Remove no-longer-used svn_*_get_mergeinfo_for_tree APIs.
[svn.git] / subversion / bindings / swig / perl / native / t / 3client.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 use Test::More tests => 118;
4 use strict;
6 # shut up about variables that are only used once.
7 # these come from constants and variables used
8 # by the bindings but not elsewhere in perl space.
9 no warnings 'once';
11 use_ok('SVN::Core');
12 use_ok('SVN::Repos');
13 use_ok('SVN::Client');
14 use_ok('SVN::Wc'); # needed for status
15 use File::Spec::Functions;
16 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
17 use File::Path qw(rmtree);
19 # do not use cleanup because it will fail, some files we
20 # will not have write perms to.
21 my $testpath = tempdir('svn-perl-test-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
23 my $repospath = catdir($testpath,'repo');
24 my $reposurl = 'file://' . (substr($repospath,0,1) ne '/' ? '/' : '')
25 . $repospath;
26 my $wcpath = catdir($testpath,'wc');
27 my $importpath = catdir($testpath,'import');
29 # track current rev ourselves to test against
30 my $current_rev = 0;
32 # We want to trap errors ourself
33 $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
35 # Get username we are running as
36 my $username = getpwuid($>);
38 # This is ugly to create the test repo with SVN::Repos, but
39 # it seems to be the most reliable way.
40 ok(SVN::Repos::create("$repospath", undef, undef, undef, undef),
41 "create repository at $repospath");
43 my ($ctx) = SVN::Client->new;
44 isa_ok($ctx,'SVN::Client','Client Object');
46 my $uuid_from_url = $ctx->uuid_from_url($reposurl);
47 ok($uuid_from_url,'Valid return from uuid_from_url method form');
49 # test non method invocation passing a SVN::Client
50 ok(SVN::Client::uuid_from_url($reposurl,$ctx),
51 'Valid return from uuid_from_url function form with SVN::Client object');
53 # test non method invocation passing a _p_svn_client_ctx_t
54 ok(SVN::Client::uuid_from_url($reposurl,$ctx->{'ctx'}),
55 'Valid return from uuid_from_url function form with _p_svn_client_ctx object');
58 my ($ci_dir1) = $ctx->mkdir(["$reposurl/dir1"]);
59 isa_ok($ci_dir1,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t');
60 $current_rev++;
61 is($ci_dir1->revision,$current_rev,"commit info revision equals $current_rev");
65 my ($rpgval,$rpgrev) = $ctx->revprop_get('svn:author',$reposurl,$current_rev);
66 is($rpgval,$username,'svn:author set to expected username from revprop_get');
67 is($rpgrev,$current_rev,'Returned revnum of current rev from revprop_get');
69 SKIP: {
70 skip 'Difficult to test on Win32', 3 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
72 ok(rename("$repospath/hooks/pre-revprop-change.tmpl",
73 "$repospath/hooks/pre-revprop-change"),
74 'Rename pre-revprop-change hook');
75 ok(chmod(0700,"$repospath/hooks/pre-revprop-change"),
76 'Change permissions on pre-revprop-change hook');
78 my ($rps_rev) = $ctx->revprop_set('svn:log','mkdir dir1',
79 $reposurl, $current_rev, 0);
80 is($rps_rev,$current_rev,
81 'Returned revnum of current rev from revprop_set');
85 my ($rph, $rplrev) = $ctx->revprop_list($reposurl,$current_rev);
86 isa_ok($rph,'HASH','Returned hash reference form revprop_list');
87 is($rplrev,$current_rev,'Returned current rev from revprop_list');
88 is($rph->{'svn:author'},$username,
89 'svn:author is expected user from revprop_list');
90 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
91 # we skip the log change test on win32 so we have to test
92 # for a different var here
93 is($rph->{'svn:log'},'Make dir1',
94 'svn:log is expected value from revprop_list');
95 } else {
96 is($rph->{'svn:log'},'mkdir dir1',
97 'svn:log is expected value from revprop_list');
99 ok($rph->{'svn:date'},'svn:date is set from revprop_list');
101 is($ctx->checkout($reposurl,$wcpath,'HEAD',1),$current_rev,
102 'Returned current rev from checkout');
104 is(SVN::Client::url_from_path($wcpath),$reposurl,
105 "Returned $reposurl from url_from_path");
107 ok(open(NEW, ">$wcpath/dir1/new"),'Open new file for writing');
108 ok(print(NEW 'addtest'), 'Print to new file');
