6 # Copyright (C)2000-2002 Sony Online Entertainment Inc.
9 # Title: publishBuildClean.pl
10 # Description: Builds release and debug all_Client, SWGGameServer, and PlanetServer from scratch. Emails resulting logfiles to gmcdaniel.
11 # @author $Author: gmcdaniel $
12 # @version $Revision: #3 $
19 ########## MAIN ##########
23 # Delete compile directory for clean build
25 system("c:\\4nt302\\4nt /c del /s /y ..\\src\\compile");
28 ## End of Delete compile directory for clean build
35 # Build Projects and Check for Errors
37 build_project
38 Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors
40 build_project
41 Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors
43 build_project
44 Check_For_Warnings_and_Errors
47 ## End of Build Projects and Check for Errors
52 ########## END OF MAIN ##########