update TODO
[systemd.io.git] / test / networkd-test.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
4 # networkd integration test
5 # This uses temporary configuration in /run and temporary veth devices, and
6 # does not write anything on disk or change any system configuration;
7 # but it assumes (and checks at the beginning) that networkd is not currently
8 # running.
10 # This can be run on a normal installation, in qemu, systemd-nspawn (with
11 # --private-network), LXD (with "--config raw.lxc=lxc.aa_profile=unconfined"),
12 # or LXC system containers. You need at least the "ip" tool from the iproute
13 # package; it is recommended to install dnsmasq too to get full test coverage.
15 # ATTENTION: This uses the *installed* networkd, not the one from the built
16 # source tree.
18 # © 2015 Canonical Ltd.
19 # Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
21 import errno
22 import os
23 import shutil
24 import socket
25 import subprocess
26 import sys
27 import tempfile
28 import time
29 import unittest
31 HAVE_DNSMASQ = shutil.which('dnsmasq') is not None
32 IS_CONTAINER = subprocess.call(['systemd-detect-virt', '--quiet', '--container']) == 0
34 NETWORK_UNITDIR = '/run/systemd/network'
36 NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE = shutil.which('systemd-networkd-wait-online',
37 path='/usr/lib/systemd:/lib/systemd')
39 RESOLV_CONF = '/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf'
41 tmpmounts = []
42 running_units = []
43 stopped_units = []
46 def setUpModule():
47 global tmpmounts
49 """Initialize the environment, and perform sanity checks on it."""
51 raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'systemd-networkd-wait-online not found')
53 # Do not run any tests if the system is using networkd already and it's not virtualized
54 if (subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'is-active', '--quiet', 'systemd-networkd.service']) == 0 and
55 subprocess.call(['systemd-detect-virt', '--quiet']) != 0):
56 raise unittest.SkipTest('not virtualized and networkd is already active')
58 # Ensure we don't mess with an existing networkd config
59 for u in ['systemd-networkd.socket', 'systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved']:
60 if subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'is-active', '--quiet', u]) == 0:
61 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', u])
62 running_units.append(u)
63 else:
64 stopped_units.append(u)
66 # Generate debugging logs.
67 os.makedirs('/run/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d', exist_ok=True)
68 with open(f'/run/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d/00-debug.conf', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
69 f.write('[Service]\nEnvironment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug\n')
71 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'daemon-reload'])
73 # create static systemd-network user for networkd-test-router.service (it
74 # needs to do some stuff as root and can't start as user; but networkd
75 # still insists on the user)
76 if subprocess.call(['getent', 'passwd', 'systemd-network']) != 0:
77 subprocess.call(['useradd', '--system', '--no-create-home', 'systemd-network'])
79 for d in ['/etc/systemd/network', '/run/systemd/network',
80 '/run/systemd/netif', '/run/systemd/resolve']:
81 if os.path.isdir(d):
82 subprocess.check_call(["mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "none", d])
83 tmpmounts.append(d)
84 if os.path.isdir('/run/systemd/resolve'):
85 os.chmod('/run/systemd/resolve', 0o755)
86 shutil.chown('/run/systemd/resolve', 'systemd-resolve', 'systemd-resolve')
87 if os.path.isdir('/run/systemd/netif'):
88 os.chmod('/run/systemd/netif', 0o755)
89 shutil.chown('/run/systemd/netif', 'systemd-network', 'systemd-network')
91 # Avoid "Failed to open /dev/tty" errors in containers.
92 os.environ['SYSTEMD_LOG_TARGET'] = 'journal'
94 # Ensure the unit directory exists so tests can dump files into it.
95 os.makedirs(NETWORK_UNITDIR, exist_ok=True)
97 # mask all default .network files
98 if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/systemd/network'):
99 for unit in os.listdir('/usr/lib/systemd/network'):
100 if unit.endswith('.network'):
101 os.symlink('/dev/null', os.path.join(NETWORK_UNITDIR, unit))
104 def tearDownModule():
105 global tmpmounts
106 for d in tmpmounts:
107 subprocess.check_call(["umount", "--lazy", d])
108 for u in stopped_units:
109 subprocess.call(["systemctl", "stop", u])
110 for u in running_units:
111 subprocess.call(["systemctl", "restart", u])
114 class NetworkdTestingUtilities:
115 """Provide a set of utility functions to facilitate networkd tests.
117 This class must be inherited along with unittest.TestCase to define
118 some required methods.
121 def add_veth_pair(self, veth, peer, veth_options=(), peer_options=()):
122 """Add a veth interface pair, and queue them to be removed."""
123 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'add', 'name', veth] +
124 list(veth_options) +
125 ['type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', peer] +
126 list(peer_options))
127 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['ip', 'link', 'del', 'dev', peer])
129 def write_config(self, path, contents):
130 """"Write a configuration file, and queue it to be removed."""
132 with open(path, 'w') as f:
133 f.write(contents)
135 self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
137 def write_network(self, unit_name, contents):
138 """Write a network unit file, and queue it to be removed."""
139 self.write_config(os.path.join(NETWORK_UNITDIR, unit_name), contents)
141 def write_network_dropin(self, unit_name, dropin_name, contents):
142 """Write a network unit drop-in, and queue it to be removed."""
143 dropin_dir = os.path.join(NETWORK_UNITDIR, "{}.d".format(unit_name))
144 dropin_path = os.path.join(dropin_dir, "{}.conf".format(dropin_name))
146 os.makedirs(dropin_dir, exist_ok=True)
147 self.addCleanup(os.rmdir, dropin_dir)
148 with open(dropin_path, 'w') as dropin:
149 dropin.write(contents)
150 self.addCleanup(os.remove, dropin_path)
152 def read_attr(self, link, attribute):
153 """Read a link attributed from the sysfs."""
