8 Use the following command to create the build scripts, 'alias' and 'multi'
13 Once done, you can now run the build as stated in the README.
16 Creating the word list including affixes
19 The word list with affixes is not currently included because it's easy enough
20 to create this using aspell's munch-list command. The word list without affixes
21 is included and should be used to build the word list file. This is included
22 for historical reasons and so that I have a word list to compare against the
23 "munched" word list. To build the proper word list with affixes, use the
26 $ LANG=C aspell --lang=tl munch-list multi keep < tl.noaffix.wl | sort > tl.wl
28 This should create the sorted word list in a file called 'tl.wl'.
35 2. Increase the number of affixes that can be applied