109 ok(close(NEW),'Close new file');
111 # no return means success
112 is($ctx->add("$wcpath/dir1/new",0),undef,
113 'Returned undef from add schedule operation');
115 # test the log_msg callback
116 $ctx->log_msg(
117 sub
119 my ($log_msg,$tmp_file,$commit_items,$pool) = @_;
120 isa_ok($log_msg,'SCALAR','log_msg param to callback is a SCALAR');
121 isa_ok($tmp_file,'SCALAR','tmp_file param to callback is a SCALAR');
122 isa_ok($commit_items,'ARRAY',
123 'commit_items param to callback is a SCALAR');
124 isa_ok($pool,'_p_apr_pool_t',
125 'pool param to callback is a _p_apr_pool_t');
126 my $commit_item = shift @$commit_items;
127 isa_ok($commit_item,'_p_svn_client_commit_item3_t',
128 'commit_item element is a _p_svn_client_commit_item3_t');
129 is($commit_item->path(),"$wcpath/dir1/new",
130 "commit_item has proper path for committed file");
131 is($commit_item->kind(),$SVN::Node::file,
132 "kind() shows the node as a file");
133 is($commit_item->url(),"$reposurl/dir1/new",
134 'URL matches our repos url');
135 # revision is 0 because the commit has not happened yet
136 # and this is not a copy
137 is($commit_item->revision(),0,
138 'Revision is 0 since commit has not happened yet');
139 is($commit_item->copyfrom_url(),undef,
140 'copyfrom_url is undef since file is not a copy');
141 is($commit_item->state_flags(),$SVN::Client::COMMIT_ITEM_ADD |
143 'state_flags are ADD and TEXT_MODS');
144 my $prop_changes = $commit_item->incoming_prop_changes();
145 isa_ok($prop_changes, 'ARRAY',
146 'incoming_prop_changes returns an ARRAY');
147 is(scalar(@$prop_changes), 0,
148 'No elements in the incoming_prop_changes array because ' .
149 ' we did not make any');
150 $prop_changes = $commit_item->outgoing_prop_changes();
151 is($prop_changes, undef,
152 'No outgoing_prop_changes array because we did not create one');
153 $$log_msg = 'Add new';
154 return 0;
155 } );
158 my ($ci_commit1) = $ctx->commit($wcpath,0);
159 isa_ok($ci_commit1,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t',
160 'Commit returns a _p_svn_client_commit_info');
161 $current_rev++;
162 is($ci_commit1->revision,$current_rev,
163 "commit info revision equals $current_rev");
165 # get rid of log_msg callback
166 is($ctx->log_msg(undef),undef,
167 'Clearing the log_msg callback works');
169 # test info() on WC
170 is($ctx->info("$wcpath/dir1/new", undef, 'WORKING',
173 my($infopath,$svn_info_t,$pool) = @_;
174 is($infopath,"new",'path passed to receiver is same as WC');
175 isa_ok($svn_info_t,'_p_svn_info_t');
176 isa_ok($pool,'_p_apr_pool_t',
177 'pool param is _p_apr_pool_t');
178 }, 0),
179 undef,
180 'info should return undef');
182 isa_ok($ctx->info("$wcpath/dir1/newxyz", undef, 'WORKING', sub {}, 0),
183 '_p_svn_error_t',
184 'info should return _p_svn_error_t for a nonexistent file');
186 # test getting the log
187 is($ctx->log("$reposurl/dir1/new",$current_rev,$current_rev,1,0,
188 sub
190 my ($changed_paths,$revision,
191 $author,$date,$message,$pool) = @_;
192 isa_ok($changed_paths,'HASH',
193 'changed_paths param is a HASH');
194 isa_ok($changed_paths->{'/dir1/new'},
195 '_p_svn_log_changed_path_t',
196 'Hash value is a _p_svn_log_changed_path_t');
197 is($changed_paths->{'/dir1/new'}->action(),'A',
198 'action returns A for add');
199 is($changed_paths->{'/dir1/new'}->copyfrom_path(),undef,
200 'copyfrom_path returns undef as it is not a copy');
201 is($changed_paths->{'/dir1/new'}->copyfrom_rev(),
203 'copyfrom_rev is set to INVALID as it is not a copy');
204 is($revision,$current_rev,
205 'revision param matches current rev');
206 is($author,$username,
207 'author param matches expected username');
208 ok($date,'date param is defined');
209 is($message,'Add new',
210 'message param is the expected value');
211 isa_ok($pool,'_p_apr_pool_t',
212 'pool param is _p_apr_pool_t');
214 undef,
215 'log returns undef');
217 is($ctx->update($wcpath,'HEAD',1),$current_rev,
218 'Return from update is the current rev');
220 # no return so we should get undef as the result
221 # we will get a _p_svn_error_t if there is an error.
