Implemented crisscross algorithm for solving LP problems.
[sympycore.git] / sympycore / arithmetic /
1 """Provides algorithms from number theory.
2 """
4 from ..core import init_module
6 init_module.import_lowlevel_operations()
8 from .numbers import mpq, div
9 from . import mpmath
11 __all__ = ['gcd', 'lcm', 'factorial',
12 'integer_digits', 'real_digits',
13 'multinomial_coefficients', 'f2q']
15 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
17 def factorial(n, memo=[1, 1]):
18 """Return n factorial (for integers n >= 0 only)."""
19 if n < 0:
20 raise ValueError("expected non-negative integer, got %r" % (n)) #pragma NO COVER
21 k = len(memo)
22 if n < k:
23 return memo[n]
24 p = memo[-1]
25 while k <= n:
26 p *= k
27 k += 1
28 if k < 100:
29 memo.append(p)
30 return p
32 def gcd(*args):
33 """Calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the arguments."""
34 L = len(args)
35 if L == 0: return 0
36 if L == 1: return args[0]
37 if L == 2:
38 a, b = args
39 while b:
40 a, b = b, a % b
41 return a
42 return gcd(gcd(args[0], args[1]), *args[2:])
44 def lcm(*args):
45 """Calculate the least common multiple (LCM) of the arguments."""
46 L = len(args)
47 if L == 0: return 0
48 if L == 1: return args[0]
49 if L == 2: return div(args[0], gcd(*args))*args[1]
50 return lcm(lcm(args[0], args[1]), *args[2:])
52 # TODO: this could use the faster implementation in mpmath
53 def integer_digits(n, base=10):
54 """Return a list of the digits of abs(n) in the given base."""
55 assert base > 1
56 assert isinstance(n, (int, long))
57 n = abs(n)
58 if not n:
59 return [0]
60 L = []
61 while n:
62 n, digit = divmod(n, base)
63 L.append(int(digit))
64 return L[::-1]
66 # TODO: this could (also?) be implemented as an endless generator
67 def real_digits(x, base=10, truncation=10):
68 """Return ``(L, d)`` where L is a list of digits of ``abs(x)`` in
69 the given base and ``d`` is the (signed) distance from the leading
70 digit to the radix point.
72 For example, 1234.56 becomes ``([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 4)`` and 0.001
73 becomes ``([1], -2)``. If, during the generation of fractional
74 digits, the length reaches `truncation` digits, the iteration is
75 stopped."""
76 assert base > 1
77 assert isinstance(x, (int, long, mpq))
78 if x == 0:
79 return ([0], 1)
80 x = abs(x)
81 exponent = 0
82 while x < 1:
83 x *= base
84 exponent -= 1
85 integer, fraction = divmod(x, 1)
86 L = integer_digits(integer, base)
87 exponent += len(L)
88 if fraction:
89 p, q = fraction
90 for i in xrange(truncation - len(L)):
91 p = (p % q) * base
92 if not p:
93 break
94 L.append(int(p//q))
95 return L, exponent
97 def binomial_coefficients(n):
98 """Return a dictionary containing pairs {(k1,k2) : C_kn} where
99 C_kn are binomial coefficients and n=k1+k2.
101 INPUT:
102 n -- an integer
105 dict
108 >>> sorted(binomial_coefficients(3).items())
109 [((0, 3), 1), ((1, 2), 3), ((2, 1), 3), ((3, 0), 1)]
111 Notice the coefficients above are the same as below:
112 x**3 + 3*x**2*y + 3*x*y**2 + y^3
115 d = {(0, n):1, (n, 0):1}
116 a = 1
117 for k in xrange(1, n//2+1):
118 a = (a * (n-k+1))//k
119 d[k, n-k] = d[n-k, k] = a
120 return d
122 def binomial_coefficients_list(n):
123 """Return a list of binomial coefficients as rows of the Pascal's
124 triangle.
126 d = [1] * (n+1)
127 a = 1
128 for k in xrange(1, n//2+1):
129 a = (a * (n-k+1))//k
130 d[k] = d[n-k] = a
131 return d
133 def multinomial_coefficients(m, n, _tuple=tuple, _zip=zip):
134 """Return a dictionary containing pairs ``{(k1,k2,..,km) : C_kn}``
135 where ``C_kn`` are multinomial coefficients such that
136 ``n=k1+k2+..+km``.
138 INPUT:
139 m -- integer
140 n -- integer
141 _tuple, _zip -- hacks for speed; don't set these as a user.