154 # Note we don't want to check if interface `link' is managed, we
155 # want to evaluate link variable and pass the value of the link to
156 # assert_link_states e.g. eth0=managed.
157 self.assert_link_states(**{link:'managed'})
158 with open(os.path.join('/sys/class/net', link, attribute)) as f:
159 return f.readline().strip()
161 def assert_link_states(self, **kwargs):
162 """Match networkctl link states to the given ones.
164 Each keyword argument should be the name of a network interface
165 with its expected value of the "SETUP" column in output from
166 networkctl. The interfaces have five seconds to come online
167 before the check is performed. Every specified interface must
168 be present in the output, and any other interfaces found in the
169 output are ignored.
171 A special interface state "managed" is supported, which matches
172 any value in the "SETUP" column other than "unmanaged".
174 if not kwargs:
175 return
176 interfaces = set(kwargs)
178 # Wait for the requested interfaces, but don't fail for them.
179 subprocess.call([NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--timeout=5'] +
180 ['--interface={}'.format(iface) for iface in kwargs])
182 # Validate each link state found in the networkctl output.
183 out = subprocess.check_output(['networkctl', '--no-legend']).rstrip()
184 for line in out.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
185 fields = line.split()
186 if len(fields) >= 5 and fields[1] in kwargs:
187 iface = fields[1]
188 expected = kwargs[iface]
189 actual = fields[-1]
190 if (actual != expected and
191 not (expected == 'managed' and actual != 'unmanaged')):
192 self.fail("Link {} expects state {}, found {}".format(iface, expected, actual))
193 interfaces.remove(iface)
195 # Ensure that all requested interfaces have been covered.
196 if interfaces:
197 self.fail("Missing links in status output: {}".format(interfaces))
200 class BridgeTest(NetworkdTestingUtilities, unittest.TestCase):
201 """Provide common methods for testing networkd against servers."""
203 def wait_online(self):
204 try:
205 subprocess.check_call([NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--interface', 'port1', '--interface', 'port2', '--timeout=10'])
206 except (AssertionError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
207 # show networkd status, journal, and DHCP server log on failure
208 print('---- interface status ----')
209 sys.stdout.flush()
210 subprocess.call(['ip', 'a', 'show', 'dev', 'mybridge'])
211 subprocess.call(['ip', 'a', 'show', 'dev', 'port1'])
212 subprocess.call(['ip', 'a', 'show', 'dev', 'port2'])
213 print('---- networkctl status ----')
214 sys.stdout.flush()
215 rc = subprocess.call(['networkctl', '-n', '0', 'status', 'mybridge', 'port1', 'port2'])
216 if rc != 0:
217 print(f"'networkctl status' exited with an unexpected code {rc}")
218 print('---- journal ----')
219 subprocess.check_output(['journalctl', '--sync'])
220 sys.stdout.flush()
221 subprocess.call(['journalctl', '-b', '--no-pager', '--quiet', '-I', '-u', 'systemd-networkd.service'])
222 raise
224 def setUp(self):
225 self.write_network('50-port1.netdev', '''\
226 [NetDev]
227 Name=port1
228 Kind=dummy
229 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bc
230 ''')
231 self.write_network('50-port2.netdev', '''\
232 [NetDev]
233 Name=port2
234 Kind=dummy
235 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bd
236 ''')
237 self.write_network('50-mybridge.netdev', '''\
238 [NetDev]
239 Name=mybridge
240 Kind=bridge
241 ''')
242 self.write_network('50-port1.network', '''\
243 [Match]
244 Name=port1
245 [Network]
246 Bridge=mybridge
247 ''')
248 self.write_network('50-port2.network', '''\
249 [Match]
250 Name=port2
251 [Network]
252 Bridge=mybridge
253 ''')
254 self.write_network('50-mybridge.network', '''\
255 [Match]
256 Name=mybridge
257 [Network]
258 IPv6AcceptRA=no
259 DNS=
260 Address=
261 Gateway=
262 ''')
263 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'reset-failed', 'systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved'])
264 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
265 self.wait_online()
267 def tearDown(self):
268 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.socket'])
269 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.service'])
270 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'mybridge'])
271 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'port1'])
272 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'port2'])
274 def test_bridge_init(self):
275 self.assert_link_states(
276 port1='managed',
277 port2='managed',
278 mybridge='managed')
280 def test_bridge_port_priority(self):
281 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port1', 'brport/priority'), '32')
282 self.write_network_dropin('50-port1.network', 'priority', '''\
283 [Bridge]
284 Priority=28
285 ''')
286 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', 'port1', 'down'])
287 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
288 self.wait_online()
289 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port1', 'brport/priority'), '28')
291 def test_bridge_port_priority_set_zero(self):
292 """It should be possible to set the bridge port priority to 0"""
293 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/priority'), '32')
294 self.write_network_dropin('50-port2.network', 'priority', '''\
295 [Bridge]
296 Priority=0
297 ''')
298 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', 'port2', 'down'])
299 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
300 self.wait_online()
301 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/priority'), '0')
303 def test_bridge_port_property(self):
304 """Test the "[Bridge]" section keys"""
305 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/priority'), '32')
306 self.write_network_dropin('50-port2.network', 'property', '''\
307 [Bridge]
308 UnicastFlood=true
309 HairPin=true
310 Isolated=true
311 UseBPDU=true
312 FastLeave=true
313 AllowPortToBeRoot=true
314 Cost=555
315 Priority=23
316 ''')
317 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', 'port2', 'down'])
318 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
319 self.wait_online()
321 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/priority'), '23')
322 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/hairpin_mode'), '1')
323 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/isolated'), '1')
324 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/path_cost'), '555')
325 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/multicast_fast_leave'), '1')
326 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/unicast_flood'), '1')
327 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/bpdu_guard'), '0')
328 self.assertEqual(self.read_attr('port2', 'brport/root_block'), '0')
330 class ClientTestBase(NetworkdTestingUtilities):
331 """Provide common methods for testing networkd against servers."""
