2 # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
4 # T2 SDE: package/.../vmware/postlinux.conf
5 # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 The T2 SDE Project
7 # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
12 # GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
13 # --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END ---
19 var_append makeopt " " "KERNEL_UNAME=$lx_kernelrelease"
20 var_append makeopt " " "VM_UNAME=$lx_kernelrelease"
21 var_append makeopt " " "HEADER_DIR=$kerneldir/include"
22 var_append makeopt " " "CC=$KCC"
29 echo "VMWare Monitor -------------";
33 cp -fv vmmon.ko "$vmware_bmdir/objects/vmmon.o"
39 echo "VMWare Network -------------";
43 cp -fv vmnet.ko "$vmware_bmdir/objects/vmnet.o"
49 echo "VMWare Drag&Drop -----------";
53 cp -fv vmblock.ko "$vmware_bmdir/objects/vmblock.o"
59 echo "VMWare PP --------------";
63 cp -fv vmppuser.ko "$vmware_bmdir/objects/vmppuser.o"
69 pfile="$vmware_bmdir/properties"
70 echo "VMWare Properties file: $pfile";
71 echo "UtsRelease $lx_kernelrelease" > $pfile;
72 if grep -q "CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y" $kerneldir/.config; then
73 echo "ModVersion yes" >> $pfile;
75 echo "ModVersion no" >> $pfile;
77 if grep -q "CONFIG_SMP=y" $kerneldir/.config; then
78 echo "SMP yes" >> $pfile;
80 echo "SMP no" >> $pfile;
82 echo "PageOffset C0000000" >> $pfile;
83 echo "Comment T2 $target $sdever" >> $pfile;
88 echo "Building vmware-modules...";
89 echo "VMWare being built for linux: $lx_kernelrelease";
90 echo "VMWare-Prefix: $SDECFG_PKG_VMWARE_PREFIX";
92 if pf="`match_source_file -p vmware-any-any vmware`"; then
94 cp -av vmware-any-any*/*.tar lib/modules/source
97 pushd lib/modules/source/
98 if grep -q "CONFIG_SMP=y" $kerneldir/.config; then
99 vmware_bmdir="$root/$SDECFG_PKG_VMWARE_PREFIX/lib/vmware/modules/binary/smp-$lx_kernelrelease.$arch_machine.T2-$target";
101 vmware_bmdir="$root/$SDECFG_PKG_VMWARE_PREFIX/lib/vmware/modules/binary/up-$lx_kernelrelease.$arch_machine.T2-$target";
103 mkdir -p $vmware_bmdir;
104 mkdir -p "$vmware_bmdir/objects";
105 echo "VMWare modules will go to: $vmware_bmdir";
109 if [ "$SDECFG_PKG_VMWARE_PPUSER" = 1 ]; then
114 echo "VMWARE DONE -------------------------------------";
117 custmain="vmware_mkmodules"