Implemented crisscross algorithm for solving LP problems.
[sympycore.git] / sympycore / arithmetic /
1 """
2 This module implements efficient "low-level" number types for purely
3 numerical tasks.
5 We use the following types:
7 int/long -- (Python built-ins) exact integers
8 mpf -- arbitrary-precision floats
9 mpc -- arbitrary-precision complex floats
10 mpq -- nonintegral fractions
11 mpqc -- nonreal complex rationals
13 In the interest of speed, there are some quirks:
15 * mpq derives from tuple. mpq.__init__ does *not* validate its input.
16 mpqs *should only* be created from fully reduced (p, q) pairs,
17 and p/q should *not* be integer-valued.
19 * To safely create a fraction from two integers, use the function
20 normalized_fraction()
22 * Arithmetic operations on mpqs automatically normalize back to Python
23 ints when the results are integer-valued. Likewise, mpqc with zero
24 real part normalize to their real parts.
26 * Note that ``mpq(2)/mpq(3)`` does *not* work as expected; it does the
27 same thing as ``2/3`` in Python. To perform safe division, use the
28 provided ``div`` function.
30 * mpqs can be compared with Python ints, but cannot be (correctly)
31 compared to Python floats. (Use the mpf class instead.)
33 Powers, except when the exponent is a positive integer, should be
34 computed with the ``try_power()`` function which detects when the
35 result is not exact.
36 """
38 # Author: Fredrik Johansson
39 # Created: January 2008
41 import math
43 from . import mpmath
45 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
47 from ..core import init_module
49 init_module.import_heads()
51 @init_module
52 def _init(module):
53 from ..basealgebra.verbatim import Verbatim
54 module.Verbatim = Verbatim
56 from ..utils import str_SUM, str_PRODUCT, str_POWER, str_APPLY, str_SYMBOL, str_NUMBER, NUMBER, SYMBOL
58 inttypes = (int, long)
60 from .mpmath import mpf, mpc, mp
61 from .mpmath.libmp import from_rational, round_nearest
65 def mpf_to_str_data(self, sort=True):
66 if self < 0:
67 return str_SUM, str(self)
68 return str_NUMBER, str(self)
70 def mpc_to_str_data(self, sort=True):
71 return str_NUMBER, str(self)
73 mpf.to_str_data = mpf_to_str_data
74 mpc.to_str_data = mpc_to_str_data
76 rounding = round_nearest
78 def getdps():
79 return mp.dps
81 def setdps(n):
82 p = mp.dps
83 mp.dps = int(n)
84 return p
86 def getprec():
87 return mp.prec
89 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 # Fractions
93 def normalized_fraction(p, q=1):
94 """ Return a normalized fraction.
95 """
96 x, y = p, q
97 while y:
98 x, y = y, x % y
99 if x != 1:
100 p //= x
101 q //= x
102 if q == 1:
103 return p
104 return mpq((p, q))
106 class mpq(tuple):
107 """Represents a fraction."""
109 # These methods are inherited directly from tuple for speed. This works
110 # as long as all mpqs are normalized:
111 # __new__/__init__
112 # __nonzero__
113 # __eq__
114 # __hash__
116 # These methods are generated and defined in
117 # __add__, __sub__, __rsub__, __mul__, __div__, __rdiv__, __pow__
118 # __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__
120 __slots__ = []
122 @property
123 def _mpf_(self):
124 p, q = self
125 return from_rational(p, q, getprec(), rounding)
127 def as_verbatim(self):
128 p, q = self
129 if p<0:
130 return -(Verbatim(NUMBER, -p) / Verbatim(NUMBER, q))
131 return Verbatim(NUMBER, p) / Verbatim(NUMBER, q)
133 def to_str_data(self,sort=True):
134 if self[0]<0:
135 return str_SUM, str(self)
136 return str_PRODUCT, str(self)
138 def __str__(self):
139 return "%i/%i" % self
141 def __repr__(self):
142 p, q = self
143 return "%s((%s, %s))" % (type(self).__name__, p, q)
145 def __float__(self):
146 p, q = self
147 return float(p) / q
149 def __int__(self):
150 p, q = self
151 return p // q
153 def __neg__(self):
154 p, q = self
155 return mpq((-p, q))
157 def __pos__(self):
158 return self
160 def __abs__(self):
161 p, q = self
162 if p < 0:
163 return mpq((-p, q))
164 return self
166 def __floordiv__(a, b):
167 return int(a / b)
169 def __rfloordiv__(a, b):
170 return int(b / a)
172 def __mod__(a, b):
173 return a - (a//b)*b
175 def __rmod__(a, b):
176 return b - (b//a)*a
178 def __divmod__(a, b):
179 return (a-a%b)/b, a%b
181 def __rdivmod__(a, b):
182 return (b-b%a)/a, b%a
184 def __rpow__(a, b):
185 z, sym = try_power(b, a)
186 if not sym:
187 return z
188 return NotImplemented
191 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 # Complex numbers
195 def innerstr(x):
196 if isinstance(x, mpq):
197 return "%s/%s" % x
198 return str(x)
201 class mpqc(object):
202 """Represents an exact complex number.
204 The integer power of a complex number is computed using
205 `exponentiation by squaring`__ method.
207 __
210 __slots__ = ['real', 'imag']
212 def __new__(cls, real, imag=0):
213 if not imag:
214 return real
215 if isinstance(real, (float, mpf)) or isinstance(imag, (float, mpf)):
216 return mpc(real, imag)
217 self = object.__new__(mpqc)
218 self.real = real
219 self.imag = imag
220 return self
222 def __repr__(self):
223 return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.real, self.imag)
225 def __hash__(self):
226 return hash((self.real, self.imag))
228 def __mpcval__(self):
229 return mpc(self.real, self.imag)
231 def __getstate__(self):
232 return (self.real, self.imag)
234 def __setstate__(self, (real, imag)):
235 self.real = real
236 self.imag = imag
238 def to_str_data(self,sort=True):
239 re, im = self.real, self.imag
240 if re==0:
241 if im == 1: return str_SYMBOL,"I"
242 if im == -1: return str_SUM, "-I"
243 return str_PRODUCT, str(self.imag) + "*I"
244 restr = innerstr(self.real)
245 if im == 1: return str_SUM, "%s + I" % restr
246 if im == -1: return str_SUM, "%s - I" % restr
247 if im > 0: return str_SUM, "%s + %s*I" % (restr, innerstr(self.imag))
248 if im < 0: return str_SUM, "%s - %s*I" % (restr, innerstr(-self.imag))
249 raise NotImplementedError(`self`)
251 def __str__(self):
252 return self.to_str_data()[1]
254 def as_verbatim(self):
255 re, im = self.real, self.imag
256 if re < 0:
257 r = -Verbatim(NUMBER, -self.real)
258 else:
259 r = Verbatim(NUMBER, self.real)
260 if im < 0:
261 i = -Verbatim(NUMBER, -self.imag)
262 ni = Verbatim(NUMBER, -self.imag)
263 else:
264 i = Verbatim(NUMBER, self.imag)
265 I = Verbatim(NUMBER, mpqc(0,1))
266 if re==0:
267 if im == 1: return I
268 if im == -1: return -I
269 return i * I
270 if im == 1: return r + I
271 if im == -1: return r - I
272 if im < 0:
273 return r - ni * I
274 else:
275 return r + i * I
277 def as_numer_denom(self):
278 re, im = self.real, self.imag
279 if type(re) is mpq:
280 r1, r2 = re
281 else:
282 r1, r2 = re, 1
283 if type(im) is mpq:
284 i1, i2 = im
285 else:
286 i1, i2 = im, 1
287 r = r1*i2
288 i = i1*r2
289 d = r2*i2
290 c = gcd(r,i,d)
291 return mpqc(r//c,i//c), d//c
293 def __eq__(self, other):
294 if hasattr(other, "imag"):
295 return self.real == other.real and self.imag == other.imag
296 return False
298 def __pos__(self): return self
299 def __neg__(self): return mpqc(-self.real, -self.imag)
301 def __abs__(self):
302 re, im = self.real, self.imag
303 if not re:
304 return abs(im)
305 m2 = re**2 + im**2
306 if isinstance(m2, inttypes):
307 m, flag = int_root(m2,2)
308 if flag:
309 return m
310 if isinstance(m2, mpq):
311 p,fp = int_root(m2[0],2)
312 q,fq = int_root(m2[1],2)
313 if fp and fq:
314 return mpq((p,q))
315 raise NotImplementedError('abs(%r)' % (self))
317 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 # Interface functions
321 inttypes = (int, long)
322 rationaltypes = (mpq,)
323 numbertypes = (int, long, float, complex, mpq, mpqc, mpf, mpc)
324 realtypes = (int, long, float, mpq, mpf)
325 complextypes = (complex, mpqc, mpc)
327 inttypes_set = frozenset(inttypes)
328 rationaltypes_set = frozenset(rationaltypes)
329 realtypes_set = frozenset(realtypes)
330 complextypes_set = frozenset(complextypes)
331 numbertypes_set = frozenset(numbertypes)
333 def number_div(Algebra, a, b):
334 if type(b) in inttypes_set:
335 if not b:
336 if a:
337 return Infinity(Infinity(0))
338 return Infinity(0)
339 if b == 1:
340 return a
341 if type(a) in inttypes_set:
342 return normalized_fraction(a, b)
343 return a / b
345 def div(a, b):
346 """Safely compute a/b.
348 If a or b is an integer, this function makes sure to convert it to
349 a rational.
