2 Feature: Encryption and verification using GnuPG
4 I want to be able to easily encrypt and sign messages using GnuPG
5 And decrypt and verify GnuPG blocks
9 And I start Tails from DVD with network unplugged and I login
10 And I generate an OpenPGP key named "test" with password "asdf"
11 And I save the state so the background can be restored next scenario
13 Scenario: Encryption and decryption using Tails OpenPGP Applet
14 When I type a message into gedit
15 And I encrypt the message using my OpenPGP key
16 Then I can decrypt the encrypted message
18 Scenario: Signing and verification using Tails OpenPGP Applet
19 When I type a message into gedit
20 And I sign the message using my OpenPGP key
21 Then I can verify the message's signature
23 Scenario: Encryption/signing and decryption/verification using Tails OpenPGP Applet
24 When I type a message into gedit
25 And I both encrypt and sign the message using my OpenPGP key
26 Then I can decrypt and verify the encrypted message
28 Scenario: Symmetric encryption and decryption using Tails OpenPGP Applet
29 When I type a message into gedit
30 And I symmetrically encrypt the message with password "asdf"
31 Then I can decrypt the encrypted message