Merged in Governor-Tarkin/swg-src (pull request #17)
[swg-src.git] / tools /
1 package BuildFunctions;
3 require Exporter;
5 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
6 our @EXPORT = qw(build_project Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors get_time_and_date get_date);
10 ###
11 # Copyright (C)2000-2002 Sony Online Entertainment Inc.
12 # All Rights Reserved
14 # Title:
15 # Description: This file contains the various functions used by the different build scripts.
16 # @author $Author: gmcdaniel $
17 # @version $Revision: #1 $
25 #todo Possible failure points that I need to fix. The ResultsLogfile file can fail to be opened in one sub but still try to be written to in Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors
26 #todo Bad coding to call ResultsLogFile without acutally passing it in to the sub? Probably
31 # This subroutine builds the passed project. It is passed the project name, the string for the project to build, and the project type (release or debug)
33 sub build
35 print ("Beginning $_[1] build...\n");
36 system("msdev ..\\src\\build\\win32\\swg.dsw /MAKE \"$_[1]\" /y3 /REBUILD /OUT d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_$_[2].log");
37 print ("$_[1] build complete\n");
38 print ("\n");
39 $timestamp = get_time_and_date();
40 $timeStamped_Log = $_[0]."_".$_[2]."_".$timestamp.".log";
41 system ("copy d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_$_[2].log d:\\buildlogs\\$timeStamped_Log");
42 print ("\n");
43 print ("\n");
46 } # End of sub build
52 # This subroutine calls the build subroutine to build both the release and debug versions of the project that is passed
54 sub build_project
57 $project = $_[0]." - Win32 Release";
58 $type = "Release";
59 build($_[0],$project,$type);
62 $project = $_[0]." - Win32 Debug";
63 $type = "Debug";
64 build($_[0],$project,$type);
67 $project = $_[0]." - Win32 Optimized";
68 $type = "Optimized";
69 build($_[0],$project,$type);
71 } # End of sub build_project
77 # This subroutine returns the current local time and date
79 sub get_time_and_date
81 ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime) [0,1,2,3,4,5];
82 $month = $month + 1;
83 $year = $year + 1900;
84 $dayandtime = $month."_".$day."_".$year."__".$hour."_".$min."_".$sec;
85 return $dayandtime;
87 } # End of sub get_time_and_date
93 # This subroutine returns the current local date
95 sub get_date
97 ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime) [3,4,5];
98 $month = $month + 1;
99 $year = $year + 1900;
100 $date = $month."/".$day."/".$year;
101 return $date;
103 } # End of sub get_date
109 # This subroutine checks for warnings and errors in the build logs. If there is an error it returns true otherwise it returns false.
110 # It takes the name the logfile to check and the resulting exe or project name as input.
112 sub Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors
115 $third_to_last_line = "test_line_3";
116 $second_to_last_line = "test_line_2";
118 open (Logfile,"d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]") || die "Cannot open $_[0] for reading.";
119 while (<Logfile>)
121 chomp;
122 $third_to_last_line = $second_to_last_line;
123 $second_to_last_line = $_;
125 close (Logfile) || die "can't close $_[0]";
126 print ("\n");
127 print ("$third_to_last_line\n");
128 print ("$second_to_last_line\n");
129 print ResultsLogfile ("$third_to_last_line\n");
130 print ResultsLogfile ("$second_to_last_line\n");
131 print ResultsLogfile ("\n");
136 $search_for_errors= "0 error";
137 $search_for_warnings= "0 warning";
138 $match=-1;
140 #check for 0 errors.
141 if (index($third_to_last_line, $search_for_errors,$match) > -1) {
142 print ("No errors Found in $_[0]\n");
143 print ("\n");
145 #check for warnings
146 if (index($third_to_last_line, $search_for_warnings,$match) > -1) {
147 #no warnings or errors found
148 print ("No Warnings Found in $_[0]\n");
149 print ("\n");
150 return "false";
152 #a warning was found
153 print ("Warning Found in $_[0]\n");
154 print ("\n");
155 return "true";
158 #an error was found
159 else {
160 print ("Error Found in $_[0]\n");
161 print ("\n");
162 return "true";
166 } # End of sub Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors
172 # This subroutine checks for warnings and errors in the build logs. If there is an error or warning it notifies QA and the lead programmers.
