3 Our team, after having discussion, has confirmed knowledge of a new project on the horizon (some people call it "winter," not the official name). This project is coming from mostly unknown people who are not involved at any other SWG projects.
5 To make way for them and because of our own time constraints, we will be ceasing operations. The repo will remain up and you are free to fork and continue, but we will no longer comment, review pull requests, or update the code ourselves.
7 May the force be with you.
12 Please put in a pull request for any and all useful changes and fixes you make! It is advisable to use a VPN and username you don't normally use online, to protect your identity. The focus of this project is Linux, but it may work on Windows.
14 We are not associated with SWGLegends or SWGReborn. They may be using some of our work but we do not have any association.
18 We anons working on this fully support all the SWG emus out there and recognize the fact that they are superior in quality, efficiency, and completion to this one. This is for fun, and not profit, and not competition with any existing emulation project. You would be stupid to host a public server with this code.
22 As for the missing NPC's, the majority of them are in the sku.0/sys.server/compiled/game/datatables/buildouts _ws.iff files, but so far we have been unable to load them. There is a method to persist them to the database but it has been hit and miss. This method is documented in the USEFUL_COMMANDS.md file.
26 Please file a bug/issue first. If you need to contact us, send message on reddit to https://www.reddit.com/user/swgmasters as our old email address no longer works.
43 First, download and setup ProjectSWG to get the tre files you need. Then, unzip the contents of the below over the top, replacing any files you are prompted to. Make sure to edit login.cfg to point to your SWG server IP.
45 https://mega.nz/#F!mZw2BLJJ!-vcXi2_NN-WoslIjiY32Gw
47 # Additional Server /data Files
51 More may be required from the .tocs and .tres later but this is bare minimum. So far getting searchTree and searchTOC hasn't been successful in the server config files.
53 https://mega.nz/#F!mZw2BLJJ!-vcXi2_NN-WoslIjiY32Gw
56 ## Appearance/SSA Files
58 https://mega.nz/#F!mZw2BLJJ!-vcXi2_NN-WoslIjiY32Gw
63 Git: http://repo.or.cz/w/swg-src.git
66 Static (only at initial commit): https://mega.nz/#F!mZw2BLJJ!-vcXi2_NN-WoslIjiY32Gw
69 Feel free to fork and mirror yourself with caution. Please share useful changes you make on Reddit.com/r/swg or Voat.co/v/swg if the git repos are ever taken down.
71 ### Developers VM Download Links
75 https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=k1dz&id=0Bw5QxmhEYpyzdFVPV2x3LVYzWUE
77 https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=sfMW&id=0B8qYSmfamAxsalhBNG5xSjR1QTg
79 Comes with newest libs and buildtools, and no prebuilded server/empty db with precreated users.
80 You have to build your own server first before you can start it. Follow the instructions of the sid_readme.md