1 We don't want to release Tails ISO's and learn 2 days later about
2 important security issues fixed by Debian security updates. The
3 following set of tools should be enough to avoid such bad timing, e.g.
4 by delaying a Tails release a bit to wait for a DSA to happen.
11 Mozilla updates are scheduled in advance. Searching the web for the
12 next (point-)release number tells you when it will be released. Add
13 2-3 days to this release date, and you know when a xulrunner/iceweasel
14 Debian security update will be ready on the mirrors.
16 See the [releases page](http://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases) on Mozilla
25 The Debian security team uses the [Debian RT](https://rt.debian.org/)
26 to track some of their work. Looking at their RT queues might help us
27 see if something is being prepared. We, as a Debian derivative, have a
28 read-only access to these queues.
33 The Debian [security tracker][web]'s [SVN repository][svn] is the main
34 place where we can look at the Debian security team upcoming uploads
35 and announces. There is also a [mailing-list][] that broadcasts
36 changes to this repository.
38 [web]: http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/
39 [svn]: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/secure-testing
40 [mailing-list]: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/secure-testing-commits