333 @classmethod
334 def setUpClass(klass):
335 klass.orig_log_level = subprocess.check_output(
336 ['systemctl', 'show', '--value', '--property', 'LogLevel'],
337 universal_newlines=True).strip()
338 subprocess.check_call(['systemd-analyze', 'log-level', 'debug'])
340 @classmethod
341 def tearDownClass(klass):
342 subprocess.check_call(['systemd-analyze', 'log-level', klass.orig_log_level])
344 def setUp(self):
345 self.iface = 'test_eth42'
346 self.if_router = 'router_eth42'
347 self.workdir_obj = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
348 self.workdir = self.workdir_obj.name
349 self.config = '50-test_eth42.network'
351 # get current journal cursor
352 subprocess.check_output(['journalctl', '--sync'])
353 out = subprocess.check_output(['journalctl', '-b', '--quiet',
354 '--no-pager', '-n0', '--show-cursor'],
355 universal_newlines=True)
356 self.assertTrue(out.startswith('-- cursor:'))
357 self.journal_cursor = out.split()[-1]
359 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'reset-failed', 'systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved'])
361 def tearDown(self):
362 self.shutdown_iface()
363 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.socket'])
364 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.service'])
365 subprocess.call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'dummy0'],
366 stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
368 def show_journal(self, unit):
369 '''Show journal of given unit since start of the test'''
371 print('---- {} ----'.format(unit))
372 subprocess.check_output(['journalctl', '--sync'])
373 sys.stdout.flush()
374 subprocess.call(['journalctl', '-b', '--no-pager', '--quiet',
375 '--cursor', self.journal_cursor, '-u', unit])
377 def show_ifaces(self):
378 '''Show network interfaces'''
380 print('--- networkctl ---')
381 sys.stdout.flush()
382 subprocess.call(['networkctl', 'status', '-n', '0', '-a'])
384 def show_resolvectl(self):
385 '''Show resolved settings'''
387 print('--- resolvectl ---')
388 sys.stdout.flush()
389 subprocess.call(['resolvectl'])
391 def create_iface(self, ipv6=False):
392 '''Create test interface with DHCP server behind it'''
394 raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by a subclass')
396 def shutdown_iface(self):
397 '''Remove test interface and stop DHCP server'''
399 raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by a subclass')
401 def print_server_log(self):
402 '''Print DHCP server log for debugging failures'''
404 raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by a subclass')
406 def start_unit(self, unit):
407 try:
408 # The service may be already started. Hence, restart it.
409 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', unit])
410 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
411 self.show_journal(unit)
412 raise
414 def do_test(self, coldplug=True, ipv6=False, extra_opts='',
415 online_timeout=10, dhcp_mode='yes'):
416 self.start_unit('systemd-resolved')
417 self.write_network(self.config, '''\
418 [Match]
419 Name={iface}
420 [Network]
421 DHCP={dhcp_mode}
422 {extra_opts}
423 '''.format(iface=self.iface, dhcp_mode=dhcp_mode, extra_opts=extra_opts))
425 if coldplug:
426 # create interface first, then start networkd
427 self.create_iface(ipv6=ipv6)
428 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
429 elif coldplug is not None:
430 # start networkd first, then create interface
431 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
432 self.create_iface(ipv6=ipv6)
433 else:
434 # "None" means test sets up interface by itself
435 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
437 try:
438 subprocess.check_call([NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--interface',
439 self.iface, '--timeout=%i' % online_timeout])
441 if ipv6:
442 # check iface state and IP 6 address; FIXME: we need to wait a bit
443 # longer, as the iface is "configured" already with IPv4 *or*
444 # IPv6, but we want to wait for both
445 for _ in range(10):
446 out = subprocess.check_output(['ip', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
447 if b'state UP' in out and b'inet6 2600' in out and b'inet 192.168' in out and b'tentative' not in out:
448 break
449 time.sleep(1)
450 else:
451 self.fail('timed out waiting for IPv6 configuration')
453 self.assertRegex(out, b'inet6 2600::.* scope global .*dynamic')
454 self.assertRegex(out, b'inet6 fe80::.* scope link')
455 else:
456 # should have link-local address on IPv6 only
457 out = subprocess.check_output(['ip', '-6', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
458 self.assertRegex(out, br'inet6 fe80::.* scope link')
459 self.assertNotIn(b'scope global', out)
461 # should have IPv4 address
462 out = subprocess.check_output(['ip', '-4', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
463 self.assertIn(b'state UP', out)
464 self.assertRegex(out, br'inet 192.168.5.\d+/.* scope global dynamic')
466 # check networkctl state
467 out = subprocess.check_output(['networkctl'])
468 self.assertRegex(out, (r'{}\s+ether\s+[a-z-]+\s+unmanaged'.format(self.if_router)).encode())
469 self.assertRegex(out, (r'{}\s+ether\s+routable\s+configured'.format(self.iface)).encode())
