add ability to call methods directly by id instead of runtime name lookup
[swf2.git] / lib / wrap-lib.lisp
1 ;;; util to convert playerglobal.extracted.lisp into more useful format
2 ;;;
4 (error "run this stuff by hand...")
6 ;; format notes:
7 ;; set default float format to double
8 ;; need to recognize:
9 ;; Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, undefined
11 ;; top level forms: :class :interface :constant :method
13 ;; (:class name &key extends implements public final dynamic properties)
14 ;; :interface = :class
15 ;; (:method name arg-list return-type &key namespace-type static final native uri override)
16 ;; (:constant &key name type value static namespace-type)
18 ;; forms valid in properties field of class:
19 ;; :constant :method = same as top level
20 ;; :method-get, :method-set = same as :method
21 ;; :constructor = same as :method ?
22 ;; :variable = same as :constant
24 ;; namespace-types = :private, :public, :internal, :static.protected
26 ;;; to generate:
27 ;; export list (library-packages.lisp)
28 ;; class hierarchy? (player-classes.lisp)
29 ;; wrappers (player-lib.lisp, player-class-decl.lisp)
32 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
33 (defparameter *odd* nil)
34 (let ((cl-ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* 256))
35 (defparameter *scanners*
36 (loop for i in '("^I([A-Z][a-z])" ":I([A-Z][a-z])" ;; interfaces
38 ;;; special cases that shuoldn't match the acronym stuff
39 ;; possibly should just not use the XML to -xml
40 ;; stil regexes on names that only have
41 ;; uppercase letters, so we don't need to
42 ;; special case the words with which they conflict?
47 ;;; handle upper case acronyms/abbreviations in
48 ;;; CamelCase identifiers
49 "XML" "URI" "NaN" "URL" "CSM" "SQL" "AVM1"
50 "SWF" "EOF" "IO" "DRM" "HTML" "HTTP" "IME"
51 "PDF" "ID3" "ID" "OLAP" "HLOC" "AIR" "RSL"
53 "CSS" "SHA" "UID" "UTF" "TLS" "UTC" "FPS"
54 ;;; special cases
55 "QName" "3DTo" "IBEAM" "CFFHinting"
57 "CASEINSENSITIVE" "ThreeDTranslationHandlePoints"
58 "scale9Grid"
60 collect (cl-ppcre:create-scanner i)))
61 (defun lispify-name (n)
62 (setf n (or n ""))
63 (loop for i in *scanners*
64 for j in '( "i-\\1" ":i-\\1"
66 "capturing-phase" "timer" "security" "composition"
67 "actionscript" "shader" "wide" "divide" "proportional"
68 "width" "ideographic" "invalid" "valid" "prioritize"
69 "instruction" "declaration" "quaternion" "connections"
71 "-xml" "-uri" "-nan" "-url" "-csm" "-sql" "-avm1"
72 "-swf" "-eof" "-io" "-drm" "-html" "-http" "-ime"
73 "-pdf" "-id3" "-id" "-olap" "-hloc" "-air" "-rsl"
74 "-ui" "-jpeg" "-png" "-amf" "-soap" "-mxml" "-wsdl"
75 "-css" "-sha" "-uid" "-utf" "-tls" "-utc" "-fps"
77 "Q-name" "3d-to" "i-beam" "cff-hinting"
78 "sqrt-1/2" "return-indexed-array" "unique-sort"
79 "case-insensitive" "three-d-translation-handle-points"
80 "scale-9-grid")
81 do (setf n (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all i n j)))
82 (coerce (loop
83 for last = nil then i
84 for i across (string n)
85 if (char= i #\_)
86 do (setf i #\-)
87 if (and last (lower-case-p last) (upper-case-p i))
88 collect #\-
89 if (or last (not (char= i #\-)))
90 collect (char-downcase i)
91 when (and last (upper-case-p last) (upper-case-p i))
92 do (push n *odd*))
93 'string)))
96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
98 (defparameter *symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
99 (defparameter *public-symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
100 (defparameter *class-forms* nil)
101 (defparameter *top-level-method-forms* nil)
102 (defparameter *top-level-constant-forms* nil)
103 (defparameter *current-class* nil)
105 (defun add-% (name)
106 (if (char= (char (string name) 0) #\%)
107 name
108 (format nil "%~a" name)))
110 (defclass class-junk ()
111 ((methods :initform nil :accessor methods)
112 (constants :initform nil :accessor constants)
113 (variables :initform nil :accessor variables)))
115 (defparameter *current-namespace* "%flash")
117 (defun add-name (name &key ns-type ((:ns *current-namespace*) *current-namespace*))
118 (unless *current-namespace* (break))
119 (let ((sep "::"))
120 (pushnew name (gethash *current-namespace* *symbols* nil) :test 'equal)
121 (unless (member ns-type '(:private :public :internal :static.protected nil))
122 (format t "unknown namespace type ~s~%" ns-type))
123 (unless (member ns-type '(:private :internal :static-protected))
124 (setf sep ":")
125 (pushnew name (gethash *current-namespace* *public-symbols* nil) :test 'equal))
126 (concatenate 'string *current-namespace* sep name)))
128 (defun parse-class-name (name)
129 (let* ((name-start (position #\: name :from-end t :test 'char=))
130 (package-start (when name-start (position #\: name :from-end t :end (- name-start 2)))))
131 ;; name package qualifier
132 (values (subseq name (1+ (or name-start -1)))
133 (when name-start
134 (subseq name (1+ (or package-start -1)) (1- name-start)))
135 (when package-start (subseq name 0 (1- package-start))))))
138 (defun mangle (name &key constantp)
139 (if constantp
140 (format nil "+~a+" (lispify-name name))
141 (lispify-name name)))
143 (defun mangle-type-name (name)
144 (multiple-value-bind (class-name ns qualifier)
145 (parse-class-name name)
146 (declare (ignore qualifier))
147 (if ns
148 (format nil "%~a:~a" ns (mangle class-name))
149 (format nil "%flash:~a" (mangle class-name)))))
151 (defun parse-constant (tag &key name type value static namespace-type top-level)
152 (unless (member namespace-type '(:private :internal :static-protected))
153 (let ((lisp-name (add-name (mangle name :constantp (eq tag :constant))
154 :ns-type namespace-type)))
155 (if top-level
156 ;; top-level= (def lisp-sym swf-name type
157 (push (format nil "(swf-ffi-defconstant ~a ~s ~s)" lisp-name name type) *top-level-constant-forms*)
158 ;; inside a class
159 (if (eq tag :constant)
160 (push (format nil "(~a :swf-name ~s :type ~s :value ~s)" lisp-name name type value)
161 (constants *current-class*))
162 (push (format nil "(~a :swf-name ~s :type ~s :value ~s :static ~s)" lisp-name name type value static)
163 (variables *current-class*)))))))
165 (defun parse-class (type name &key extends implements public final dynamic properties)
166 (multiple-value-bind (class-name ns qualifier)
167 (parse-class-name name)
168 (declare (ignore qualifier))
169 (let* ((*current-namespace* (add-% (or ns *current-namespace*)))
170 (lisp-name (add-name (mangle class-name)))
171 (*current-class* (make-instance 'class-junk)))
172 (loop for form in properties
174 (ecase (car form)
175 (:constant (apply 'parse-constant form))
176 (:variable (apply 'parse-constant form))
177 (:method (apply 'parse-method (append form `(:class ,lisp-name))))
178 (:method-get (apply 'parse-method (append form `(:class ,lisp-name))))
179 (:method-set (apply 'parse-method (append form `(:class ,lisp-name))))
180 (:constructor (apply 'parse-method (append form `(:class ,lisp-name))))))
181 (push
182 (format nil "(let ((*symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))
183 (declare-swf-class ~a (~a)
184 :swf-name ~s
185 :constants
186 (~{~a~^~% ~})
187 :properties
188 (~{~a~^~% ~})
189 :methods
190 (~{~a~^~% ~})))~%"
191 lisp-name (if extends (mangle-type-name extends) "")
192 name
193 (constants *current-class*)
194 (variables *current-class*)
195 (methods *current-class*)
197 *class-forms*)
200 (defun parse-method (type name arg-list return-type &key namespace-type static final native uri override top-level class)
201 (declare (ignorable namespace-type final native override))
202 (unless (member namespace-type '(:private :internal :static-protected))
203 (let* ((lisp-name (add-name (mangle name) :ns-type namespace-type :ns (add-% (or uri *current-namespace*))))
