add ability to call methods directly by id instead of runtime name lookup
[swf2.git] / lib / cl-arrays.lisp
1 (in-package #:avm2-compiler)
3 ;;; cl array functions
5 ;; using untyped arrays for now, so don't have the specialized arrays
6 ;; required by the spec
9 (let ((*symbol-table* *cl-symbol-table*))
11 (swf-defmacro aref (array &rest subscripts)
12 (let ((a (gensym)))
13 (if (= 1 (length subscripts))
14 `(let ((,a ,array))
15 (if (%typep ,a %flash:array)
16 (%aref-1 ,a ,(first subscripts))
17 (if (%typep ,a %flash:string)
18 (%flash:char-at ,a 1)
19 (%aref-n ,array ,@subscripts))))
20 `(%aref-n ,array ,@subscripts))))
22 (def-swf-class not-simple-array-type "not-simple-array" %flash:object
23 (%dimensions-array
24 %adjustable-p
25 %fill-pointer
26 %displaced-to
27 %displaced-offset)
28 ((dimensions adjustable fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-offset)
29 (%set-property this %dimensions-array dimensions)
30 (%set-property this %adjustable-p adjustable)
31 (%set-property this %fill-pointer fill-pointer)
32 (%set-property this %displaced-to displaced-to)
33 (%set-property this %displaced-offset displaced-offset)))
36 (swf-defmemfun %make-simple-array (size)
37 (%new* %flash:Array size))
39 (swf-defmemfun %make-simple-array-with-element (size initial-element)
40 (let ((a (%new* %flash:Array size)))
41 (dotimes (i size a)
42 (%set-aref a i initial-element))))
44 (swf-defmemfun %array-row-major-index (array subscripts)
45 (let ((dims (%dimensions-array array))
46 (index 0))
47 (unless (= (length subscripts) (length dims))
48 (%error "wrong number of subscripts in array-row-major-index"))
49 (dotimes (i (length subscripts) index)
50 (setf index (* index (%aref-1 dims i)))
51 (incf index (%aref-1 subscripts i)))))
53 (swf-defmemfun array-row-major-index (array &arest subscripts)
54 (%array-row-major-index array subscripts))
56 (swf-defmemfun %aref-n (array &arest subscripts)
57 (%aref-1 (%displaced-to array)
58 (+ (%displaced-offset array)
59 (%array-row-major-index array subscripts))))
61 #+nil(swf-defmemfun make-array (dimensions &key element-type initial-element initial-contents adjustable fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
62 (if (or adjustable fill-pointer displaced-index-offset displaced-to (> (list-length dimensions) 1))
63 ;; non-simple array
64 (let ((linear-size (car dimensions)))
65 (dolist (dim (cdr dimensions))
66 (setf linear-size (* linear-size dim)))
67 (unless displaced-to
68 (setf displaced-to (%make-simple-array linear-size))))
73 #+nil(let ((*symbol-table* (make-instance 'symbol-table :inherit (list *cl-symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))))
74 (dump-defun-asm (&arest rest)
75 'a))
76 #+nil(let ((*symbol-table* (make-instance 'symbol-table :inherit (list *cl-symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))))
77 (dump-defun-asm (&arest rest)
78 :foo))
79 #+nil(let ((*symbol-table* (make-instance 'symbol-table :inherit (list *cl-symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))))
80 (dump-defun-asm (&arest rest)
81 '(1)))