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[swg-src.git] / dsrc / sku.0 / sys.server / compiled / game / datatables / event_perk /
2 s       s       s
3 emperors_theme  sound/music_emperor_theme_loop.snd      Emperor's Theme
4 chamber_music   sound/music_starport_a_loop.snd Chamber Music
5 hard_rock       sound/music_starport_b_loop.snd Hard Rock
6 theed_palace    sound/music_theed_palace_loop.snd       Theed Palace
7 medley  sound/music_autorun_loop.snd    Medley
8 otoh_gunga      sound/music_otoh_gunga_loop.snd Otoh Gunga
9 star_wars_intro sound/music_intro_loop.snd      Star Wars Intro
10 celeb_phantom_menace    sound/music_celebration_a_loop.snd      Celebration: Phantom Menace
11 celeb_rotj      sound/music_celebration_b_loop.snd      Celebration: Return of the Jedi
12 pod_race        sound/music_combat_bfield_loop.snd      Pod Race
13 figrin_dan_1    sound/music_figrin_dan_1_loop.snd       Figrin Dan 1
14 figrin_dan_2    sound/music_figrin_dan_2_loop.snd       Figrin Dan 2
15 soothing_corellia       sound/music_id_tent_corellia_loop.snd   Soothing Corellian
16 soothing_naboo  sound/music_id_tent_naboo_loop.snd      Soothing Naboo
17 soothing_tatooine       sound/music_id_tent_tatooine_loop.snd   Soothing Tatooine
18 max_rebo_1      sound/music_max_rebo_1_loop.snd Max Rebo 1
19 max_rebo_2      sound/music_max_rebo_2_loop.snd Max Rebo 2
20 romance_1       sound/music_romance_a_loop.snd  Romance 1
21 romance_2       sound/music_theme_han_leia.snd  Romance 2
22 romance_3       sound/music_romance_c_loop.snd  Romance 3
23 romance_4       sound/music_theme_ep2_love.snd  Romance 4
24 satisfaction_1  sound/music_satisfaction_a_loop.snd     Satisfaction 1
25 satisfaction_2  sound/music_satisfaction_b_loop.snd     Satisfaction 2
26 exar_theme      sound/music_exar_theme_loop.snd Exar Theme
27 exploration     sound/music_explore_a_loop.snd  Exploration
28 humor_1 sound/music_humor_a_loop.snd    Humor 1
29 humor_2 sound/music_humor_b_loop.snd    Humor 2
30 leia_theme      sound/music_leia_theme_loop.snd Leia Theme
31 leia_theme_2    sound/music_theme_princess_leia.snd     Leia Theme 2
32 evil_ambiance   sound/music_underground_loop.snd        Evil Ambiance
33 eerie_ambiance  sound/music_underwater_loop.snd Eerie Ambiance
34 lok_theme       sound/music_gloom_a_loop.snd    Lok Theme
35 imperial_march  sound/mus_imperial_march_excerpt.snd    Imperial March
36 duel_of_fates   sound/mus_duel_of_the_fates_lcv.snd     Duel of the Fates
37 bespin_theme    sound/music_theme_bespin.snd    Bespin Theme
38 yoda_theme      sound/music_theme_yoda.snd      Yoda's Theme
39 jawas_theme     sound/music_theme_jawas.snd     Jawa Theme
40 ewoks_theme     sound/music_theme_ewoks.snd     Ewok Theme
41 anakin_theme    sound/music_theme_anakin.snd    Anakin's Theme
42 ceremony_01     sound/music_ceremony_1.snd      Ceremony 1
43 ceremony_02     sound/music_ceremony_2.snd      Ceremony 2
44 sadness sound/music_sadness.snd Sadness
45 luke_leia_theme sound/music_theme_luke_leia.snd Luke and Leia's Theme
46 battle_of_hoth  sound/music_theme_battle_hoth.snd       Battle of Hoth
47 death_star      sound/music_theme_death_star.snd        Death Star
48 saber_duel_01   sound/music_saber_duel_01.snd   Saber Duel 1
49 saber_duel_02   sound/music_saber_duel_02.snd   Saber Duel 2
50 saber_duel_03   sound/music_saber_duel_03.snd   Saber Duel 3
51 saber_duel_04   sound/music_saber_duel_04.snd   Saber Duel 4
52 mustafar_theme  sound/music_theme_mustafar.snd  Mustafar Theme