to switch from proprietary tools to Subversion. And the degree to
65 which an SCM solution is "homegrown" is largely independent of whether
66 it is based on open source or proprietary technology, as we discuss in
67 more detail below.</p>
69 <blockquote>
70 <p style="color: red;"><i>Unlike major open-source projects such as
71 Linux, which receives corporate support in the form of salaried
72 engineers from such companies as IBM and Red Hat, open-source SCM
73 projects receive very little corporate sponsorship. As a result,
74 features and innovation in the open-source SCM tools lag far behind
75 the commercial SCM tools.</i></p>
76 </blockquote>
78 <p><a href="">CollabNet</a>, which started the
79 Subversion project, has sponsored it consistently for six years as of
80 this writing, employing several full-time developers and paying all
81 the hosting and infrastructure costs (<a
82 href="">Red&nbsp;Hat</a> also sponsored some of
83 its early development). Other open source SCM systems also receive
84 corporate sponsorship, for example, <a
85 href="">Canonical</a> sponsors <a
86 href="">Bazaar-NG</a>, <a
87 href="">Best&nbsp;Practical</a> supports <a
88 href="">SVK</a> development, etc.</p>
90 <p>Regarding innovation: let's remember that it was an open source
91 product (<a href="">CVS</a>) that made
92 WAN-accessible version control repositories an industry standard, a
93 feature some proprietary products are still scrambling to catch up
94 with, now that globally distributed development is becoming the norm.
95 Poole is naive to assume that only proprietary models are capable of
96 real innovation; it's never been that simple. But even granting that
97 wrong assumption, open source development receives more, and steadier,
98 funding than he acknowledges.</p>
100 <blockquote>
101 <p style="color: red;"><i>Some of the major features that are
102 available only in the commercial tools are refactoring (rename
103 operations that preserve history and merge operations), issue-based
104 change packages, tight integration with issue tracking, stream-based
105 development, caching, replication, full support for mixed Unix and
106 Windows environments, and process workflow. In addition to these
107 examples, there are literally hundreds of smaller features that are
108 available only in the commercial tools.</i></p>
109 </blockquote>
111 <p>Many of these features are available in open source tools; anyone
112 familiar with the field would be able to think of counterexamples
113 right away. Perhaps Poole has highly idiosyncratic definitions of
114 these features, carefully constructed so as to make his statement true
115 in some formal sense, but if that's the case, he should state those
116 definitions clearly. His statements as given are misleading, at least
117 as most readers would be likely to interpret them. We also wonder if
118 he has actually enumerated those "hundreds" of features that are
119 "available only in the commercial tools"&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;and if he
120 has tried the same exercise in the other direction.</p>
122 <blockquote>
123 <p style="color: red;"><i>CVS, introduced in 1986 and now the most
124 popular open-source SCM tool, is missing not only the features above,
125 but also some of the more basic features, such as atomic transactions,
126 fast branching, rename tracking and merge tracking.</i></p>
127 </blockquote>
129 <blockquote>
130 <p style="color: red;"><i>In 2000, a group of open-source developers
131 (with the help of a commercial sponsor, CollabNet), set out to address
132 this deficit by creating a tool from scratch, called Subversion. Their
133 goals and road map do not include the more advanced capabilities
134 listed earlier. In the five years since inception, they have
135 accomplished only the first two of their four goals, atomic
136 transactions and fast branching. It comes as no surprise that rename
137 tracking and merge tracking are still missing from Subversion, as
138 those are both difficult SCM problems that are typically either part
139 of the original architecture or never implemented (as is the case with
140 CVS).</i></p>
141 </blockquote>
143 <p>This isn't just bias or misstatement: it's factually incorrect.
