clean up debug junk, add FLET opcode name hack to disasm also
[swf2/david.git] / compile / compiler.lisp
1 (in-package :avm2-compiler)
3 ;;;
4 (defclass compiler-context ()
5 ((class-names :initform () :accessor class-names)
6 (function-names :initform () :accessor function-names)))
8 (defparameter *compiler-context* (make-instance 'compiler-context))
10 ;;; track data about a function level scope
11 ;;; (including lambda/flet/labels/defun)
12 ;;; nested scopes should use with-nested-foo macros to temporarily expand
13 ;;; the namespaces
14 (defclass lambda-context ()
15 ;; using an alist for local name-index mapping, so we can push/pop
16 ;; state a bit more easily than with hash tables...
17 ((locals :initform () :initarg locals :accessor locals)
18 (tags :initform () :initarg tags :accessor tags)
19 (blocks :initform () :initarg blocks :accessor blocks)
20 ;; for local functions, and stuff like unwind protect that needs to
21 ;; call a block of code from multiple places, we store a list of
22 ;; those places, and implement the local return as setting a
23 ;; specific register (allocated on first use) and a jump to a
24 ;; :lookup-switch with all the possible continuations
25 ;; ---- possibly this should be at assembler level? or defun or something?
26 (continuations :initform () :initarg continuations :accessor continuations)
27 (continuation-var :initform (gensym "CONTINUATION-VAR-") :accessor continuation-var)
28 (local-return-var :initform (gensym "LOCAL-RETURN-VAR-") :accessor local-return-var)
29 (%flets :initform nil :accessor %flets)
30 (parent :initform nil :initarg parent :accessor parent)
31 (name :initform nil :initarg name :accessor name)))
33 (defparameter *current-lambda* nil)
35 (defun make-lambda-context (&key args blocks tags (parent *current-lambda*)
36 name)
37 (let* ((locals (cons (cons 'this 0)
38 (loop for i in args
39 for j from 1
40 collect (cons i j))))
41 (lc (make-instance 'lambda-context
42 'locals locals
43 'blocks (copy-list blocks)
44 'tags (copy-list tags)
45 'parent parent
46 'name (or name "<unnamed lambda>"))))
47 ;; bind a variable for storing local return continuation label stuff,
48 ;; would be nicer to avoid allocating a local index unless needed,
49 ;; but that would require tracking # of used indices separately from
50 ;; length of locals list, so skipping for now
51 (push (cons (continuation-var lc) (length (locals lc)))
52 (locals lc))
53 ;; flash is picky about stack being balanced around jumps, so
54 ;; return in register too
55 (push (cons (local-return-var lc) (length (locals lc)))
56 (locals lc))
57 lc))
59 (defun get-lambda-local-index (name)
60 (let ((i (cdr (assoc name (locals *current-lambda*)))))
61 #+nil(or i (break "missing local index in g-l-l-i: ~a" name))
62 i))
64 ;;; %flet needs to remove variable names form scope without removing
65 ;;; the index, so we hide the names here...
66 ;;; possibly would be better to track used indices separately from names
67 ;;; but still a bit of work to handle keeping indices used while
68 ;;; releasing names
69 (defun kill-lambda-local-names (names)
70 (loop for n in (if (listp names) names (list names))
71 do (setf (car (assoc n (locals *current-lambda*)))
72 (gensym)))
73 nil)
75 (defun get-lambda-block (name)
76 (cdr (assoc name (blocks *current-lambda*))))
78 (defun get-lambda-tag (name)
79 (cdr (assoc name (tags *current-lambda*))))
81 (defun get-lambda-local-continuation (label)
82 (cdr (assoc label (continuations *current-lambda*))))
84 (defun add-lambda-local-continuation (label)
85 (pushnew (cons label (length (continuations *current-lambda*)))
86 (continuations *current-lambda*))
87 (get-lambda-local-continuation label))
89 (defun get-lambda-cleanups (name)
90 (loop for (n . block) in (blocks *current-lambda*)
91 when (cleanup-label block)
92 collect it
93 until (eql n name)))
95 (defmacro with-lambda-context ((&key args blocks tags name (parent *current-lambda*)) &body body)
96 `(let* ((*current-lambda* (make-lambda-context
97 :args ,args
98 :blocks ,blocks
99 :tags ,tags
100 :name ,name
101 :parent ,parent)))
102 ,@body))
105 (defmacro with-simple-lambda-context ((&rest args) &body body)
106 `(let* ((*current-lambda* (make-lambda-context
107 :args ',args
108 :name "<unnamed lambda.>"
109 :parent *current-lambda*)))
110 ,@body))
112 ;;; not sure if this should be automatic or not, so putting here for now...
