2 [COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
4 [COPY] T2 SDE: package/*/clucene/clucene.desc
5 [COPY] Copyright (C) 2008 - 2021 The T2 SDE Project
7 [COPY] More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
9 [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
12 [COPY] GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
15 [I] A high-performance, full-featured text search engine
17 [T] CLucene is a high-performance, scalable, cross platform,
18 [T] full-featured, open-source indexing and searching API. It
19 [T] is written in C++.
20 [T] CLucene is a port of the very popular Java Lucene text search
21 [T] engine API. Specifically, CLucene is the guts of a search
22 [T] engine, the hard stuff. You write the easy stuff, the UI
23 [T] and the process of selecting and parsing your data files
24 [T] to pump them into the search engine yourself.
25 [T] CLucene aims to be a good alternative to Java Lucene when
26 [T] performance really matters or if you want to stick to good
29 [U] http://clucene.sourceforge.net
31 [A] klink1190 <ustramooner@hotmail.com>
32 [M] The T2 Project <t2@t2-project.org>
39 [P] X -----5---9 128.000
41 [O] var_append cmakeopt ' ' '-DBUILD_CONTRIBS_LIB=ON'
44 [D] 843d75ee3475c74891ce1f5b021d8d34bcc5052fa00cf51258bf03d6 clucene-core- https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/clucene/clucene-core-unstable/2.3/