[t2-trunk.git] / package / audio / libkarma / hotfix.patch
2 # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
3 #
4 # T2 SDE: package/.../libkarma/hotfix.patch
5 # Copyright (C) 2007 The T2 SDE Project
6 #
7 # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
8 #
9 # This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
10 # patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
11 # as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
12 # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
13 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
14 # version.
15 # --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END ---
17 --- libkarma-0.1.0/tools/Makefile.vanilla 2007-05-19 12:31:05.000000000 +0000
18 +++ libkarma-0.1.0/tools/Makefile 2007-05-19 12:33:12.000000000 +0000
19 @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
21 CC=gcc
22 CFLAGS+=-Wall -pedantic -g
23 -LDFLAGS+=-ltag_c -lz -L $(LIBDIR)
25 +LDLIBS+=-ltag_c -lz
27 OBJS=$(SRCS:.c=.o)
28 TOOLS=riocp chprop karma_helper
29 @@ -31,16 +32,16 @@
30 @echo Linking tools with the static lib: $(LIBKARMA)
32 riocp: riocp.c $(OBJS) $(LIBKARMA)
33 - $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LKARMA)
34 + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LKARMA) $(LDLIBS)
36 chprop: chprop.c $(LIBKARMA)
37 - $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(LKARMA)
38 + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(LKARMA) $(LDLIBS)
40 playlist_show: playlist_show.c $(LIBKARMA)
41 - $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(LKARMA)
42 + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ $(LKARMA) $(LDLIBS)
44 karma_helper: karma_helper.c
45 - $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ -lusb
46 + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@ -lusb $(LDLIBS)
48 install:
49 ../install-sh -m 0755 -d $(DEST)/bin