471 out = subprocess.check_output(['networkctl', '-n', '0', 'status', self.iface])
472 self.assertRegex(out, br'Type:\s+ether')
473 self.assertRegex(out, br'State:\s+routable.*configured')
474 self.assertRegex(out, br'Online state:\s+online')
475 self.assertRegex(out, br'Address:\s+192.168.5.\d+')
476 if ipv6:
477 self.assertRegex(out, br'2600::')
478 else:
479 self.assertNotIn(br'2600::', out)
480 self.assertRegex(out, br'fe80::')
481 self.assertRegex(out, br'Gateway:\s+')
482 self.assertRegex(out, br'DNS:\s+')
483 except (AssertionError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
484 # show networkd status, journal, and DHCP server log on failure
485 with open(os.path.join(NETWORK_UNITDIR, self.config)) as f:
486 print('\n---- {} ----\n{}'.format(self.config, f.read()))
487 print('---- interface status ----')
488 sys.stdout.flush()
489 subprocess.call(['ip', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
490 print('---- networkctl status {} ----'.format(self.iface))
491 sys.stdout.flush()
492 rc = subprocess.call(['networkctl', '-n', '0', 'status', self.iface])
493 if rc != 0:
494 print("'networkctl status' exited with an unexpected code {}".format(rc))
495 self.show_journal('systemd-networkd.service')
496 self.print_server_log()
497 raise
499 for timeout in range(50):
500 with open(RESOLV_CONF) as f:
501 contents = f.read()
502 if 'nameserver\n' in contents:
503 break
504 time.sleep(0.1)
505 else:
506 self.fail('nameserver not found in ' + RESOLV_CONF)
508 if coldplug is False:
509 # check post-down.d hook
510 self.shutdown_iface()
512 def test_coldplug_dhcp_yes_ip4(self):
513 # we have a 12s timeout on RA, so we need to wait longer
514 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False, online_timeout=15)
516 def test_coldplug_dhcp_yes_ip4_no_ra(self):
517 # with disabling RA explicitly things should be fast
518 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False,
519 extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no')
521 def test_coldplug_dhcp_ip4_only(self):
522 # we have a 12s timeout on RA, so we need to wait longer
523 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False, dhcp_mode='ipv4',
524 online_timeout=15)
526 def test_coldplug_dhcp_ip4_only_no_ra(self):
527 # with disabling RA explicitly things should be fast
528 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False, dhcp_mode='ipv4',
529 extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no')
531 def test_coldplug_dhcp_ip6(self):
532 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=True)
534 def test_hotplug_dhcp_ip4(self):
535 # With IPv4 only we have a 12s timeout on RA, so we need to wait longer
536 self.do_test(coldplug=False, ipv6=False, online_timeout=15)
538 def test_hotplug_dhcp_ip6(self):
539 self.do_test(coldplug=False, ipv6=True)
541 def test_route_only_dns(self):
542 self.write_network('50-myvpn.netdev', '''\
543 [NetDev]
544 Name=dummy0
545 Kind=dummy
546 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bc
547 ''')
548 self.write_network('50-myvpn.network', '''\
549 [Match]
550 Name=dummy0
551 [Network]
552 IPv6AcceptRA=no
553 Address=
554 DNS=
555 Domains= ~company
556 ''')
558 try:
559 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False,
560 extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no')
561 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
562 # networkd often fails to start in LXC: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/11848
563 if IS_CONTAINER and e.cmd == ['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd']:
564 raise unittest.SkipTest('https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/11848')
565 else:
566 raise
568 with open(RESOLV_CONF) as f:
569 contents = f.read()
570 # ~company is not a search domain, only a routing domain
571 self.assertNotRegex(contents, 'search.*company')
572 # our global server should appear
573 self.assertIn('nameserver\n', contents)
574 # should not have domain-restricted server as global server
575 self.assertNotIn('nameserver\n', contents)
577 def test_route_only_dns_all_domains(self):
578 self.write_network('50-myvpn.netdev', '''[NetDev]
579 Name=dummy0
580 Kind=dummy
581 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bc
582 ''')
583 self.write_network('50-myvpn.network', '''[Match]
584 Name=dummy0
585 [Network]
586 IPv6AcceptRA=no
587 Address=
588 DNS=
589 Domains= ~company ~.
590 ''')
592 try:
593 self.do_test(coldplug=True, ipv6=False,
594 extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no')
595 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
596 # networkd often fails to start in LXC: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/11848
597 if IS_CONTAINER and e.cmd == ['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd']:
598 raise unittest.SkipTest('https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/11848')
599 else:
600 raise
602 with open(RESOLV_CONF) as f:
603 contents = f.read()
605 # ~company is not a search domain, only a routing domain
606 self.assertNotRegex(contents, 'search.*company')
608 # our global server should appear
609 self.assertIn('nameserver\n', contents)
610 # should have company server as global server due to ~.