204 (static-or-global (or top-level static (member type '(:constructor :function))))
205 (top-wrapper-macro (if static-or-global
206 (if class
207 "swf-ffi-defun-lex"
208 "swf-ffi-defun-find-prop-strict")
209 "swf-ffi-defmethod")))
210 (if static-or-global
211 ;; top-level/static = "(def sym swf-name args return)"
212 (push
213 (format nil "(~a ~a ~s~% ~s ~s~a)"
214 top-wrapper-macro lisp-name
215 (if uri (format nil "~a:~a" uri name) name)
216 arg-list return-type
217 (if class (format nil " :class ~a" class) ""))
218 *top-level-method-forms*)
219 ;; inside class (but not static)
220 (if (member type '(:method-get :method-set))
221 ;; ** get/set look like variables to callers
222 ;; fixme: don't add twice when we have get and set, and handle type better
223 (push (format nil "(~a :swf-name ~s :type ~s :static ~s)" lisp-name name return-type static)
224 (variables *current-class*))
225 ;; normal methods
226 (push
227 (format nil "(~a :swf-name ~s :return-type ~s~% :args ~s)" lisp-name name
228 return-type arg-list)
229 (methods *current-class*)))
230 ))))
232 (defun parse-form (form)
233 (ecase (car form)
234 (:constant (apply 'parse-constant (append form '(:top-level t))))
235 (:class (apply 'parse-class form))
236 (:interface (apply 'parse-class form))
237 (:method (apply 'parse-method (append form '(:top-level t)) ))))
239 #+nil
240 (let ((*symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
241 (*public-symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
242 (*current-namespace* "%flash")
243 (*class-forms* nil)
244 (*top-level-method-forms* nil)
245 (*top-level-constant-forms* nil))
246 ;; read the data
247 (add-name "void")
248 (add-name "*")
249 (with-open-file (s "lib/playerglobal.extracted.lisp")
250 (loop with eof = (gensym)
251 for form = (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
252 (read s nil eof))
253 until (eq form eof)
254 do (parse-form form)))
255 ;; write the defpackage forms
256 (with-open-file (ffi-packages "lib/player-ffi-packages.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
257 (format ffi-packages ";;; --generated file, do not edit--~%~%")
258 (format ffi-packages "(in-package :avm2-compiler)~%")
259 (loop
260 for k being the hash-keys of *public-symbols* using (hash-value v)
261 do (format ffi-packages "(defpackage #:~a~% (:export~{~% #:~a~}))~%~%" k v)))
262 ;; write the ffi wrappers
263 (with-open-file (ffi-defs "lib/player-ffi-defs.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
264 (format ffi-defs ";;; --generated file, do not edit--~%~%")
265 (format ffi-defs "(in-package :avm2-compiler)~%")
266 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (functions *player-symbol-table*))~%")
267 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (variables *player-symbol-table*))~%")
268 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (properties *player-symbol-table*))~%")
269 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (constants *player-symbol-table*))~%")
270 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (class-methods *player-symbol-table*))~%")
271 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (class-static-methods *player-symbol-table*))~%")
272 (format ffi-defs "(clrhash (classes *player-symbol-table*))~%~%")
273 (format ffi-defs "(let ((*symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))~%")
274 (loop for i in (reverse *top-level-constant-forms*)
275 do (format ffi-defs " ~a~%" i))
276 ;; we don't wrap the entire file in 1 let, since that makes it
277 ;; take much longer to compile on some implementations
278 (format ffi-defs ")~%~%")
279 (loop for i in (reverse *top-level-method-forms*)
280 do (format ffi-defs "(let ((*symbol-table* *player-symbol-table*))~% ~a)~%~%" i))
281 (loop for i in (reverse *class-forms*)
282 do (format ffi-defs "~a" i))