Remove no-longer-used svn_*_get_mergeinfo_for_tree APIs.
[svn.git] / packages / windows-innosetup / templates / svn_dynamics.iss
1 ; This is where you can let Inno Setup know where to find the files included in
2 ; the setup.
3 ; The paths can be relative to the "packages\win32-innosetup" path in the
4 ; Subversion repository or they can be absolute (full path).
5 ; This file must reside in the "packages\win32-innosetup" directory so copy it
6 ; to there and edit it.
7 ; This file is ignored by the Subversion repository when it resides in
8 ; "packages\win32-innosetup". That's because the many people who want to make
9 ; distros for Subversion have different preferences (compilers, sources, etc.).
11 ; #############################################################################
12 ; Edit this variables and make sure that all files are where they should be
13 ; according to this file
15 ; Misc files such as svn.chm goes here:
16 #define path_setup_in "in"
17 ; This is where the final setup ends
18 #define path_setup_out "out"
19 ; Path to Inno Setup Executable
20 #define path_is "E:\Inno Setup4"
21 ; Path to Subversion
22 #define path_subversion "D:\SubversionTag"
24 ;Build defines ----------------------------------------------------------------
25 ; File names
26 #define libdb_dll "libdb43.dll"
28 ; Uncomment the defines if true
29 #define inc_dbgsyms
30 #define VC7
31 #define inc_locale
33 ; Apache Server: The minimum required version
34 #define apache_ver_min "2.0.52"
36 ;Paths the program locations and the Subversion Book sources ------------------
37 ; Edit the paths below according to your system
39 ; Full path to the binaries root folder
40 ; path_svn must end with a backslash
41 #define path_svn "C:\work\Subversion\binaries_svn\svn-win32"
42 ; Full path to the WC of the svnbook
43 #define path_svnbook "C:\work\Subversion\svnbook"
44 ; Full path to MS HTML help compiler hhc.exe's parent folder
45 #define path_hhc "E:\HTMLHelpWorkShop"
48 ; Basic files
49 #define path_svnclient (path_svn + "bin")
50 #define path_svnsync (path_svn + "bin")
51 #define path_svnadmin (path_svn + "bin")
52 #define path_svnlook (path_svn + "bin")
53 #define path_svnserve (path_svn + "bin")
54 #define path_svnversion (path_svn + "bin")
55 #define path_svndumpfilter (path_svn + "bin")
56 #define path_locale (path_svn + "share\locale")
57 ; APR
58 #define path_libapr_dll (path_svn + "bin")
59 #define path_libaprutil_dll (path_svn + "bin")
60 #define path_libapriconv_dll (path_svn + "bin")
61 #define path_iconv_dll (path_svn + "bin")
62 #define path_intl_dll (path_svn + "bin")
63 ; httpd
64 #define path_davsvn (path_svn + "bin")
65 #define path_authzsvn (path_svn + "bin")
66 ; Misc
67 #define path_msvcr70_dll (path_svn + "bin")
68 #define path_brkdb_dll (path_svn + "bin")
69 #define path_svnpath "tools\svnpath"
70 #define path_iconv (path_svn + "iconv")
71 #define path_sqlite (path_svn + "bin")
72 #define path_ssl (path_svn + "bin")
73 ; Licenses
74 #define path_licenses (path_svn + "licenses")
76 ;Debug symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------
77 ; Basic files
78 #define path_svnclient_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
79 #define path_svnsync_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
80 #define path_svnadmin_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
81 #define path_svnlook_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
82 #define path_svnserve_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
83 #define path_svnversion_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
84 #define path_svndumpfilter_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
85 ; httpd
86 #define path_davsvn_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
87 #define path_authzsvn_pdb (path_svn + "bin")
88 ; Misc
89 #define path_iconv_pdb (path_svn + "iconv")
90 #define path_libapr_pdb (path_svn + "lib\apr")
91 #define path_libapu_pdb (path_svn + "lib\apr-util")
92 #define path_py_libsvn_pdb (path_svn + "python\libsvn")
94 ;Development -------------------------------------------------------------------
95 #define path_dev_doc (path_svn + "doc")
96 #define path_dev_inc (path_svn + "include")
97 #define path_dev_inc_apr (path_svn + "include\apr")
98 #define path_dev_inc_apu (path_svn + "include\apr-util")
99 #define path_dev_lib (path_svn + "lib")
100 #define path_dev_lib_apr (path_svn + "lib\apr")
101 #define path_dev_lib_apu (path_svn + "lib\apr-util")
103 ;Python bindings
104 #define path_py_bind_libsvn (path_svn + "python\libsvn")
105 #define path_py_bind_svn (path_svn + "python\svn")