611 self.assertIn('nameserver\n', contents)
614 @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_DNSMASQ, 'dnsmasq not installed')
615 class DnsmasqClientTest(ClientTestBase, unittest.TestCase):
616 '''Test networkd client against dnsmasq'''
618 def setUp(self):
619 super().setUp()
620 self.dnsmasq = None
621 self.iface_mac = 'de:ad:be:ef:47:11'
623 def create_iface(self, ipv6=False, dnsmasq_opts=None):
624 '''Create test interface with DHCP server behind it'''
626 # add veth pair
627 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'add', 'name', self.iface,
628 'address', self.iface_mac,
629 'type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', self.if_router])
631 # give our router an IP
632 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'a', 'flush', 'dev', self.if_router])
633 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'a', 'add', '', 'dev', self.if_router])
634 if ipv6:
635 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'a', 'add', '2600::1/64', 'dev', self.if_router])
636 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', self.if_router, 'up'])
638 # add DHCP server
639 self.dnsmasq_log = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'dnsmasq.log')
640 lease_file = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'dnsmasq.leases')
641 if ipv6:
642 extra_opts = ['--enable-ra', '--dhcp-range=2600::10,2600::20']
643 else:
644 extra_opts = []
645 if dnsmasq_opts:
646 extra_opts += dnsmasq_opts
647 self.dnsmasq = subprocess.Popen(
648 ['dnsmasq', '--keep-in-foreground', '--log-queries=extra', '--log-dhcp',
649 '--log-facility=' + self.dnsmasq_log, '--conf-file=/dev/null',
650 '--dhcp-leasefile=' + lease_file, '--bind-interfaces',
651 '--interface=' + self.if_router, '--except-interface=lo',
652 '--dhcp-range=,'] + extra_opts)
654 def shutdown_iface(self):
655 '''Remove test interface and stop DHCP server'''
657 if self.if_router:
658 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'dev', self.if_router])
659 self.if_router = None
660 if self.dnsmasq:
661 self.dnsmasq.kill()
662 self.dnsmasq.wait()
663 self.dnsmasq = None
665 def print_server_log(self, log_file=None):
666 '''Print DHCP server log for debugging failures'''
668 path = log_file if log_file else self.dnsmasq_log
669 with open(path) as f:
670 sys.stdout.write('\n\n---- {} ----\n{}\n------\n\n'.format(os.path.basename(path), f.read()))
672 def test_resolved_domain_restricted_dns(self):
673 '''resolved: domain-restricted DNS servers'''
675 # enable DNSSEC in allow downgrade mode, and turn off stuff we don't want to test to make looking at logs easier
676 conf = '/run/systemd/resolved.conf.d/test-enable-dnssec.conf'
677 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conf), exist_ok=True)
678 with open(conf, 'w') as f:
679 f.write('[Resolve]\nDNSSEC=allow-downgrade\nLLMNR=no\nMulticastDNS=no\nDNSOverTLS=no\nDNS=\n')
680 self.addCleanup(os.remove, conf)
682 # create interface for generic connections; this will map all DNS names
683 # to
684 self.create_iface(dnsmasq_opts=['--address=/#/'])
685 self.write_network('50-general.network', '''\
686 [Match]
687 Name={}
688 [Network]
689 DHCP=ipv4
690 IPv6AcceptRA=no
691 DNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors=search.example.com
692 '''.format(self.iface))
694 # create second device/dnsmasq for a .company/.lab VPN interface
695 # static IPs for simplicity
696 self.add_veth_pair('testvpnclient', 'testvpnrouter')
697 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'a', 'flush', 'dev', 'testvpnrouter'])
698 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'a', 'add', '', 'dev', 'testvpnrouter'])
699 subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'testvpnrouter', 'up'])
701 vpn_dnsmasq_log = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'dnsmasq-vpn.log')
702 vpn_dnsmasq = subprocess.Popen(
703 ['dnsmasq', '--keep-in-foreground', '--log-queries=extra',
704 '--log-facility=' + vpn_dnsmasq_log, '--conf-file=/dev/null',
705 '--dhcp-leasefile=/dev/null', '--bind-interfaces',
706 '--interface=testvpnrouter', '--except-interface=lo',
707 '--address=/math.lab/', '--address=/cantina.company/'])
708 self.addCleanup(vpn_dnsmasq.wait)
709 self.addCleanup(vpn_dnsmasq.kill)
711 self.write_network('50-vpn.network', '''\
712 [Match]
713 Name=testvpnclient
714 [Network]
715 IPv6AcceptRA=no
716 Address=
717 DNS=
718 Domains=~company ~lab
719 DNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors=company lab
720 ''')
722 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
723 subprocess.check_call([NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--interface', self.iface,
724 '--interface=testvpnclient', '--timeout=20'])
726 # ensure we start fresh with every test
727 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-resolved'])
728 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'service-log-level', 'systemd-resolved', 'debug'])
730 try:
731 # test vpnclient specific domains; these should *not* be answered by
732 # the general DNS
733 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', '-4', 'math.lab'])
734 self.assertIn(b'math.lab:', out)
735 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', '-4', 'kettle.cantina.company'])
736 self.assertIn(b'kettle.cantina.company:', out)
738 # test general domains
739 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', '-4', 'search.example.com'])
740 self.assertIn(b'search.example.com:', out)
742 with open(self.dnsmasq_log) as f:
743 general_log = f.read()
744 with open(vpn_dnsmasq_log) as f:
745 vpn_log = f.read()
747 # VPN domains should only be sent to VPN DNS
748 self.assertRegex(vpn_log, 'query.*math.lab')
749 self.assertRegex(vpn_log, 'query.*cantina.company')
750 self.assertNotIn('.lab', general_log)
751 self.assertNotIn('.company', general_log)
753 # general domains should not be sent to the VPN DNS
754 self.assertRegex(general_log, 'query.*search.example.com')
755 self.assertNotIn('search.example.com', vpn_log)
757 except (AssertionError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
758 self.show_journal('systemd-resolved.service')
759 self.print_server_log()
760 self.print_server_log(vpn_dnsmasq_log)
761 self.show_ifaces()
762 self.show_resolvectl()
763 raise
765 def test_resolved_etc_hosts(self):
766 '''resolved queries to /etc/hosts'''
768 # enabled DNSSEC in allow-downgrade mode
769 conf = '/run/systemd/resolved.conf.d/test-enable-dnssec.conf'
770 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conf), exist_ok=True)
771 with open(conf, 'w') as f:
772 f.write('[Resolve]\nDNSSEC=allow-downgrade\nLLMNR=no\nMulticastDNS=no\nDNSOverTLS=no\nDNS=\n')
773 self.addCleanup(os.remove, conf)
775 # Add example.com to NTA list for this test
776 negative = '/run/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/example.com.negative'
777 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(negative), exist_ok=True)
778 with open(negative, 'w') as f:
779 f.write('example.com\n16.172.in-addr.arpa\n')
780 self.addCleanup(os.remove, negative)
782 # create /etc/hosts bind mount which resolves my.example.com for IPv4
783 hosts = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'hosts')
784 with open(hosts, 'w') as f:
785 f.write(' my.example.com\n')
786 subprocess.check_call(['mount', '--bind', hosts, '/etc/hosts'])
787 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['umount', '/etc/hosts'])
788 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-resolved.service'])
789 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'service-log-level', 'systemd-resolved.service', 'debug'])
791 # note: different IPv4 address here, so that it's easy to tell apart
792 # what resolved the query
793 self.create_iface(dnsmasq_opts=['--host-record=my.example.com,,2600::99:99',
794 '--host-record=other.example.com,,2600::42',
795 '--mx-host=example.com,mail.example.com'],
796 ipv6=True)
797 self.do_test(coldplug=None, ipv6=True)
799 try:
800 # family specific queries
801 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', '-4', 'my.example.com'])
802 self.assertIn(b'my.example.com:', out)
803 # we don't expect an IPv6 answer; if /etc/hosts has any IP address,
804 # it's considered a sufficient source
805 self.assertNotEqual(subprocess.call(['resolvectl', 'query', '-6', 'my.example.com']), 0)
806 # "any family" query; IPv4 should come from /etc/hosts
807 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', 'my.example.com'])
808 self.assertIn(b'my.example.com:', out)
809 # IP → name lookup; again, takes the /etc/hosts one
810 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', ''])
811 self.assertIn(b' my.example.com', out)
813 # non-address RRs should fall back to DNS
814 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', '--type=MX', 'example.com'])
815 self.assertIn(b'example.com IN MX 1 mail.example.com', out)
817 # other domains query DNS
818 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', 'other.example.com'])
819 self.assertIn(b'', out)
820 out = subprocess.check_output(['resolvectl', 'query', ''])
821 self.assertIn(b' other.example.com', out)
822 except (AssertionError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
823 self.show_journal('systemd-resolved.service')
824 self.print_server_log()
825 self.show_ifaces()
826 self.show_resolvectl()
827 raise
829 def test_transient_hostname(self):
830 '''networkd sets transient hostname from DHCP'''
832 orig_hostname = socket.gethostname()
833 self.addCleanup(socket.sethostname, orig_hostname)
834 # temporarily move /etc/hostname away; restart hostnamed to pick it up
835 if os.path.exists('/etc/hostname'):
836 subprocess.check_call(['mount', '--bind', '/dev/null', '/etc/hostname'])
837 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['umount', '/etc/hostname'])
838 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-hostnamed.service'])
839 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-hostnamed.service'])
841 self.create_iface(dnsmasq_opts=['--dhcp-host={},,testgreen'.format(self.iface_mac)])
842 self.do_test(coldplug=None, extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no', dhcp_mode='ipv4')
844 try:
845 # should have received the fixed IP above
846 out = subprocess.check_output(['ip', '-4', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
847 self.assertRegex(out, b'inet .* scope global dynamic')
848 # should have set transient hostname in hostnamed; this is
849 # sometimes a bit lagging (issue #4753), so retry a few times
850 for retry in range(1, 6):
851 out = subprocess.check_output(['hostnamectl'])
852 if b'testgreen' in out:
853 break
854 time.sleep(5)
855 sys.stdout.write('[retry %i] ' % retry)
856 sys.stdout.flush()
857 else:
858 self.fail('Transient hostname not found in hostnamectl:\n{}'.format(out.decode()))
859 # and also applied to the system
860 self.assertEqual(socket.gethostname(), 'testgreen')
861 except AssertionError:
862 self.show_journal('systemd-networkd.service')
863 self.show_journal('systemd-hostnamed.service')
864 self.print_server_log()
865 raise
867 def test_transient_hostname_with_static(self):
868 '''transient hostname is not applied if static hostname exists'''
870 orig_hostname = socket.gethostname()
871 self.addCleanup(socket.sethostname, orig_hostname)
873 if not os.path.exists('/etc/hostname'):
874 self.write_config('/etc/hostname', "foobarqux")
875 else:
876 self.write_config('/run/hostname.tmp', "foobarqux")
877 subprocess.check_call(['mount', '--bind', '/run/hostname.tmp', '/etc/hostname'])
878 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['umount', '/etc/hostname'])
880 socket.sethostname("foobarqux");
882 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-hostnamed.service'])
883 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-hostnamed.service'])
885 self.create_iface(dnsmasq_opts=['--dhcp-host={},,testgreen'.format(self.iface_mac)])
886 self.do_test(coldplug=None, extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=no', dhcp_mode='ipv4')
888 try:
889 # should have received the fixed IP above
890 out = subprocess.check_output(['ip', '-4', 'a', 'show', 'dev', self.iface])
891 self.assertRegex(out, b'inet .* scope global dynamic')
892 # static hostname wins over transient one, thus *not* applied
893 self.assertEqual(socket.gethostname(), "foobarqux")
894 except AssertionError:
895 self.show_journal('systemd-networkd.service')
896 self.show_journal('systemd-hostnamed.service')
897 self.print_server_log()
898 raise
901 class NetworkdClientTest(ClientTestBase, unittest.TestCase):
902 '''Test networkd client against networkd server'''
904 def setUp(self):
905 super().setUp()
906 self.dnsmasq = None
908 def create_iface(self, ipv6=False, dhcpserver_opts=None):
909 '''Create test interface with DHCP server behind it'''
911 # run "router-side" networkd in own mount namespace to shield it from
912 # "client-side" configuration and networkd
913 (fd, script) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='networkd-router.sh')
914 self.addCleanup(os.remove, script)
915 with os.fdopen(fd, 'w+') as f:
916 f.write('''\
917 #!/bin/sh
918 set -eu
919 mkdir -p /run/systemd/network
920 mkdir -p /run/systemd/netif
921 mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/network
922 mount -t tmpfs none /run/systemd/network
923 mount -t tmpfs none /run/systemd/netif
924 mount -t tmpfs none /var/lib/systemd/network
925 [ ! -e /run/dbus ] || mount -t tmpfs none /run/dbus
926 # create router/client veth pair
927 cat <<EOF >/run/systemd/network/50-test.netdev
928 [NetDev]
929 Name={ifr}
930 Kind=veth
932 [Peer]
933 Name={ifc}
936 cat <<EOF >/run/systemd/network/50-test.network
937 [Match]
938 Name={ifr}
940 [Network]
941 IPv6AcceptRA=no
942 Address=
943 {addr6}
944 DHCPServer=yes
946 [DHCPServer]
947 PoolOffset=10
948 PoolSize=50
949 DNS=
950 {dhopts}
953 # For the networkd instance invoked below cannot support varlink connection.
954 # Hence, 'networkctl persistent-storage yes' cannot be used.
957 # Generate debugging logs.
958 export SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug
960 # run networkd as in systemd-networkd.service
961 exec $(systemctl cat systemd-networkd.service | sed -n '/^ExecStart=/ {{ s/^.*=//; s/^[@+-]//; s/^!*//; p}}')
962 '''.format(ifr=self.if_router,
963 ifc=self.iface,
964 addr6=('Address=2600::1/64' if ipv6 else ''),
965 dhopts=(dhcpserver_opts or '')))
967 os.fchmod(fd, 0o755)
969 subprocess.check_call(['systemd-run', '--unit=networkd-test-router.service',
970 '-p', 'InaccessibleDirectories=-/etc/systemd/network',
971 '-p', 'InaccessibleDirectories=-/run/systemd/network',
972 '-p', 'InaccessibleDirectories=-/run/systemd/netif',
973 '-p', 'InaccessibleDirectories=-/var/lib/systemd/network',
974 '--service-type=notify', script])
976 # wait until devices got created
977 for _ in range(50):
978 if subprocess.run(['ip', 'link', 'show', 'dev', self.if_router],
979 stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode == 0:
980 break
981 time.sleep(0.1)
982 else:
983 subprocess.call(['ip', 'link', 'show', 'dev', self.if_router])
984 self.fail('Timed out waiting for {ifr} created.'.format(ifr=self.if_router))
986 def shutdown_iface(self):
987 '''Remove test interface and stop DHCP server'''
989 if self.if_router:
990 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'networkd-test-router.service'])
991 # ensure failed transient unit does not stay around
992 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'reset-failed', 'networkd-test-router.service'])
993 subprocess.call(['ip', 'link', 'del', 'dev', self.if_router])
994 self.if_router = None
996 def print_server_log(self):
997 '''Print DHCP server log for debugging failures'''
999 self.show_journal('networkd-test-router.service')
1001 @unittest.skip('networkd does not have DHCPv6 server support')
1002 def test_hotplug_dhcp_ip6(self):
1003 pass
1005 @unittest.skip('networkd does not have DHCPv6 server support')
1006 def test_coldplug_dhcp_ip6(self):
1007 pass
1009 def test_search_domains(self):
1011 # we don't use this interface for this test
1012 self.if_router = None
1014 self.write_network('50-test.netdev', '''\
1015 [NetDev]
1016 Name=dummy0
1017 Kind=dummy
1018 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bc
1019 ''')
1020 self.write_network('50-test.network', '''\
1021 [Match]
1022 Name=dummy0
1023 [Network]
1024 IPv6AcceptRA=no
1025 Address=
1026 DNS=
1027 Domains= one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
1028 ''')
1030 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
1032 for timeout in range(50):
1033 with open(RESOLV_CONF) as f:
1034 contents = f.read()
1035 if ' one' in contents:
1036 break
1037 time.sleep(0.1)
1038 self.assertRegex(contents, 'search .*one two three four five six seven eight nine ten')
1040 def test_dropin(self):
1041 # we don't use this interface for this test
1042 self.if_router = None
1044 self.write_network('50-test.netdev', '''\
1045 [NetDev]
1046 Name=dummy0
1047 Kind=dummy
1048 MACAddress=12:34:56:78:9a:bc
1049 ''')
1050 self.write_network('50-test.network', '''\
1051 [Match]
1052 Name=dummy0
1053 [Network]
1054 IPv6AcceptRA=no
1055 Address=
1056 DNS=
1057 ''')
1058 self.write_network_dropin('50-test.network', 'dns', '''\
1059 [Network]
1060 DNS=
1061 ''')
1063 self.start_unit('systemd-resolved')
1064 self.start_unit('systemd-networkd')
1066 subprocess.check_call([NETWORKD_WAIT_ONLINE, '--interface', 'dummy0', '--timeout=10'])
1068 out = subprocess.check_output(['networkctl', 'status', 'dummy0'])
1069 self.assertIn(b'50-test.netdev', out)
1070 self.assertIn(b'50-test.network.d/dns.conf', out)
1072 for _ in range(50):
1073 with open(RESOLV_CONF) as f:
1074 contents = f.read()
1075 if 'nameserver\n' in contents and 'nameserver\n' in contents:
1076 break
1077 time.sleep(0.1)
1078 else:
1079 self.fail(f'Expected DNS servers not found in resolv.conf: {contents}')
1081 def test_dhcp_timezone(self):
1082 '''networkd sets time zone from DHCP'''
1084 def get_tz():
1085 out = subprocess.check_output(['busctl', 'get-property', 'org.freedesktop.timedate1',
1086 '/org/freedesktop/timedate1', 'org.freedesktop.timedate1', 'Timezone'])
1087 assert out.startswith(b's "')
1088 out = out.strip()
1089 assert out.endswith(b'"')
1090 return out[3:-1].decode()
1092 orig_timezone = get_tz()
1093 self.addCleanup(subprocess.call, ['timedatectl', 'set-timezone', orig_timezone])
1095 self.create_iface(dhcpserver_opts='EmitTimezone=yes\nTimezone=Pacific/Honolulu')
1096 self.do_test(coldplug=None, extra_opts='IPv6AcceptRA=false\n[DHCP]\nUseTimezone=true', dhcp_mode='ipv4')
1098 # Should have applied the received timezone. This is asynchronous, so we need to wait for a while:
1099 for _ in range(20):
1100 tz = get_tz()
1101 if tz == 'Pacific/Honolulu':
1102 break
1103 time.sleep(0.5)
1104 else:
1105 self.show_journal('systemd-networkd.service')
1106 self.show_journal('systemd-timedated.service')
1107 self.fail(f'Timezone: {tz}, expected: Pacific/Honolulu')
1110 class MatchClientTest(unittest.TestCase, NetworkdTestingUtilities):
1111 """Test [Match] sections in .network files.