351 if type(b) in inttypes_set:
352 if not b:
353 return Infinity(a)
354 raise ZeroDivisionError('%r / %r' % (a, b))
355 if b == 1:
356 return a
357 if type(a) in inttypes_set:
358 return normalized_fraction(a, b)
359 return a / b
361 def int_root(y, n):
362 """ Return a pair ``(floor(y**(1/n)), x**n == y)``.
364 Given integers y and n, return a tuple containing ``x =
365 floor(y**(1/n))`` and a boolean indicating whether ``x**n == y``
366 exactly.
368 if y < 0: raise ValueError, "y must not be negative"
369 if n < 1: raise ValueError, "n must be positive"
370 if y in (0, 1): return y, True
371 if n == 1: return y, True
372 if n > y: return 1, False
373 # Get initial estimate for Newton's method. Care must be taken to
374 # avoid overflow
375 try:
376 guess = int(y ** (1./n)+0.5)
377 except OverflowError:
378 try:
379 guess = int(math.exp(math.log(y)/n)+0.5)
380 except OverflowError:
381 guess = 1 << int(math.log(y, 2)/n)
382 # Newton iteration
383 xprev, x = -1, guess
384 while 1:
385 t = x**(n-1)
386 xprev, x = x, x - (t*x-y)//(n*t)
387 if abs(x - xprev) < 1:
388 break
389 # Compensate
390 t = x**n
391 while t > y:
392 x -= 1
393 t = x**n
394 return x, t == y
396 def try_power(x, y):
397 """\
398 Attempt to compute ``x**y`` where ``x`` and ``y`` must be of the
399 types int, long, mpq, mpf, or mpqc. The function
400 returns::
402 z, symbolic
404 where ``z`` is a number (i.e. a complex rational) and ``symbolic``
405 is a list of ``(b, e)`` pairs representing symbolic factors
406 ``b**e``.
408 Examples::
410 try_power(3, 2) --> (9, [])
411 try_power(2, 1/2) --> (1, [(2, 1/2)])
412 try_power(45, 1/2) --> (3, [(5, 1/2)])
414 if not y or x == 1:
415 # (anything)**0 -> 1
416 # 1**(anything) -> 1
417 return 1, []
418 if isinstance(x, Infinity) or isinstance(y, Infinity):
419 return x**y, []
420 if isinstance(y, inttypes):
421 if y >= 0:
422 return x**y, []
423 elif not x:
424 return Infinity.get_zoo(), []
425 elif isinstance(x, inttypes):
426 return mpq((1, x**(-y))), []
427 return x**y, []
428 elif isinstance(x, inttypes) and isinstance(y, mpq):
429 if x < 0:
430 if x==-1:
431 p, q = y
432 if q==2:
433 return mpqc(0, 1)**p, []
434 return 1, [(x,y)]
435 else:
436 z, sym = try_power(-x, y)
437 z1, sym1 = try_power(-1, y)
438 return z * z1, sym+sym1
439 else:
440 p, q = y
441 r, exact = int_root(x, q)
442 if exact:
443 if r==1 or not p:
444 return 1, []
445 g = r**p if p>0 else mpq((1, r**(-p)))
446 return g, []
447 elif isinstance(x, mpq) and isinstance(y, mpq):
448 a, b = x
449 r, rsym = try_power(a, y)
450 s, ssym = try_power(b, y)
451 ssym = [(b, -e) for b, e in ssym]
452 return (div(r,s), rsym + ssym)
453 elif isinstance(x, mpf) or isinstance(y, mpf):
454 return x ** y, []
455 return 1, [(x, y)]
457 from .number_theory import gcd
458 from .evalf import evalf
459 from .infinity import Infinity
461 from .methods import (\
462 fraction_add, fraction_sub, fraction_rsub, fraction_mul,
463 fraction_div, fraction_rdiv, fraction_pow,
464 fraction_lt, fraction_le, fraction_gt, fraction_ge,
465 complex_add, complex_sub, complex_rsub, complex_mul,
466 complex_div, complex_rdiv, complex_pow)
468 mpq.__add__ = mpq.__radd__ = fraction_add
469 mpq.__sub__ = fraction_sub
470 mpq.__rsub__ = fraction_rsub
471 mpq.__mul__ = mpq.__rmul__ = fraction_mul
472 mpq.__div__ = fraction_div
473 mpq.__rdiv__ = fraction_rdiv
474 mpq.__pow__ = fraction_pow
475 mpq.__lt__ = fraction_lt
476 mpq.__le__ = fraction_le
477 mpq.__gt__ = fraction_gt
478 mpq.__ge__ = fraction_ge
480 mpqc.__add__ = mpqc.__radd__ = complex_add
481 mpqc.__sub__ = complex_sub
482 mpqc.__rsub__ = complex_rsub
483 mpqc.__mul__ = mpqc.__rmul__ = complex_mul
484 mpqc.__div__ = complex_div
485 mpqc.__rdiv__ = complex_rdiv
486 mpqc.__pow__ = complex_pow