switch to unix line endings
[swf2/david.git] / test / roots.lisp
1 (in-package :as3-compiler)
2 ;;; sample from old version. works but needs more refactoring
4 (define-special %to-double (a)
5 `(,@(scompile a)
6 (:convert-double)))
8 (define-special %to-integer (a)
9 `(,@(scompile a)
10 (:convert-integer)))
12 (with-open-file (s "/tmp/roots.swf"
13 :direction :output
14 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
15 :if-exists :supersede)
16 (with-compilation-to-stream s ("frame1" `((0 "testClass")))
18 (def-swf-class :test-class "test-class" flash.display::sprite ()
19 (()
20 (main this)))
22 (swf-defmemfun random-range (a b)
23 (+ a (floor (random (- b a)))))
25 #+nil(swf-defmemfun radians (a)
26 (/ (* a flash::math.PI) 180.0))
27 (swf-defmemfun radians (a)
28 (/ (* a #.pi) 180.0))
30 (swf-defmemfun i255 (a)
31 (flash::Math.max (flash::Math.min (floor (* a 256)) 255) 0))
33 (swf-defmemfun rgb (r g b)
34 (+ (* (i255 r) 65536) (* (i255 g) 256) (i255 b)))
36 (swf-defmemfun rgba (r g b a)
37 (+ (* (i255 a) 65536 256) (rgb r g b)))
39 (swf-defmemfun main (arg)
40 (let ((foo (%new flash.text::Text-Field 0))
41 (canvas (%new flash.display::Sprite 0)))
42 (%set-property foo :width 200)
43 (%set-property foo :auto-size "left")
44 (%set-property foo :text-color (rgb 0.2 0.9 0.2 ))
45 (%set-property foo :word-wrap :true)
46 (%set-property foo :background :true)
47 (%set-property foo :background-color (rgba 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1))
48 (let ((str "abc..."))
49 (%set-property foo :text (+ str (%call-property (%array 1 2 3) :to-string))))
50 (:add-child arg canvas)
51 (:add-child arg foo)
52 (%set-property this :canvas canvas)
53 (frame :null)
54 #+nil(:add-event-listener arg "enterFrame" (%get-lex :frame))
55 (:add-event-listener canvas "click" (%asm (:get-lex frame)))))
57 (swf-defmacro with-fill (gfx (color alpha &key line-style) &body body)
58 `(progn
59 ,@(when line-style
60 `((:line-style ,gfx ,@line-style)))
61 (:begin-fill ,gfx ,color ,alpha)
62 ,@body
63 (:end-fill ,gfx)))
65 (swf-defmemfun frame (evt)
66 (let* ((canvas (%get-property this :canvas))
67 (gfx (:graphics canvas))
68 (matrix (%new flash.geom::Matrix 0)))
70 (%set-property canvas :opaque-background #x0d0f00)
71 (:clear gfx)
72 (with-fill gfx (#x202600 0.5)
73 (:draw-rect gfx 0 0 400 300 ))
74 (:create-gradient-box matrix
75 400 300 0 0 0)
76 (:begin-gradient-fill gfx "radial"
77 (%array #x202600 #x0d0f00) ;; colors
78 (%array 1 1) ;; alpha
79 (%array 0 255) ;; ratios
80 matrix)
81 (:draw-rect gfx 0 0 400 300 )
82 (:end-fill gfx)
83 (root canvas 200 150 (random 360) 7 1.0 0.005 )))
85 (swf-defmemfun root (canvas x y angle depth alpha decay)
86 (%set-local alpha (%to-double alpha))
87 (%set-local x (%to-double x))
88 (%set-local y (%to-double y))
89 (let* ((s (* depth 0.5))
90 (w (* s 6.0))
91 (line-size (* s 0.5))
92 (gfx (:graphics canvas )))
93 (dotimes (i (%to-integer (* depth (random-range 10 20))))
94 (let* ((v (/ depth 5.0))
95 (color (rgb (- 0.8 (* v 0.25))
96 0.8
97 (- 0.8 v))))
98 (%set-local alpha (flash::Math.max 0.0 (- alpha (* i decay))))
100 ;; stop if alpha gets below 1/256 or so
101 (when (> alpha 0.004)
102 (%set-local angle (+ angle (random-range -60 60)))
103 (let ((dx (+ x (* (cos (radians angle)) w)))
104 (dy (+ y (* (sin (radians angle)) w))))
106 ;; drop shadow
107 (with-fill gfx (0 (* alpha 0.6) :line-style (:nan 0 alpha))
108 (:draw-circle gfx (+ x s 1) (1- (+ y s)) (/ w 3)))
110 ;; line segment to next position:
111 (with-fill gfx (color (* alpha 0.6)
112 :line-style (line-size color alpha))
113 (:move-to gfx x y)
114 (:line-to gfx dx dy))
116 ;; filled circle
117 (with-fill gfx (color (* alpha 0.5)
118 :line-style ((* 0.5 line-size)
119 color alpha))
120 (:draw-circle gfx x y (/ w 4)))
122 (when (and (> depth 0) (> (random 1.0) 0.85))
123 (root canvas x y (+ angle (random-range -60 60))
124 (1- depth) alpha decay))
125 (%set-local x (%to-double dx))
126 (%set-local y (%to-double dy))))))
128 (when (and (> depth 0) (> (random 1.0) 0.7))
129 (root canvas x y angle (1- depth) alpha decay))))))