173 # If there is not an error or warning then the build log is just sent to QA.
174 # It takes the name of the project and the resulting exe or project name as input.
176 sub Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors
179 print ("Checking for errors and warnings...\n");
180 print ("\n");
182 # create file to store warnings and errors for inclusion in body of email.
183 open (ResultsLogfile, ">d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]Results.log") || die "Sorry, I couldn't create $_[0]Results.log";
187 # Prints to results file for easier email formatting
188 print ResultsLogfile ("\n");
189 print ResultsLogfile ("Release Build:\n");
192 # Checks for errors or warnings in the release build
193 $Logfile_to_check = $_[0]."_Release.log";
194 $ReleaseError = Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors($Logfile_to_check);
197 # Prints to results file for easier email formatting
198 print ResultsLogfile ("\n");
199 print ResultsLogfile ("Debug Build:\n");
202 # Checks for errors or warnings in the debug build
203 $Logfile_to_check = $_[0]."_Debug.log";
204 $DebugError = Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors($Logfile_to_check);
208 # Prints to results file for easier email formatting
209 print ResultsLogfile ("\n");
210 print ResultsLogfile ("Optimized Build:\n");
213 # Checks for errors or warnings in the debug build
214 $Logfile_to_check = $_[0]."_Optimized.log";
215 $OptimizedError = Check_Logfile_For_Warnings_and_Errors($Logfile_to_check);
218 # Closes file used for the number of errors and warnings
219 close (ResultsLogfile);
225 # Email addresses
226 $gmcdaniel = "gmcdaniel\";
227 $jbrack = "jbrack\";
228 $jgrills = "jgrills\";
229 $asommers = "asommers\";
230 $cmayer = "cmayer\";
231 $prog_leads = "-to:$gmcdaniel -to:$jgrills -to:$cmayer -to:$asommers -cc:$jbrack";
235 $date_stamp = get_date();
237 if ($ReleaseError eq "true")
239 print ("Error or warning found in $_[0] Release Log. Emailing appropriate people.\n");
241 # Email the results to Programmer Leads and QA
242 system ("postie $prog_leads -from:$gmcdaniel -s:\"[BUILDLOG] Errors or Warnings in Daily $_[0] Build Logs $date_stamp\" -nomsg -file:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]Results.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Release.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Debug.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Optimized.log");
245 elsif ($DebugError eq "true")
247 print ("Error or warning found in $_[0] Debug Log. Emailing appropriate people.\n");
249 # Email the results to Programmer Leads and QA
250 system ("postie $prog_leads -from:$gmcdaniel -s:\"[BUILDLOG] Errors or Warnings in Daily $_[0] Build Logs $date_stamp\" -nomsg -file:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]Results.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Release.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Debug.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Optimized.log");
253 elsif ($OptimizedError eq "true")
255 print ("Error or warning found in $_[0] Optimized Log. Emailing appropriate people.\n");
257 # Email the results to Programmer Leads and QA
258 system ("postie $prog_leads -from:$gmcdaniel -s:\"[BUILDLOG] Errors or Warnings in Daily $_[0] Build Logs $date_stamp\" -nomsg -file:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]Results.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Release.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Debug.log -a:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]_Optimized.log");
261 else
263 print ("No errors or warnings found in $_[0] logs.");
265 # Email the results to QA and Programmer Leads
266 system ("postie $prog_leads -from:$gmcdaniel -s:\"[BUILDLOG] $_[0] Build Successful $date_stamp\" -nomsg -file:d:\\buildlogs\\$_[0]Results.log");
271 print ("End of errors and warning check for $_[0] logs.\n");
272 print ("\n");
275 } # End of sub Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors