1 [[!meta title="Trusting Tails"]]
3 Trust is a very problematic issue, and that's the essence of why
4 security is difficult in every field, including computers and Internet
5 communication. Do you trust Tails and its developers? Do you think we
6 have planted backdoors in Tails so we can take control of your
7 computer, or that we make Tails generate compromised encryption keys
8 in order to enable the government to spy on you? Do you simply trust
9 our word on that we are legit?
11 No matter what your opinion is in this matter you should ask how you
12 reached that conclusion. Both trust and distrust need to be
13 established based on facts, not gut feeling, paranoid suspicion,
14 unfounded hearsay or our word. Of course, we claim to be honest, but
15 written assurances are worthless. In order to make an informed
16 decision you must look at the greater picture of what Tails is
17 comprised of, our affiliations, and possibly how others trust us.
21 Free software and public scrutiny
22 =================================
24 Free software, [[like Tails|about/license]], enables its users to check
25 exactly what the software distribution consists of and how it
26 functions since the source code must be made available to all who
27 receive it. Hence a thorough audit of the code can reveal if any
28 malicious code, like a backdoor, is present. Furthermore, with the
29 source code it is possible to build the software, and then compare the
30 result against any version that is already built and being
31 distributed, like the Tails ISO images [[you can download from
32 us|download]]. That way it can be determined whether the distributed
33 version actually was built with the source code, or if any malicious
34 changes have been made.
36 Of course, most people do not have the knowledge, skills or time
37 required to do this, but due to public scrutiny anyone can have a
38 certain degree of implicit trust in Free software, at least if it is
39 popular enough that other developers look into the source code and do
40 what was described in the previous paragraph. After all, there is a
41 strong tradition within the Free software community to publicly report
42 serious issues that are found within software.
44 Trusting Debian GNU/Linux
45 =========================
47 The vast majority of all software shipped in Tails comes from the
48 [[Debian GNU/Linux distribution|https://www.debian.org/]]. Debian is
49 arguably the Linux distribution whose software packages are under
50 the deepest public scrutiny. Not only is Debian itself one of the largest
51 Linux distros, but it's also one of the most popular distros to make
52 derivatives from. Ubuntu Linux, for instance, is a Debian derivative,
53 and the same goes transitively for all of its derivatives, like Linux
54 Mint. Thus there are countless people using Debian's software
55 packages, and countless developers inspect their integrity. Very
56 serious security issues have been discovered (like the infamous
57 [[Debian SSH PRNG vulnerability|https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html]]),
58 but backdoors or other types of intentionally placed security holes
59 have never been found to our knowledge.
64 Tails anonymity is based on Tor, which is developed by [[The Tor
65 Project|https://www.torproject.org/]]. The development of Tor is under
66 a lot of public scrutiny both academically (research on attacks and
67 defenses on onion routing) and engineering-wise (Tor's code has gone
68 through several external audits, and many independent developers have
69 read through the sources for other reasons). Again, security issues
70 have been reported, but nothing malicious like a backdoor -- we would
71 argue that it's only uninformed conspiracy theorists that speculate
72 about deliberate backdoors in Tor these days. Furthermore, Tor's
73 distributed trust model makes it hard for a single entity to capture
74 an individual's traffic and effectively identify them.
79 One could say that Tails is the union of Debian and Tor. What we do,
80 essentially, is gluing it all together. Hence, if you trust Debian and
81 The Tor Project, what remains to establish trust for Tails is to trust
82 our "glue". As has been mentioned, Tails is Free software, so its
83 source code is completely open for inspection, and it's mainly
84 comprised by a specification of which Debian software packages to
85 install, and how they should be configured. While Tails surely doesn't
86 get the same amount of attention as Debian or Tor, we do have some
87 eyes on us from especially the Tor community, and also some of the
88 general security community (see our [[audits page|security/audits]]).
89 Given that Tails' source code is comparably small and devoid of
90 complexities, we're in a pretty good spot compared to many other
91 projects of similar nature. Our [[specification and design
92 document|contribute/design]] is a good starting point to understand
93 how Tails works, by the way.
95 With all this in light (which you ideally also should try to verify),
96 you should be able to make an informed decision on whether or not you
97 should trust our software.