144 dict
147 >>> sorted(multinomial_coefficients(2,5).items())
148 [((0, 5), 1), ((1, 4), 5), ((2, 3), 10), ((3, 2), 10), ((4, 1), 5), ((5, 0), 1)]
150 Notice that these are the coefficients of ``(x+y)**5``:
151 x**5 + 5*x**4*y + 10*x**3*y**2 + 10*x**2*y**3 + 5*x*y**4 + y**5
153 >>> sorted(multinomial_coefficients(3,2).items())
154 [((0, 0, 2), 1), ((0, 1, 1), 2), ((0, 2, 0), 1), ((1, 0, 1), 2), ((1, 1, 0), 2), ((2, 0, 0), 1)]
158 The algorithm we implement for computing the multinomial coefficients
159 is based on the following result:
161 Consider a polynomial and its ``n``-th exponent::
163 P(x) = sum_{i=0}^m p_i x^k
164 P(x)^n = sum_{k=0}^{m n} a(n,k) x^k
166 We compute the coefficients ``a(n,k)`` using the
167 J.C.P. Miller Pure Recurrence [see D.E.Knuth, Seminumerical
168 Algorithms, The art of Computer Programming v.2, Addison
169 Wesley, Reading, 1981;]::
171 a(n,k) = 1/(k p_0) sum_{i=1}^m p_i ((n+1)i-k) a(n,k-i),
173 where ``a(n,0) = p_0^n``.
175 if m==0:
176 return {}
177 if m==2:
178 return binomial_coefficients(n)
179 symbols = [(0,)*i + (1,) + (0,)*(m-i-1) for i in range(m)]
180 s0 = symbols[0]
181 p0 = [_tuple([aa-bb for aa,bb in _zip(s,s0)]) for s in symbols]
182 r = {_tuple([aa*n for aa in s0]):1}
183 r_get = r.get
184 r_update = r.update
185 l = [0] * (n*(m-1)+1)
186 l[0] = r.items()
187 for k in xrange(1, n*(m-1)+1):
188 d = {}
189 d_get = d.get
190 for i in xrange(1, min(m,k+1)):
191 nn = (n+1)*i-k
192 if not nn:
193 continue
194 t = p0[i]
195 for t2, c2 in l[k-i]:
196 tt = _tuple([aa+bb for aa,bb in _zip(t2,t)])
197 cc = nn * c2
198 dict_add_item(None, d, tt, cc)
199 r1 = [(t, c//k) for (t, c) in d.iteritems()]
200 l[k] = r1
201 r_update(r1)
202 return r
204 def reldiff(x,y):
205 """abs(x-y)/((abs(x)+abs(y))/2)"""
206 return abs(x-y)/((abs(x)+abs(y))/2)
208 def f2q(f, minerr=None):
210 Find (almost) the best rational representation of a float that has
211 finite precision.
213 The algorithm is based on Stern-Brocot representation of
214 irrational/rational numbers and its relation to continuants [1].
216 References:
217 [1] "Concrete Mathematics" by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik. Addison-Wesley. 1989
219 if mpmath.libmp.BACKEND=='gmpy':
220 tmpz = type(mpmath.libmp.MPZ_ZERO)
221 if minerr is None:
222 r = mpmath.libmp.gmpy.f2q(f)
223 else:
224 r = mpmath.libmp.gmpy.f2q(f, minerr)
225 if isinstance (r, tmpz):
226 return int(r)
227 n,d = int(r.numer ()), int(r.denom ())
228 if d==1:
229 return n
230 return mpq((n,d))
231 mpf = mpmath.mpf
232 f = mpf(f)
233 if f<0: return -f2q(-f,minerr)
234 al = f # Initialize Eq.(6.142) [1]
235 if not minerr:
236 minerr = 1/mpf(2**al.context.prec) # min number for the given precision
237 elif minerr<0:
238 minerr = 1/mpf(2**-minerr)
239 a = mpmath.floor(al) # a = floor(al) # Initialize Eq.(6.142) [1]
240 r1=[0,0,1] # r1[1:] is 1st row of Eq.(6.138) [1]
241 r2=[0,1,a] # r2[1:] is 2nd row of Eq.(6.138) [1]
242 err = reldiff(f,a)
243 while err>minerr:
244 al = 1/(al-a) # Eq.(6.142) [1]
245 a = mpmath.floor(al) # a = floor(al) # Eq.(6.142) [1]
246 r1[0] = r1[1] # roll
247 r1[1] = r1[2] # roll
248 r1[2] = r1[1]*a+r1[0] # use Eq.(6.127) [1]
249 r2[0] = r2[1] # roll
250 r2[1] = r2[2] # roll
251 r2[2] = r2[1]*a+r2[0] # use Eq.(6.127) [1]
252 newerr = reldiff(f,r2[2]/r1[2])
253 if err<=newerr:
254 n, d = (int(r2[1]),int(r1[1]))
255 if d==1: return n
256 return mpq((n, d))
257 err = newerr
258 n, d = (int(r2[2]),int(r1[2]))
259 if d==1: return n
260 return mpq((n, d))
263 #from .combinatorics import multinomial_coefficients