2 # ======================================================================
3 # ======================================================================
11 # ======================================================================
13 # ======================================================================
15 use constant START_BOOTLEG_TEST
=> "A";
16 use constant END_COMMUNICATION
=> "B";
17 use constant SUCCESSFUL_TEST
=> "C";
18 use constant UNSUCCESSFUL_TEST
=> "D";
19 use constant SERVER_READY
=> "E";
20 use constant BOOTLEG_MISMATCH
=> "F";
21 use constant CLIENT_KILL
=> "G";
22 use constant CLIENT_OK
=> "H";
=> "I";
=> "J";
25 use constant START_UPKEEP
=> "K";
26 use constant START_BOOTLEG_SEND
=> "L";
=> "M";
28 use constant BOOTLEG_SEND_FILE
=> "N";
29 use constant END_BOOTLEG_SEND
=> "O";
30 use constant START_EMAIL
=> "P";
32 # ======================================================================
34 # ======================================================================
39 my $depotdir = "/swg";
40 my $bootlegdir = "/swg/bootlegs";
41 my $logfile = "build_bootleg.log";
42 my $win32machine = "";
44 my $emailRecipients = "vthakkar\@soe.sony.com";
53 my @steps = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
55 # ======================================================================
57 # ======================================================================
61 print "\n\t$name <optional parameters> <branch>\n\n".
62 "\tOptional parameters:\n\n".
63 "\t\t--no_script\t: Don't do a script recompile\n".
64 "\t\t--no_build\t: Don't build a new bootleg\n".
65 "\t\t--no_patch\t: Don't create a patchtree file\n".
66 "\t\t--no_send\t: Don't send build / patch results to win32 machine\n".
67 "\t\t--no_install\t: Don't install newest bootleg\n".
68 "\t\t--no_test\t: Don't perform test on bootleg\n".
69 "\t\t--no_email\t: Don't send email about results\n".
70 "\t\t--no_upkeep\t: Don't perform upkeep on bootleg directories\n".
71 "\n\tWarning: Some options depend on others, some combinations may not work.\n";
78 my $message = shift @_;
80 my ($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mon, $yr) = localtime time;
81 my $timestamp = sprintf "%4s-%02s-%02s\t%02s:%02s:%02s", ($yr + 1900), ($mon + 1), $day, $hr, $min, $sec;
83 print LOG
join("\t", $timestamp, $message), "\n";
88 my $message = shift @_;
89 print "Fatal error running: $message\n";
90 writelog
("Fatal error running: $message");
97 my $oldSelect = select($_[0]);
107 while(sysread($fh, $buffer, 1))
110 last if($buffer eq "\n");
119 # find out where a perforce file resides on the local machine
122 open(P4
, "p4 where $_[0] |");
136 socket(SOCKET
, getprotobyname('tcp')) || closeServer
("socket failed\n");
138 my $destination = inet_aton
($win32machine) || closeServer
("inet_aton failed\n");
139 my $paddr = sockaddr_in
($port, $destination);
140 connect(SOCKET
, $paddr) || closeServer
("connect failed\n");
142 # unbuffer the socket
143 my $oldSelect = select(SOCKET
147 # put the socket into binary mode
154 my $win32complete = 0;
155 my $linuxcomplete = 0;
157 print "Building bootleg...\n";
158 writelog
("Building bootleg");
, "perl ${depotdir}/swg/current/tools/build_script_linux_new.pl $branch -bootleg -incrediBuild 2>&1 |") or fatal
"Error running build_script_linux.pl\n";
165 $newbootleg = $1 if(/^Syncing to $branch\@(\d+)/);
166 $win32complete = 1 if(/^Windows build returned 0/);
167 $linuxcomplete = 1 if(/^Linux build returned 0/);
172 print "linux build incomplete\n" if(!$linuxcomplete);
173 print "windows build incomplete\n" if(!$win32complete);
174 print "Completed building bootleg $newbootleg.\n\n" if($win32complete && $linuxcomplete);
176 writelog
("Bootleg: $newbootleg, Linux complete: $linuxcomplete, Windows complete: $win32complete");
177 ($win32complete && $linuxcomplete) ?