1113 Be aware that matching the test host's interfaces will wipe their
1114 configuration, so as a precaution, all network files should have a
1115 restrictive [Match] section to only ever interfere with the
1116 temporary veth interfaces created here.
1119 def tearDown(self):
1120 """Stop networkd."""
1121 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.socket'])
1122 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.service'])
1124 def test_basic_matching(self):
1125 """Verify the Name= line works throughout this class."""
1126 self.add_veth_pair('test_if1', 'fake_if2')
1127 self.write_network('50-test.network', '''\
1128 [Match]
1129 Name=test_*
1130 [Network]
1131 IPv6AcceptRA=no
1132 ''')
1133 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1134 self.assert_link_states(test_if1='managed', fake_if2='unmanaged')
1136 def test_inverted_matching(self):
1137 """Verify that a '!'-prefixed value inverts the match."""
1138 # Use a MAC address as the interfaces' common matching attribute
1139 # to avoid depending on udev, to support testing in containers.
1140 mac = '00:01:02:03:98:99'
1141 self.add_veth_pair('test_veth', 'test_peer',
1142 ['addr', mac], ['addr', mac])
1143 self.write_network('50-no-veth.network', '''\
1144 [Match]
1145 MACAddress={}
1146 Name=!nonexistent *peer*
1147 [Network]
1148 IPv6AcceptRA=no
1149 '''.format(mac))
1150 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1151 self.assert_link_states(test_veth='managed', test_peer='unmanaged')
1154 class UnmanagedClientTest(unittest.TestCase, NetworkdTestingUtilities):
1155 """Test if networkd manages the correct interfaces."""
1157 def setUp(self):
1158 """Write .network files to match the named veth devices."""
1159 # Define the veth+peer pairs to be created.
1160 # Their pairing doesn't actually matter, only their names do.
1161 self.veths = {
1162 'm1def': 'm0unm',
1163 'm1man': 'm1unm',
1166 # Define the contents of .network files to be read in order.
1167 self.configs = (
1168 "[Match]\nName=m1def\n",
1169 "[Match]\nName=m1unm\n[Link]\nUnmanaged=yes\n",
1170 "[Match]\nName=m1*\n[Link]\nUnmanaged=no\n",
1173 # Write out the .network files to be cleaned up automatically.
1174 for i, config in enumerate(self.configs):
1175 self.write_network("%02d-test.network" % i, config)
1177 def tearDown(self):
1178 """Stop networkd."""
1179 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.socket'])
1180 subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'systemd-networkd.service'])
1182 def create_iface(self):
1183 """Create temporary veth pairs for interface matching."""
1184 for veth, peer in self.veths.items():
1185 self.add_veth_pair(veth, peer)
1187 def test_unmanaged_setting(self):
1188 """Verify link states with Unmanaged= settings, hot-plug."""
1189 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1190 self.create_iface()
1191 self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
1192 m1man='managed',
1193 m1unm='unmanaged',
1194 m0unm='unmanaged')
1196 def test_unmanaged_setting_coldplug(self):
1197 """Verify link states with Unmanaged= settings, cold-plug."""
1198 self.create_iface()
1199 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1200 self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
1201 m1man='managed',
1202 m1unm='unmanaged',
1203 m0unm='unmanaged')
1205 def test_catchall_config(self):
1206 """Verify link states with a catch-all config, hot-plug."""
1207 # Don't actually catch ALL interfaces. It messes up the host.
1208 self.write_network('50-all.network', "[Match]\nName=m[01]???\n")
1209 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1210 self.create_iface()
1211 self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
1212 m1man='managed',
1213 m1unm='unmanaged',
1214 m0unm='managed')
1216 def test_catchall_config_coldplug(self):
1217 """Verify link states with a catch-all config, cold-plug."""
1218 # Don't actually catch ALL interfaces. It messes up the host.
1219 self.write_network('50-all.network', "[Match]\nName=m[01]???\n")
1220 self.create_iface()
1221 subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd'])
1222 self.assert_link_states(m1def='managed',
1223 m1man='managed',
1224 m1unm='unmanaged',
1225 m0unm='managed')
1228 if __name__ == '__main__':
1229 unittest.main(testRunner=unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout,
1230 verbosity=2))