use environment variable SWFTOOLS_TMP instead of TEMP
[swftools.git] / lib / example / dumpfont.c
1 /* dumpfont.c
3 Example for font handling
5 This tool dumps font information into C files
6 which can be included to rfxswf applications.
7 This is an easy way for developers to use
8 fonts in applications without dealing with
9 external files.
11 Usage: ./dumpfont filename.swf > myfont.c
13 Part of the swftools package.
15 Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Rainer Böhme <>
17 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20 (at your option) any later version.
22 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 GNU General Public License for more details.
27 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <fcntl.h>
33 #include <unistd.h>
34 #include "../rfxswf.h"
36 #define PRINTABLE(a) (((a>0x20)&&(a<0xff)&&(a!='\\'))?a:0x20)
38 SWF swf;
40 void DumpFont(SWFFONT * f,char * name)
41 { int n,i;
42 int*gpos = malloc(sizeof(int*)*f->numchars);
43 memset(gpos,0,sizeof(int*)*f->numchars);
45 // Glyph Shapes Data
47 n = 0;
48 printf("U8 Glyphs_%s[] = {\n\t ",name);
50 for (i=0;i<f->numchars;i++)
51 if (f->glyph[i].shape)
52 { SHAPE * s = f->glyph[i].shape;
53 int j,l = (s->bitlen+7)/8;
54 gpos[i] = n;
56 for (j=0;j<l;j++)
57 { printf("0x%02x, ",s->data[j]);
58 if ((n&7)==7) printf("\n\t ");
59 n++;
62 printf("0x00 };\n");
64 // SWFFONT function
66 printf("\nSWFFONT * Font_%s(U16 id)\n",name);
67 printf("{ SWFFONT * f;\n int i;\n\n");
68 printf(" if (!(f=malloc(sizeof(SWFFONT)))) return NULL;\n");
69 printf(" memset(f,0x00,sizeof(SWFFONT));\n");
70 printf(" f->id = id;\n");
71 printf(" f->version = %d;\n", f->version);
72 printf(" f->name = strdup(\"%s\");\n",f->name);
73 printf(" f->style = 0x%02x;\n",f->style);
74 printf(" f->encoding = 0x%02x;\n",f->encoding);
75 printf(" f->numchars = %d;\n",f->numchars);
76 printf(" f->maxascii = %d;\n",f->maxascii);
77 printf(" f->glyph = (SWFGLYPH*)malloc(sizeof(SWFGLYPH)*%d);\n",f->numchars);
78 printf(" f->glyph2ascii = (U16*)malloc(sizeof(U16)*%d);\n",f->numchars);
79 printf(" f->ascii2glyph = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*%d);\n",f->maxascii);
80 printf(" memset(f->ascii2glyph, -1, sizeof(int)*%d);\n\n", f->maxascii);
81 if(f->layout) {
82 printf(" f->layout = (SWFLAYOUT*)malloc(sizeof(SWFLAYOUT));\n");
83 printf(" f->layout->ascent = %d;\n", f->layout->ascent);
84 printf(" f->layout->descent = %d;\n", f->layout->descent);
85 printf(" f->layout->leading = %d;\n", f->layout->leading);
86 printf(" f->layout->kerningcount = 0;\n");
87 printf(" f->layout->kerning = 0;\n");
88 printf(" f->layout->bounds = (SRECT*)malloc(sizeof(SRECT)*%d);\n", f->numchars);
89 printf(" memset(f->layout->bounds, 0, sizeof(SRECT)*%d);\n\n", f->numchars);
92 for (i=0;i<f->numchars;i++)
93 if (f->glyph[i].shape)
95 printf(" addGlyph(f,%3i, 0x%03x,%4i, &Glyphs_%s[0x%04x], %4i, ",
96 i, f->glyph2ascii[i], f->glyph[i].advance, name, gpos[i],
97 f->glyph[i].shape->bitlen);
98 if(f->layout && f->layout->bounds) {
99 printf("%d, %d, %d, %d);",
100 f->layout->bounds[i].xmin,
101 f->layout->bounds[i].ymin,
102 f->layout->bounds[i].xmax,
103 f->layout->bounds[i].ymax);
104 } else {
105 printf("/* bbox not set */ 0, 0, 0, 0);");
107 printf(" // %c\n", PRINTABLE(f->glyph2ascii[i]));
110 printf(" return f;\n}\n\n");
111 free(gpos);
114 void DumpGlobal(char * funcname)
115 { printf("\nvoid %s(SWFFONT * f,int i,U16 ascii,U16 advance,U8 * data,U32 bitlen,int xmin,int ymin,int xmax, int ymax)\n",funcname);
116 printf("{ SHAPE * s;\n U32 l = (bitlen+7)/8;\n\n");
117 printf(" if (FAILED(swf_ShapeNew(&s))) return;\n");
118 printf(" s->data = malloc(l);\n");
119 printf(" if (!s->data) { swf_ShapeFree(s); return; }\n\n");
120 printf(" f->glyph2ascii[i] = ascii;\n");
121 printf(" f->ascii2glyph[ascii] = i;\n");
122 printf(" f->glyph[i].advance = advance;\n");
123 printf(" f->glyph[i].shape = s;\n");
124 printf(" s->bitlen = bitlen;\n");
125 printf(" s->bits.fill = 1;\n");
126 printf(" if(f->layout && f->layout->bounds)\n");
127 printf(" { f->layout->bounds[i].xmin = xmin;\n");
128 printf(" f->layout->bounds[i].ymin = ymin;\n");
129 printf(" f->layout->bounds[i].xmax = xmax;\n");
130 printf(" f->layout->bounds[i].ymax = ymax;\n");
131 printf(" }\n");
132 printf(" memcpy(s->data,data,l);\n}\n\n");
136 void fontcallback(U16 id,U8 * name,void*data)
137 { SWFFONT * font;
139 int f;
140 char s[500],*ss;
142 swf_FontExtract(&swf,id,&font);
143 sprintf(s,"%s%s%s",name,swf_FontIsBold(font)?"_bold":"",swf_FontIsItalic(font)?"_italic":"");
145 ss = s;
146 while(*ss)
148 if(!((*ss>='a' && *ss<='z') ||
149 (*ss>='A' && *ss<='Z') ||
150 (*ss>='0' && *ss<='9' && ss!=s) ||
151 (*ss=='_')))
152 *ss = '_';
153 ss++;
156 DumpFont(font,s);
158 swf_FontFree(font);
161 int main(int argc,char ** argv)
162 { int f;
164 if (argc>1)
165 { f = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
166 if (f>=0)
167 { if FAILED(swf_ReadSWF(f,&swf))
168 { fprintf(stderr,"%s is not a valid SWF file or contains errors.\n",argv[1]);
169 close(f);
171 else
172 { char fn[200];
173 close(f);
174 sprintf(fn,"fn%04x",getpid()); // avoid name conflicts @ using multiple fonts
175 printf("#define addGlyph %s\n",fn);
176 DumpGlobal(fn);
177 swf_FontEnumerate(&swf,&fontcallback,0);
178 swf_FreeTags(&swf);
179 printf("#undef addGlyph\n");
181 } else fprintf(stderr,"File not found: %s\n",argv[1]);
183 else fprintf(stderr,"\nreflex SWF Font Dump Utility\n(w) 2000 by Rainer Boehme <>\n\nUsage: dumpfont filename.swf\n");
185 return 0;