return 1 : return 0;
182 my $patch_tree_complete = 0;
183 my $patch_changelist = 0;
185 print "Building patch tree...\n";
186 writelog
("Building patch tree");
187 mkdir "$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/patch" || fatal
"mkdir for patchtree failed";
189 open(PATCHTREE
, "perl ${depotdir}/swg/current/tools/CheckPatchTreeSize.pl --sync --changelist=$newbootleg --save_treefile=$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/patch/bootlegpatch.tre |") or fatal
"Error running CheckPatchTreeSize.pl\n";
194 $patch_changelist = $1 if(/^Most recent final manifest at revision \d+, patch \d+, changelist (\d+)/);
195 $patch_tree_complete = 1 if(/^Size of \.tre is: \d+$/);
199 move
"$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/patch/bootlegpatch.tre", "$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/patch/bootleg_${patch_changelist}_${newbootleg}.tre";
201 print "Patch tree build incomplete.\n\n" if(!$patch_tree_complete);
202 print "Patch tree build complete.\n\n" if($patch_tree_complete);
204 writelog
("Patch Tree complete: $patch_tree_complete");
205 return $patch_tree_complete;
210 print "Sending bootleg / patch to win32 machine...\n";
211 writelog
("Sending bootleg / patch to win32 machine...");
216 print SOCKET
pack("N", length $branch);
217 print SOCKET
218 print SOCKET
pack("N", $newbootleg);
220 # Build an array of what directories to send over
222 push @directories, "patch" if(-d
223 push @directories, "servers" if(-d
225 while(@directories = sort @directories)
227 my $dir = shift @directories;
229 # Tell the windows machine to get a new directory
231 print SOCKET
pack("N", length $dir);
234 opendir DH
, "$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/$dir" || die "could not open directory\n";
235 foreach my $fileName (sort readdir DH
237 next if($fileName eq "." || $fileName eq "..");
238 push @directories, "$dir/$fileName" if(-d
239 next if(!-f
241 my $fileSize = -s
242 print "Sending file $fileName ($fileSize bytes)\n";
243 writelog
("Sending file $fileName ($fileSize bytes)");
245 print SOCKET
pack("NN", length $fileName, $fileSize);
246 print SOCKET
247 open(F
, "<$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/$dir/$fileName");
252 my $readSize = 16 * 1024;
253 $readSize = $fileSize if ($fileSize < $readSize);
254 my $readResult = read(F
, $buffer, $readSize);
255 die "unexpected end of file" if (!defined($readResult));
256 die "did not read what we expected to" if ($readResult != $readSize);
257 print SOCKET
258 $fileSize -= $readResult;
260 die "copied all the bytes but not at EOF" if (!eof(F
267 print "Finished sending to win32 machine.\n";
268 writelog
("Finished sending to win32 machine.");
276 print "Installing bootleg...\n";
277 writelog
("Installing bootleg");
279 open(INSTALL
, "perl " . perforceWhere
("//depot/swg/current/tools/InstallBootleg.pl") . " --list --force_newest --server_only --install_as_build_cluster $branch |") or fatal
"Error running InstallBootleg.pl\n";
287 $complete = 1 if(/^Update complete\./);
288 $oldbootleg = $1 if($oldbootleg eq "" && /^\d+\s+(\d+)\s+blessed/);
289 $newbootleg = $1 if(/^Updating to build: (\d+)/);
294 print "Bootleg installation incomplete\n" if(!$complete);
295 print "Completed installing bootleg.\n\n" if($complete);
296 writelog
("OldBootleg: $oldbootleg, InstallBootleg complete: $complete");
303 print "Fatal Error: Killing forked processes\n";
310 my $loginServer = "debug/LoginServer";
311 my $taskManager = "debug/TaskManager";
313 writelog
("Starting Server");
314 my $serverdir = perforceWhere
315 $serverdir =~ s/fakefile$//;
316 chdir($serverdir) || fatal
"Cannot change directory to $serverdir\n";
318 print "Starting up server...\n";
319 $loginpid = open(LOGINSERVER
, "$loginServer -- \@loginServer.cfg 2>&1 |") or closeServer
("Can't open LoginServer\n");
324 writelog
("LoginServer: $_") if(/\S+/);
325 last if(/^Log observer setup/);
328 $taskpid = open(TASKMANAGER
, "$taskManager -- \@taskmanager.cfg 2>&1 |") or closeServer
("Can't open TaskManager\n");
333 writelog
("TaskManager: $_") if(/\S+/);
334 last if(/^Preload finished on all planets/);
340 writelog
("Ending Server");
341 print "Shutting down server.\n";
342 kill 1, $taskpid if(defined $taskpid);
343 kill 1, $loginpid if(defined $loginpid);
344 system("killall CommoditiesServer");
345 system("killall ChatServer");
352 writelog
("Starting Client");
353 print "Starting up client...\n";
358 print SOCKET
pack("N", length $branch);
359 print SOCKET
364 writelog
("Ending Client");
366 print "Shutting down client.\n";
372 writelog
("Verifying server and client responses");
373 my $loginsuccess = 0;
377 print "Verifying client and server have same bootleg installation.\n";
378 read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 4) == 4 or fatal
"Error reading from win32 machine\n";
379 my $clientbootleg = unpack("N", $buffer);
381 if($clientbootleg ne $newbootleg)
383 writelog
("Mismatch in client / server bootlegs - client: $clientbootleg, server: $newbootleg");
384 print "Mismatch in client / server bootlegs - client: $clientbootleg, server: $newbootleg\n";
388 print "Both client and server have bootleg $newbootleg installed\n";
389 writelog
("Both client and server have bootleg $newbootleg installed");
393 my $starttime = time;
394 writelog
("Beginning test with client - timeout of $waittime seconds");
396 # used to create non-blocking reading of both filehandles
402 vec($rin, fileno(LOGINSERVER
), 1) = 1;
403 vec($rin, fileno(TASKMANAGER
), 1) = 1;
405 if(select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0))
407 if (vec($rout, fileno(LOGINSERVER
), 1))
409 $line = unbufferReadline
412 writelog
("LoginServer: $line") if($line =~ /\S+/);
413 ++$loginsuccess if($loginsuccess == 0 && $line =~ /^connection opened for service on port \d+/);
414 ++$loginsuccess if($loginsuccess == 1 && $line =~ /^Encrypting with key:/);
415 ++$loginsuccess if($loginsuccess == 2 && $line =~ /^Client connected\. Station Id: \d+, Username: bootleg/);
416 ++$loginsuccess if($loginsuccess == 3 && $line =~ /^Client \d+ disconnected/);
418 last if ($line =~ /ERROR/ or $line =~ /FATAL/);
421 if (vec($rout, fileno(TASKMANAGER
), 1))
423 $line = unbufferReadline
426 writelog
("TaskManager: $line") if($line =~ /\S+/);
427 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 0 && $line =~ /^connection opened for service on port \d+/);
428 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 1 && $line =~ /^Opened connection with client/);
429 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 2 && $line =~ /^Recieved ClientIdMsg/);
430 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 3 && $line =~ /^Decrypting with key: /);
431 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 4 && $line =~ /^succeeded/);
432 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 5 && $line =~ /^ValidateAccountMessage/);
433 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 6 && $line =~ /^ValidateAccountReplyMessage/);
434 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 7 && $line =~ /^Permissions for \d+:/);
435 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 8 && $line =~ /canLogin/);
436 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 9 && $line =~ /canCreateRegularCharacter/);
437 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 10 && $line =~ /^Recvd SelectCharacter message for \d+/);
438 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 11 && $line =~ /^Got ValidateCharacterForLoginMessage acct \d+, character \d+/);
439 ++$tasksuccess if($tasksuccess == 12 && $line =~ /^Pending character \d+ is logging in or dropping/);
441 last if ($line =~ /ERROR/ or $line =~ /FATAL/);
446 return 0 if((time - $starttime) > $waittime);
447 last if($loginsuccess == 4 && $tasksuccess == 13);
450 writelog
("LoginServer success: $loginsuccess/4, Taskmanager success: $tasksuccess/13");
451 return 0 if($loginsuccess != 4 || $tasksuccess != 13);
453 # Tell win32 machine that the client is ok (don't need to kill it)
456 read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 1) == 1 or fatal
"Error reading from win32 machine\n";
458 my $clientsuccess = 0;
459 $clientsuccess = 1 if($buffer eq SUCCESSFUL_TEST
461 writelog
("Client success: $clientsuccess/1");
462 return 0 if($clientsuccess != 1);
469 print "Testing bootleg...\n";
470 writelog
("Testing bootleg");
476 $test = checkResponses
481 fatal
"Test for bootleg $newbootleg unsuccessful\n" if(!$test);
482 print "Testing successful.\n\n";
483 writelog
("Test for bootleg successful: $test");
484 open(BLESS
, ">$bootlegdir/$branch/$newbootleg/blessed.txt");
492 return 0 if($newbootleg eq "");
494 # Get old bootleg if we don't know it
495 if($oldbootleg eq "")
500 # Tell the client which bootleg to ignore
501 print SOCKET
pack("N", length $newbootleg);
502 print SOCKET
505 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 4) != 4);
506 my $oldBootlegLength = unpack("N", $buffer);
507 return 0 if($oldBootlegLength == 0);
508 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $oldbootleg, $oldBootlegLength) != $oldBootlegLength);