113 (defun compile-lambda-context-cleanup ()
114 "compile any code that should be after the body of the current
115 lambda, (local functions, continuation table, etc)"
116 (let ((bad-cont-label (gensym "BAD-CONTINUATION-")))
117 (when (continuations *current-lambda*)
118 `((:%label ,bad-cont-label)
119 (:push-string "broken")
120 (:throw)
121 (:%dlabel ,(continuation-var *current-lambda*))
122 (:get-local ,(get-lambda-local-index (continuation-var *current-lambda*)))
123 (:convert-integer)
124 (:lookup-switch ,bad-cont-label
125 ,(mapcar 'car (sort (copy-list (continuations *current-lambda*))
126 #'< :key #'cdr)))
127 ))))
129 #+nil(defmacro with-nested-lambda-context (&body body)
130 ;;; fixme: add a param to specify new bindings, so caller doesn't need to
131 ;;; know as much about *lambda-context* to add them by hand
132 `(let ((*current-lambda* (make-nested-lambda-context *current-lambda*)))
133 ,@body))
135 (defun last-local-index ()
136 (length (locals *current-lambda*)))
139 (defclass lambda-block ()
140 ((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
141 (end-label :initarg :end-label :accessor end-label)
142 (cleanup-label :initarg :cleanup-label :accessor cleanup-label)
143 (return-var :initarg :return-var :accessor return-var)))
145 (defun make-lambda-block (name end cleanup var)
146 (make-instance 'lambda-block :name name
147 :end-label end :cleanup-label cleanup
148 :return-var var))
150 ;; fixme: generate these with a macro instead of copy-paste
151 (defmacro with-local-vars ((bindings) &body body)
152 (let ((old (gensym "OLD-VARS-")))
153 `(let ((,old (locals *current-lambda*)))
154 (setf (locals *current-lambda*)
155 (append ,bindings (locals *current-lambda*)))
156 (unwind-protect
157 (progn
158 ,@body)
159 (setf (locals *current-lambda*) ,old)))))
161 (defmacro with-nested-lambda-block ((block var) &body body)
162 (let ((old (gensym "OLD-BLOCKS-")))
163 `(with-local-vars ((list (cons ,var (last-local-index))))
164 (let ((,old (blocks *current-lambda*)))
165 (push ,block (blocks *current-lambda*))
166 (unwind-protect
167 (progn
168 ,@body)
169 (setf (blocks *current-lambda*) ,old))))))
172 (defmacro with-cleanup ((name cleanup) &body body)
173 (let* ((var (gensym "WITH-CLEANUP-END-"))
174 (old (gensym "OLD-BLOCKS-"))
175 (name-var (gensym "NAME-VAR-"))
176 (block `(cons ,name-var (make-lambda-block ,name-var ',var
177 ,cleanup
178 ',var))))
179 `(let ((,name-var ,name))
180 (with-local-vars ((list (cons ',var (last-local-index))))
181 (let ((,old (blocks *current-lambda*)))
182 (push ,block (blocks *current-lambda*))
183 (unwind-protect
184 (progn
185 ,@body)
186 (setf (blocks *current-lambda*) ,old)))))))
188 (defmacro with-nested-lambda-tags ((tags) &body body)
189 (let ((old (gensym "OLD-TAGS-")))
190 `(let ((,old (tags *current-lambda*)))
191 (setf (tags *current-lambda*)
192 (append ,tags (tags *current-lambda*)))
193 (unwind-protect
194 (progn
195 ,@body)
196 (setf (tags *current-lambda*) ,old)))))
198 ;;; top level (internal?) compiler interface
199 ;;; returns assembly corresponding to FORM
200 (defgeneric scompile (form))
202 (defmethod scompile ((form string))
203 `((:push-string ,form)
204 (:coerce-any)))
206 (defmethod scompile ((form integer))
207 ;; possibly should have more control than just assuming anything < 2^31
208 ;; is int (as well as range checking, etc)
209 (if (> form (expt 2 31))
210 `((:push-uint ,form)
211 (:coerce-any))
212 `((:push-int ,form)
213 (:coerce-any))))
215 (defmethod scompile ((form real))
216 `((:push-double ,form)
217 (:coerce-any)))
220 (defmethod scompile ((form simple-vector))
221 `(,@(loop for i across form
222 append (scompile i))
223 (:new-array ,(length form))))
226 (defmethod %quote (object)
227 ;; assuming anything without a special handler is self-evaluating for now
228 (scompile object))
230 (defmethod %quote ((object cons))
231 (scompile `(list ,@(loop for i in object
232 collect `(quote ,i)))))
234 (defmethod scompile ((form symbol))
235 (let* ((i (get-lambda-local-index form))
236 (constant (unless i (find-swf-constant form))))
237 (cond
238 (i `((:get-local ,i)))
239 (constant `((:get-lex ,(first constant))
240 (:get-property ,(second constant))))
241 ((keywordp form)
242 (%quote form))
243 (t (error "unknown local ~s?" form)))))
245 (defmacro define-constants (&body constants)
246 `(progn
247 ,@(loop for i in constants
248 collect `(defmethod scompile ((form (eql ,(car i))))
249 '((,(second i))
250 (:coerce-any))))))
251 (define-constants
252 (:true :push-true)
253 (t :push-true)
254 (:false :push-false)
255 (:nan :push-nan)
256 (:undefined :push-undefined)
257 (:null :push-null)
258 (nil :push-null))
260 ;;; interface for implementing special forms
262 (defgeneric scompile-cons (car cdr))
264 (defmethod scompile ((form cons))
265 (let* ((cmacro (find-swf-cmacro-function (car form)))
266 (macro (find-swf-macro-function (car form)))
267 (new-form (if cmacro (funcall cmacro form nil) form)))
268 (if (eq form new-form)
269 (if macro
270 (scompile (funcall macro form nil))
271 (scompile-cons (car form) (cdr form)))
272 (scompile new-form))))
274 (defmacro define-special (name (&rest args) &body body)
275 "define a special operator, destructuring form into ARGS"
276 (let ((car (gensym "CAR"))
277 (cdr (gensym "CDR")))
278 `(defmethod scompile-cons ((,car (eql ',name)) ,cdr)
279 (destructuring-bind ,args ,cdr
280 ,@body))))
283 (defmacro define-special* (name (cdr) &body body)
284 "define a special operator without any destructuring"
285 (let ((car (gensym "CAR")))
286 `(defmethod scompile-cons ((,car (eql ',name)) ,cdr)
287 ,@body)))
290 (scompile "foo")
291 (scompile :true)
292 (scompile 123.45)