144 And inexcusable, given that everything about the Subversion project
145 and its history is publicly accessible at the project's home page (<a
146 href=""></a>).</p>
148 <p>Looking at the original version of the Subversion home page, as it
149 appeared when the project was started, we count twelve goals (not
150 four), many with subgoals. Almost all of these were accomplished; a
151 few were deferred and replaced with different
152 goals&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;reprioritizations that resulted from listening
153 closely to our user community, a responsiveness which is one of open
154 source's great strengths.</p>
156 <p>Furthermore, Subversion's road map (which extends far beyond the
157 1.0 goals we reached in 2004) has long included many of the features
158 Damon Poole claims the project is ignoring. There are even issues
159 filed in our public issue tracker about some of these features,
160 with links to design discussions and patches.</p>
162 <p>But there's a deeper sense in which he is mistaken. Subversion by
163 itself may be a standalone version control system, but thanks to its
164 rich and well-documented APIs, it has been integrated into fuller
165 change management systems, that include features like tight
166 integration with issue tracking (see <a
167 href="">Trac</a>, for example). Such
168 third-party repackaging is the norm in open source software, and means
169 that end users can enjoy the benefits of tool integration without
170 needing to become integration experts themselves. Thus Poole should
171 either compare just the version control component of a proprietary
172 suite against Subversion, or compare a full proprietary suite against
173 a full open source suite. Comparing standalone Subversion with an
174 entire proprietary tool suite is weighing apples against oranges.</p>
176 <blockquote>
177 <p style="color: red;"><i>Open-source SCM tools are written by
178 open-source developers primarily to meet their own needs. This leaves
179 out key constituencies such as release engineers, QA and
180 management. The commercial SCM tools need to appeal to all
181 constituencies and thus offer a more balanced set of features and
182 benefits for the whole organization.</i></p>
183 </blockquote>
185 <p>There is a kernel of truth to this description of open source, but
186 the Subversion project (with institutional support from CollabNet) has
187 worked hard to overcome this problem by deliberately seeking out
188 enterprise-level users and studying their requirements, to help us
189 design and prioritize features.</p>
191 <p>It is certainly not true that proprietary SCM tools need to appeal
192 to more constituencies than open source tools. Any tool that wants to
193 be successful will appeal to as many constituencies as it can while
194 remaining coherent and comprehensible. That's exactly what we're
195 trying to do with Subversion, and we believe we're succeeding.</p>
197 <blockquote>
198 <p style="color: red;"><i>Homegrown tools tend to be built to satisfy
199 current business requirements, and thus, they lack the flexibility to
200 adapt quickly to changing business needs. Reconfiguring usually means
201 partial rewrites or adding new functionality. The need for SCM vendors
202 to meet the requirements of many organizations requires them to design
203 SCM tools that easily adapt to a wide range of business requirements
204 via customization. When it comes time to change your process, it is
205 far easier to change customizations in a commercial SCM tool than it
206 is to rewrite or add new functionality to a homegrown SCM
207 tool.</i></p>
208 </blockquote>
210 <p>This doesn't ring true, even if one accepts the premise that a
211 proprietary tool will need less customization than an open source one
212 (which is not always the case). Why would a
213 closed source tool be inherently more flexible than an open source
214 one, when open source tools come with source code, a wealth of
215 third-party add-ons in some cases, and a vastly better record of
216 standards-compliance and interoperability? Our experience has been
217 the opposite: open source tools are more flexible than proprietary
218 ones. Flexibility may or may not be a good thing, depending on how
219 much customization one desires, but that is a different question.</p>
221 <p>This might also be the place to point out that Poole likes to say
222 "homegrown" when he's talking about open source, but "customization"
223 when talking about proprietary solutions. We don't see the
224 difference. Those who run open source SCM systems customize them in
225 the same way they would a proprietary system: via the published APIs
226 and administrative interfaces. Open source solutions are not
227 necessarily more nor less "homegrown" than proprietary ones. The
228 amount of customization required depends on how well a tool natively
229 fits one's needs, regardless of whether that tool is proprietary or
230 open source. Poole's use of "homegrown" is merely pejorative.</p>
232 <blockquote>
233 <p style="color: red;"><i>Commercial SCM tools are rapidly gaining in
234 popularity. In 1994, according to IDC, just US$173 million was spent
235 on commercial SCM tools. In 2004, $1,062 million was spent, with
236 double-digit growth in both 2003 and 2004. Looking forward, IDC
237 expects this growth to continue.</i></p>
238 </blockquote>
240 <p>The statistics Poole gives above do not support his case; they may
241 support the opposite.</p>
243 <p>Between 1994 and 2004, the software industry in general grew
244 hugely&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;the sheer number of people writing code for a
245 living has been increasing for a long time. To see a roughly tenfold
246 growth in dollars spent on commercial SCM licenses is only to be
247 expected (and he doesn't say whether the numbers have been adjusted
248 for inflation, nor whether they control for real changes in license
249 prices). It would be surprising <i>not</i> to see at least this much
250 growth, even if the sector were merely holding steady.</p>
252 <p>But anyway, counting license dollars is conveniently incommensurate
253 with open source growth, since open source software don't have license
254 fees. What Poole should be interested in is relative growth in user
255 base between proprietary and open source SCM systems, in which case a
256 chart like <a
257 href=""
258 >this one</a>, showing Subversion's extremely rapid growth since even
259 before its 1.0 release, might be useful for comparison.</p>
261 <blockquote>
262 <p style="color: red;"><i>With this growth has come an increase in
263 innovation, both from the established vendors and from new entrants in
264 the market. In short, this is a great time to consider stepping up to
265 a commercial SCM tool.</i></p>
266 </blockquote>
268 <p>The SCM field in general is seeing a lot of innovation lately, but
269 this phenomenon is just as true in the open source systems as in the
270 proprietary ones&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;as the users and authors of
271 Subversion, SVK, Codeville, Mercurial, Vesta, Darcs, monotone,
272 Bazaar-NG, CVSNT, Arch/tla, Aegis, GIT, and many others could testify.
273 We'd like to amend Poole's sentiment: this is a great time to consider
274 stepping up to the SCM tool that best fits your needs, without
275 distraction from baseless prejudices about proprietary versus open
276 source software.</p>
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