513 print "Emailing about changes from bootleg $oldbootleg to $newbootleg...\n";
514 writelog
("Emailing changes from $oldbootleg to $newbootleg");
515 return 0 if($oldbootleg eq "");
516 open(EMAIL
, "| mail -s \"[bootleg] $branch.$newbootleg.0 is up\" $emailRecipients");
518 print EMAIL
521 print EMAIL
"Changes between $oldbootleg and $newbootleg\n";
523 open(CHANGES
, "perl ${depotdir}/swg/current/tools/BuildChanges.pl -i //depot/swg/$branch/... $oldbootleg $newbootleg |");
526 next if(/^Change (\d+) on/ || /^\[(public|internal)\]/ || /^\n/ || /.?none.?/i || /n(\/|\
/i || /^---/ || /ignoring script recompile
528 print EMAIL
"\t- $_";
531 print "Completed emailing.\n\n";
532 writelog
("Completed emailing.");
541 print "Performing upkeep on bootleg directory for $branch...\n";
542 writelog
("Performing upkeep on bootleg directory for $branch...");
547 print SOCKET
pack("N", length $branch);
548 print SOCKET
550 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 1) != 1);
554 print "Failed getting build cluster version\n";
555 writelog
("Failed getting build cluster version");
558 elsif($buffer eq GOT_BUILD_CLUSTER_VERSION
560 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 4) != 4);
561 my $buildClusterBootleg = unpack("N", $buffer);
562 print "Build cluster bootleg version is $buildClusterBootleg\n";
563 writelog
("Build cluster bootleg version is $buildClusterBootleg");
567 print "Got incorrect return from win32 machine\n";
568 writelog
("Got incorrect return from win32 machine.");
574 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 4) != 4);
575 my $bootlegVer = unpack("N", $buffer);
576 last if($bootlegVer == 0);
577 print "Removed bootleg $branch/$bootlegVer.\n";
578 writelog
("Removed bootleg $branch/$bootlegVer.");
583 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, 4) != 4);
584 my $pdbFileLength = unpack("N", $buffer);
585 last if($pdbFileLength == 0);
586 return 0 if(read(SOCKET
, $buffer, $pdbFileLength) != $pdbFileLength);
587 print "Removed pdb file $buffer.\n";
588 writelog
("Removed pdb file $buffer.");
598 open(P4
, "p4 -ztag opened -c default |");
603 push (@files, $_) if (s/^\.\.\. depotFile //);
608 my $tmpfile = "submit.tmp";
610 # submit all the open files
611 open(TMP
, ">" . $tmpfile);
613 print TMP
614 print TMP
618 print TMP
"\t", $_, "\n";
621 print TMP
624 print TMP
"\t", $_, "\n";
629 my $result = system("p4 submit -i < $tmpfile");
630 fatal
"p4 submit failed" if ($result != 0);
636 print "Recompiling scripts...\n";
638 writelog
("Syncing perforce for script recompile...");
639 system("p4 sync //depot/swg/$branch/...") == 0 || return 0;
640 writelog
("Sync perforce complete.");
641 writelog
("Recompiling scripts...");
643 my $result = system("perl ${depotdir}/swg/current/tools/recompileAllScripts.pl $branch");
645 writelog
("Recompile scripts returned $result (success = 0)");
650 $attach .= " -a pythonPreprocessorStderr.log" if (-s
651 $attach .= " -a javac.log" if (-s
652 system("mutt -s \"[BUILDLOG $branch] script recompile failed, errors attached\" $attach $emailRecipients < /dev/null");
653 system("p4 revert -c default //depot/... > /dev/null");
657 system("p4 revert -a > /dev/null");
658 submitOpenFiles
("[automated]", "Script recompile for bootleg build");
660 print "Recompile scripts successful.\n";
664 # ======================================================================
666 # ======================================================================
668 usage
() if(!GetOptions
('no_script' => \
$steps[0], 'no_build' => \
$steps[1], 'no_patch' => \
$steps[2], 'no_send' => \
$steps[3], 'no_install' => \
$steps[4], 'no_test' => \
$steps[5], 'no_email' => \
$steps[6], 'no_upkeep' => \
669 usage
() if(@ARGV != 1);
672 open(LOG
, ">>$logfile") || die "Could not open $logfile\n";
676 print "Beginning bootleg build for branch $branch\n";
677 writelog
("Beginning bootleg build for branch $branch");
679 scriptRecompile
() || fatal
"scriptRecompile" if(!$steps[0]);
680 buildBootleg
() || fatal
"build" if(!$steps[1]);
681 buildPatchTree
() || fatal
"buildPatchTree" if(!$steps[2]);
682 sendBootleg
() || fatal
"sendBootleg" if(!$steps[3]);
683 installBootleg
() || fatal
"installBootleg" if(!$steps[4]);
684 testBootleg
() || fatal
"testBootleg" if(!$steps[5]);
685 email
() || fatal
"email" if(!$steps[6]);
686 upkeep
() || fatal
"upkeep" if(!$steps[7]);
688 print "Build of bootleg $newbootleg complete.\n";
689 writelog
("Build of bootleg $newbootleg complete");