Move the long option name enum from cl.h into main.c, because it is
[svn.git] / tools / examples /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # : a Python-based shell interface for cruising 'round in
4 # the filesystem.
6 ######################################################################
8 # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
10 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12 # are also available at
13 # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
14 # newer version instead, at your option.
16 ######################################################################
19 import sys
20 import string
21 import time
22 import re
23 from cmd import Cmd
24 from random import randint
25 from svn import fs, core, repos
28 class SVNShell(Cmd):
29 def __init__(self, path):
30 """initialize an SVNShell object"""
31 Cmd.__init__(self)
32 path = core.svn_path_canonicalize(path)
33 self.fs_ptr = repos.fs(
34 self.is_rev = 1
35 self.rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr)
36 self.txn = None
37 self.root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, self.rev)
38 self.path = "/"
39 self._setup_prompt()
40 self.cmdloop()
42 def precmd(self, line):
43 if line == "EOF":
44 # Ctrl-D is a command without a newline. Print a newline, so the next
45 # shell prompt is not on the same line as the last svnshell prompt.
46 print
47 return "exit"
48 return line
50 def postcmd(self, stop, line):
51 self._setup_prompt()
53 _errors = ["Huh?",
54 "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?",
55 "Say what?",
56 "Nope. Not gonna do it.",
57 "Ehh...I don't think so, chief."]
59 def default(self, line):
60 print self._errors[randint(0, len(self._errors) - 1)]
62 def do_cat(self, arg):
63 """dump the contents of a file"""
64 if not len(arg):
65 print "You must supply a file path."
66 return
67 catpath = self._parse_path(arg)
68 kind = fs.check_path(self.root, catpath)
69 if kind == core.svn_node_none:
70 print "Path '%s' does not exist." % catpath
71 return
72 if kind == core.svn_node_dir:
73 print "Path '%s' is not a file." % catpath
74 return
75 ### be nice to get some paging in here.
76 stream = fs.file_contents(self.root, catpath)
77 while 1:
78 data = core.svn_stream_read(stream, core.SVN_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE)
79 sys.stdout.write(data)
80 if len(data) < core.SVN_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE:
81 break
83 def do_cd(self, arg):
84 """change directory"""
85 newpath = self._parse_path(arg)
87 # make sure that path actually exists in the filesystem as a directory
88 kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath)
89 if kind != core.svn_node_dir:
90 print "Path '%s' is not a valid filesystem directory." % newpath
91 return
92 self.path = newpath
94 def do_ls(self, arg):
95 """list the contents of the current directory or provided path"""
96 parent = self.path
97 if not len(arg):
98 # no arg -- show a listing for the current directory.
99 entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, self.path)
100 else:
101 # arg? show a listing of that path.
102 newpath = self._parse_path(arg)
103 kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath)
104 if kind == core.svn_node_dir:
105 parent = newpath
106 entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, parent)
107 elif kind == core.svn_node_file:
108 parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath)
109 name = parts.pop(-1)
110 parent = self._parts_to_path(parts)
111 print parent + ':' + name
112 tmpentries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, parent)
113 if not tmpentries.get(name, None):
114 return
115 entries = {}
116 entries[name] = tmpentries[name]
117 else:
118 print "Path '%s' not found." % newpath
119 return
121 keys = entries.keys()
122 keys.sort()
125 print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
127 for entry in keys:
128 fullpath = parent + '/' + entry
129 size = ''
130 is_dir = fs.is_dir(self.root, fullpath)
131 if is_dir:
132 name = entry + '/'
133 else:
134 size = str(fs.file_length(self.root, fullpath))
135 name = entry
136 node_id = fs.unparse_id(entries[entry].id)
137 created_rev = fs.node_created_rev(self.root, fullpath)
138 author = fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, created_rev,
140 if not author:
141 author = ""
142 date = fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, created_rev,
144 if not date:
145 date = ""
146 else:
147 date = self._format_date(date)
149 print "%6s %8s %12s %8s %12s %s" % (created_rev, author[:8],
150 node_id, size, date, name)
152 def do_lstxns(self, arg):
153 """list the transactions available for browsing"""
154 txns = fs.list_transactions(self.fs_ptr)
155 txns.sort()
156 counter = 0
157 for txn in txns:
158 counter = counter + 1
159 print "%8s " % txn,
160 if counter == 6:
161 print ""
162 counter = 0
163 print ""
165 def do_pcat(self, arg):
166 """list the properties of a path"""
167 catpath = self.path
168 if len(arg):
169 catpath = self._parse_path(arg)
170 kind = fs.check_path(self.root, catpath)
171 if kind == core.svn_node_none:
172 print "Path '%s' does not exist." % catpath
173 return
174 plist = fs.node_proplist(self.root, catpath)
175 if not plist:
176 return
177 for pkey, pval in plist.items():
178 print 'K ' + str(len(pkey))
179 print pkey
180 print 'P ' + str(len(pval))
181 print pval
182 print 'PROPS-END'
184 def do_setrev(self, arg):
185 """set the current revision to view"""
186 try:
187 if arg.lower() == 'head':
188 rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr)
189 else:
190 rev = int(arg)
191 newroot = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev)
192 except:
193 print "Error setting the revision to '" + arg + "'."