222 is($ctx->propset('perl-test','test-val',"$wcpath/dir1",0),undef,
223 'propset on a working copy path returns undef');
225 my ($ph) = $ctx->propget('perl-test',"$wcpath/dir1",undef,0);
226 isa_ok($ph,'HASH','propget returns a hash');
227 is($ph->{"$wcpath/dir1"},'test-val','perl-test property has the correct value');
229 # No revnum for the working copy so we should get INVALID_REVNUM
230 is($ctx->status($wcpath, undef, sub {
231 my ($path,$wc_status) = @_;
232 is($path,"$wcpath/dir1",
233 'path param to status callback is' .
234 'the correct path.');
235 isa_ok($wc_status,'_p_svn_wc_status_t',
236 'wc_stats param is a' .
237 ' _p_svn_wc_status_t');
238 is($wc_status->prop_status(),
239 $SVN::Wc::status_modified,
240 'prop_status is status_modified');
241 # TODO test the rest of the members
243 1, 0, 0, 0),
245 'status returns INVALID_REVNUM when run against a working copy');
247 my ($ci_commit2) = $ctx->commit($wcpath,0);
248 isa_ok($ci_commit2,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t',
249 'commit returns a _p_svn_client_commit_info_t');
250 $current_rev++;
251 is($ci_commit2->revision(),$current_rev,
252 "commit info revision equals $current_rev");
254 my $dir1_rev = $current_rev;
257 my($pl) = $ctx->proplist($reposurl,$current_rev,1);
258 isa_ok($pl,'ARRAY','proplist returns an ARRAY');
259 isa_ok($pl->[0], '_p_svn_client_proplist_item_t',
260 'array element is a _p_svn_client_proplist_item_t');
261 is($pl->[0]->node_name(),"$reposurl/dir1",
262 'node_name is the expected value');
263 my $plh = $pl->[0]->prop_hash();
264 isa_ok($plh,'HASH',
265 'prop_hash returns a HASH');
266 is_deeply($plh, {'perl-test' => 'test-val'}, 'test prop list prop_hash values');
268 # add a dir to test update
269 my ($ci_dir2) = $ctx->mkdir(["$reposurl/dir2"]);
270 isa_ok($ci_dir2,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t',
271 'mkdir returns a _p_svn_client_commit_info_t');
272 $current_rev++;
273 is($ci_dir2->revision(),$current_rev,
274 "commit info revision equals $current_rev");
276 # Use explicit revnum to test that instead of just HEAD.
277 is($ctx->update($wcpath,$current_rev,$current_rev),$current_rev,
278 'update returns current rev');
280 # commit action against a repo returns undef
281 is($ctx->delete(["$wcpath/dir2"],0),undef,
282 'delete returns undef');
284 # no return means success
285 is($ctx->revert($wcpath,1),undef,
286 'revert returns undef');
288 my ($ci_copy) = $ctx->copy("$reposurl/dir1",2,"$reposurl/dir3");
289 isa_ok($ci_copy,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t',
290 'copy returns a _p_svn_client_commitn_info_t when run against repo');
291 $current_rev++;
292 is($ci_copy->revision,$current_rev,
293 "commit info revision equals $current_rev");
295 ok(mkdir($importpath),'Make import path dir');
296 ok(open(FOO, ">$importpath/foo"),'Open file for writing in import path dir');
297 ok(print(FOO 'foobar'),'Print to the file in import path dir');
298 ok(close(FOO),'Close file in import path dir');
300 my ($ci_import) = $ctx->import($importpath,$reposurl,0);
301 isa_ok($ci_import,'_p_svn_client_commit_info_t',
302 'Import returns _p_svn_client_commint_info_t');
303 $current_rev++;
304 is($ci_import->revision,$current_rev,
305 "commit info revision equals $current_rev");
307 is($ctx->blame("$reposurl/foo",'HEAD','HEAD', sub {
308 my ($line_no,$rev,$author,
309 $date, $line,$pool) = @_;
310 is($line_no,0,
311 'line_no param is zero');
312 is($rev,$current_rev,
313 'rev param is current rev');
314 is($author,$username,
315 'author param is expected' .
316 'value');
317 ok($date,'date is defined');
318 is($line,'foobar',
319 'line is expected value');
320 isa_ok($pool,'_p_apr_pool_t',
321 'pool param is ' .
