rename as3 -> avm2 since we don't actually deal with actionscript anywhere
[swf2/david.git] / asm / peephole.lisp
1 (in-package :avm2-asm)
3 ;;;; simple peephole optimizer for avm2 asm, to handle some obvious cases
4 ;;;; of redundant code in the compiler
5 ;;;; ex. (peephole '((:pushnull) (:pop))) -> ()
8 ;;; hash of symbol -> list of lambdas to call to try to optimize forms
9 ;;; starting with that symbol
10 (defparameter *peephole-patterns* (make-hash-table))
12 (defun %peephole (forms)
13 (let* ((sym (caar forms))
14 (funs (gethash sym *peephole-patterns*)))
15 (loop for i in funs
16 for j = (funcall i forms)
17 unless (eql j :keep)
18 do (return-from %peephole j))
19 :keep))
22 (defun peephole (forms)
23 "avm2 asm peephole optimizer, pass in list of asm forms, returns
24 optimized version"
25 ;; quick hack peephole optimizer, for simple stuff like pushnull+pop, etc
26 ;; get/setlocal 1
27 (loop for i = forms then (if (not (eql j :keep)) j (cdr i))
28 for j = (%peephole i)
29 while i
30 ;;do (format t "i=~s~% j=~s~%" i j)
31 when (eql j :keep)
32 collect (car i)))
36 (defmacro def-peephole (name length args &body body)
37 ;; name is symbol or list of symbols to match against car of form
38 ;; length = minimum # of forms required for a given pattern
39 ;; fixme: detect pattern length automatically
40 ;; args = destructuring lambda list passed the current remaining
41 ;; forms to be assembled, with the addition of nil to mark
42 ;; entries to be ignored when destructuring
43 ;; ex: (nil &rest rest) would get the forms after the current one
44 ;; ((nil arg) &rest rest) would get the same, + arg to the current form
45 ;; body = code to run to test/perform peephole pass, returns either new
46 ;; list of forms, or :keep to keep current form
47 ;; (can't return nil, since then we wouldn't be able to get rid of
48 ;; the last form(s) in a set)
49 (unless (consp name) (setf name (list name)))
50 (let ((forms (gensym "FORMS-"))
51 (arg-syms nil))
52 (labels
53 ((gensym-nils (list)
54 (when list
55 (cons (cond
56 ((null (car list))
57 (car (push (gensym "IGNORE-") arg-syms)))
58 ((consp (car list)) (gensym-nils (car list)))
59 (t (car list)))
60 (gensym-nils (cdr list))))))
61 `(progn
62 ,@(loop
63 with iargs = (gensym-nils args)
64 with lambda = `(lambda (,forms)
65 (when (>= (length ,forms) ,length)
66 (destructuring-bind (,@iargs) ,forms
67 ,@(when arg-syms
68 `((declare (ignore ,@arg-syms))))
69 ,@body)))
70 for i in name
71 collect `(push ,lambda (gethash ',i *peephole-patterns* nil)))))))
73 ;; TODO:
74 ;; (kill x)+ (returnvalue) -> (returnvalue)
75 ;; -- (can't do directly, since then it would only get the last kill
76 ;; need to check rest for more kills and then a returnvalue)
80 ;;; push-*/get-*+ pop -> ()
81 (def-peephole (:push-null :push-undefined :push-byte :push-short :push-true
82 :push-false :push-nan :push-string :push-int
83 :push-uint :push-double :push-namespace
84 :get-local-0 :get-local-1 :get-local-2 :get-local-3
85 :get-local) 2 (nil next &rest rest)
86 (if (eql :pop (car next))
87 (progn #+(or)(format t "drop ~s -> ~s~%" next rest)
88 rest)
89 :keep))
91 ;;; get-local N (N<4) -> get-local-n
92 (def-peephole :get-local 1 ((nil local) &rest rest)
93 (if (< local 4)
94 (cons (elt '((:get-local-0) (:get-local-1)
95 (:get-local-2) (:get-local-3)) local)
96 rest)
97 :keep))
99 ;;; set-local N (N<4) -> set-local-n
100 (def-peephole :set-local 1 ((nil local) &rest rest)
101 (if (< local 4)
102 (cons (elt '((:set-local-0) (:set-local-1)
103 (:set-local-2) (:set-local-3)) local)
104 rest)
105 :keep))
107 ;;; dup setlocal pop -> setlocal
108 (def-peephole :dup 3 (nil next pop &rest rest)
109 (if (and (eql (car pop) :pop)
110 (member (car next) '(:set-local-0 :set-local-1 :set-local-2
111 :set-local-3 :set-local)))
112 (cons next rest)
113 :keep))
116 ;;; less-than/greater-than/equals + if-true/if-false -> if-lt/etc
117 ;;; fixme: generalize/combine these
118 (def-peephole :less-than 2 (nil next &rest rest)
119 (cond
120 ((eql :if-true (car next))
121 (cons `(:if-lt ,@(cdr next)) rest))
122 ((eql :if-false (car next))
123 (cons `(:if-nlt ,@(cdr next)) rest))
124 (t :keep)))
126 (def-peephole :greater-than 2 (nil next &rest rest)
127 (cond
128 ((eql :if-true (car next))
129 (cons `(:if-gt ,@(cdr next)) rest))
130 ((eql :if-false (car next))
131 (cons `(:if-ngt ,@(cdr next)) rest))
132 (t :keep)))
134 (def-peephole :equals 2 (nil next &rest rest)
135 (cond
136 ((eql :if-true (car next))
137 (cons `(:if-eq ,@(cdr next)) rest))
138 ((eql :if-false (car next))
139 (cons `(:if-ne ,@(cdr next)) rest))
140 (t :keep)))
142 ;; hack to allow comments in generated asm
143 (def-peephole :comment 1 (nil &rest rest)
144 rest)
146 ;; fixme: move interning into the assembler so we can peephole push-int
147 ;; into push-byte or push-short if applicable
149 #+ (or)
150 (format t "~s~%"
151 (peephole `((get-local 1) (pop) ;; -> nil
152 (set-local 1) ;; -> (set-local-1)
153 (set-local 5)
154 (equals) (if-false) ;; -> (if-ne)
155 (less-than) (if-true) ;; -> (if-lt)
156 (push-null) (pop)))) ;; -> nil