194 return
195 fs.close_root(self.root)
196 self.root = newroot
197 self.rev = rev
198 self.is_rev = 1
199 self._do_path_landing()
201 def do_settxn(self, arg):
202 """set the current transaction to view"""
203 try:
204 txnobj = fs.open_txn(self.fs_ptr, arg)
205 newroot = fs.txn_root(txnobj)
206 except:
207 print "Error setting the transaction to '" + arg + "'."
208 return
209 fs.close_root(self.root)
210 self.root = newroot
211 self.txn = arg
212 self.is_rev = 0
213 self._do_path_landing()
215 def do_youngest(self, arg):
216 """list the youngest revision available for browsing"""
217 rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr)
218 print rev
220 def do_exit(self, arg):
221 sys.exit(0)
223 def _path_to_parts(self, path):
224 return filter(None, string.split(path, '/'))
226 def _parts_to_path(self, parts):
227 return '/' + string.join(parts, '/')
229 def _parse_path(self, path):
230 # cleanup leading, trailing, and duplicate '/' characters
231 newpath = self._parts_to_path(self._path_to_parts(path))
233 # if PATH is absolute, use it, else append it to the existing path.
234 if path.startswith('/') or self.path == '/':
235 newpath = '/' + newpath
236 else:
237 newpath = self.path + '/' + newpath
239 # cleanup '.' and '..'
240 parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath)
241 finalparts = []
242 for part in parts:
243 if part == '.':
244 pass
245 elif part == '..':
246 if len(finalparts) != 0:
247 finalparts.pop(-1)
248 else:
249 finalparts.append(part)
251 # finally, return the calculated path
252 return self._parts_to_path(finalparts)
254 def _format_date(self, date):
255 date = core.svn_time_from_cstring(date)
256 date = time.asctime(time.localtime(date / 1000000))
257 return date[4:-8]
259 def _do_path_landing(self):
260 """try to land on self.path as a directory in root, failing up to '/'"""
261 not_found = 1
262 newpath = self.path
263 while not_found:
264 kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath)
265 if kind == core.svn_node_dir:
266 not_found = 0
267 else:
268 parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath)
269 parts.pop(-1)
270 newpath = self._parts_to_path(parts)
271 self.path = newpath
273 def _setup_prompt(self):
274 """present the prompt and handle the user's input"""
275 if self.is_rev:
276 self.prompt = "<rev: " + str(self.rev)
277 else:
278 self.prompt = "<txn: " + self.txn
279 self.prompt += " " + self.path + ">$ "
281 def _complete(self, text, line, begidx, endidx, limit_node_kind=None):
282 """Generic tab completer. Takes the 4 standard parameters passed to a
283 cmd.Cmd completer function, plus LIMIT_NODE_KIND, which should be a
284 svn.core.svn_node_foo constant to restrict the returned completions to, or
285 None for no limit. Catches and displays exceptions, because otherwise
286 they are silently ignored - which is quite frustrating when debugging!"""
287 try:
288 args = line.split()
289 if len(args) > 1:
290 arg = args[1]
291 else:
292 arg = ""
293 dirs = arg.split('/')
294 user_elem = dirs[-1]
295 user_dir = "/".join(dirs[:-1] + [''])
297 canon_dir = self._parse_path(user_dir)
299 entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, canon_dir)
300 acceptable_completions = []
301 for name, dirent_t in entries.items():
302 if not name.startswith(user_elem):
303 continue
304 if limit_node_kind and dirent_t.kind != limit_node_kind:
305 continue
306 if dirent_t.kind == core.svn_node_dir:
307 name += '/'
308 acceptable_completions.append(name)
309 if limit_node_kind == core.svn_node_dir or not limit_node_kind:
310 if user_elem in ('.', '..'):
311 for extraname in ('.', '..'):
312 if extraname.startswith(user_elem):
313 acceptable_completions.append(extraname + '/')
314 return acceptable_completions
315 except:
316 ei = sys.exc_info()
317 sys.stderr.write("EXCEPTION WHILST COMPLETING\n")
318 import traceback
319 traceback.print_tb(ei[2])
320 sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (ei[0], ei[1]))
321 raise
323 def complete_cd(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
324 return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, core.svn_node_dir)
326 def complete_cat(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
327 return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, core.svn_node_file)
329 def complete_ls(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
330 return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)
332 def complete_pcat(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
333 return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)
336 def _basename(path):
337 "Return the basename for a '/'-separated path."
338 idx = string.rfind(path, '/')
339 if idx == -1:
340 return path
341 return path[idx+1:]
344 def usage(exit):
345 if exit:
346 output = sys.stderr
347 else:
348 output = sys.stdout
349 output.write(
350 "usage: %s REPOS_PATH\n"
351 "\n"
352 "Once the program has started, type 'help' at the prompt for hints on\n"
353 "using the shell.\n" % sys.argv[0])
354 sys.exit(exit)
356 def main():
357 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
358 usage(1)
360 SVNShell(sys.argv[1])
362 if __name__ == '__main__':
363 main()