322 '_p_apr_pool_t');
324 undef,
325 'blame returns undef');
327 ok(open(CAT, "+>$testpath/cattest"),'open file for cat output');
328 is($ctx->cat(\*CAT, "$reposurl/foo", 'HEAD'),undef,
329 'cat returns undef');
330 ok(seek(CAT,0,0),
331 'seek the beginning of the cat file');
332 is(readline(*CAT),'foobar',
333 'read the first line of the cat file');
334 ok(close(CAT),'close cat file');
336 # the string around the $current_rev exists to expose a past
337 # bug. In the past we did not accept values that simply
338 # had not been converted to a number yet.
339 my ($dirents) = $ctx->ls($reposurl,"$current_rev", 1);
340 isa_ok($dirents, 'HASH','ls returns a HASH');
341 isa_ok($dirents->{'dir1'},'_p_svn_dirent_t',
342 'hash value is a _p_svn_dirent_t');
343 is($dirents->{'dir1'}->kind(),$SVN::Core::node_dir,
344 'kind() returns a dir node');
345 is($dirents->{'dir1'}->size(),0,
346 'size() returns 0 for a directory');
347 is($dirents->{'dir1'}->has_props(),1,
348 'has_props() returns true');
349 is($dirents->{'dir1'}->created_rev(),$dir1_rev,
350 'created_rev() returns expected rev');
351 ok($dirents->{'dir1'}->time(),
352 'time is defined');
353 #diag(scalar(localtime($dirents->{'dir1'}->time() / 1000000)));
354 is($dirents->{'dir1'}->last_author(),$username,
355 'last_auth() returns expected username');
357 # test removing a property
358 is($ctx->propset('perl-test', undef, "$wcpath/dir1", 0),undef,
359 'propset returns undef');
361 my ($ph2) = $ctx->propget('perl-test', "$wcpath/dir1", 'WORKING', 0);
362 isa_ok($ph2,'HASH','propget returns HASH');
363 is(scalar(keys %$ph2),0,
364 'No properties after deleting a property');
366 SKIP: {
367 # This is ugly. It is included here as an aide to understand how
368 # to test this and because it makes my life easier as I only have
369 # one command to run to test it. If you want to use this you need
370 # to change the usernames, passwords, and paths to the client cert.
371 # It assumes that there is a repo running on localhost port 443 at
372 # via SSL. The repo cert should trip a client trust issue. The
373 # client cert should be encrypted and require a pass to use it.
374 # Finally uncomment the skip line below.
376 # Before shipping make sure the following line is uncommented.
377 skip 'Impossible to test without external effort to setup https', 7;
379 sub simple_prompt {
380 my $cred = shift;
381 my $realm = shift;
382 my $username_passed = shift;
383 my $may_save = shift;
384 my $pool = shift;
386 ok(1,'simple_prompt called');
387 $cred->username('breser');
388 $cred->password('foo');
391 sub ssl_server_trust_prompt {
392 my $cred = shift;
393 my $realm = shift;
394 my $failures = shift;
395 my $cert_info = shift;
396 my $may_save = shift;
397 my $pool = shift;
399 ok(1,'ssl_server_trust_prompt called');
400 $cred->may_save(0);
401 $cred->accepted_failures($failures);
404 sub ssl_client_cert_prompt {
405 my $cred = shift;
406 my $realm = shift;
407 my $may_save = shift;
408 my $pool = shift;
410 ok(1,'ssl_client_cert_prompt called');
411 $cred->cert_file('/home/breser/client-pass.p12');
414 sub ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt {
415 my $cred = shift;
416 my $may_save = shift;
417 my $pool = shift;
419 ok(1,'ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt called');
420 $cred->password('test');
423 my $oldauthbaton = $ctx->auth();
425 isa_ok($ctx->auth(SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider(
426 sub { simple_prompt(@_,'x') },2),
427 SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider(
428 \&ssl_server_trust_prompt),
429 SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider(
430 \&ssl_client_cert_prompt,2),
431 SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider(
432 \&ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt,2)
433 ),'_p_svn_auth_baton_t',
434 'auth() accessor returns _p_svn_auth_baton');
436 # if this doesn't work we will get an svn_error_t so by
437 # getting a hash we know it worked.
438 my ($dirents) = $ctx->ls('https://localhost/svn/test','HEAD',1);
439 isa_ok($dirents,'HASH','ls returns a HASH');
441 # return the auth baton to its original setting
442 isa_ok($ctx->auth($oldauthbaton),'_p_svn_auth_baton_t',
443 'Successfully set auth_baton back to old value');
446 END {
447 diag('cleanup');
448 rmtree($testpath);