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[tails-test.git] / wiki / src / news / test_incremental_upgrades.mdwn
1 [[!meta title="Call for testing: incremental upgrades"]]
3 [[!meta date="2013-12-08 16:00:00"]]
5 You can help Tails! [[Incremental
6 upgrades|contribute/design/incremental_upgrades]] are ready for
7 testing. This feature allows you to upgrade a running Tails without
8 downloading an ISO, without burning a DVD, and without a second USB
9 stick or SD card. Please try it and see if all works for you.
11 If you have security auditing skills, you are more than welcome to
12 review our [[design|contribute/design/incremental_upgrades]] and
13 [[code|contribute/design/incremental_upgrades#code]].
15 [[!toc levels=1]]
17 # How to test incremental upgrades?
19 These instructions allow you to incrementally upgrade from Tails
20 0.22~rc1 or 0.22~rc2 to Tails 0.22 final.
22 **Keep in mind that this is the first broad call for testing of Tails
23 incremental upgrades**. It might have undiscovered issues.
25 Below, we assume that you have installed [[Tails
26 0.22~rc1|news/test_0.22-rc1]] **with <span class="application">Tails
27 Installer</span>** onto a USB stick or SD card.
29 If you have applied the incremental upgrade to Tails 0.22~rc2, skip to
30 [[the instructions for RC2
31 users|news/test_incremental_upgrades#from-rc1-or-rc2]]. Else, read on.
33 ## From Tails 0.22~rc1
35 These steps allow you to incrementally upgrade from Tails 0.22~rc1 to
36 Tails 0.22.
38 1. Start Tails 0.22~rc1 and [[set an administration
39    password|doc/first_steps/startup_options/administration_password]].
41 1. Run this command in a <span class="application">Root
42    Terminal</span> to correct the firewall:
44        sed -i -e \
45           's/tails-iuk-get-target-file/(tails-iuk-get-target-file tails-upgrade-frontend)/' \
46           /etc/ferm/ferm.conf && \
47        /usr/sbin/ferm /etc/ferm/ferm.conf
49 1. Follow the [[next
50    steps|news/test_incremental_upgrades#from-rc1-or-rc2]].
52 <a id="from-rc1-or-rc2">
54 ## From Tails 0.22~rc1 or 0.22~rc2
56 1. Choose
57    <span class="menuchoice">
58      <span class="guimenu">Applications</span>&nbsp;▸
59      <span class="guisubmenu">Tails</span>&nbsp;▸
60      <span class="guimenuitem">Tails Upgrader</span>
61    </span>
62    to start <span class="application">Tails Upgrader</span>.
64 1. Accept <span class="application">Tails Upgrader</span>'s proposal
65    to upgrade to Tails 0.22.
67 1. Wait while the upgrade is downloaded and applied.
69 1. Restart the system when advised to do so.
71 1. Once the system is restarted, choose
72    <span class="menuchoice">
73      <span class="guimenu">System</span>&nbsp;▸
74      <span class="guimenuitem">About Tails</span>
75    </span>
76    to confirm that the running system is now Tails 0.22.
78 If you find anything that is not working as it should, please [[report
79 to us|doc/first_steps/bug_reporting]]! Bonus points if you check that
80 it is not a [[known issue of incremental
81 upgrades|test_incremental_upgrades#known_issues]] or a [[longstanding
82 known issue|support/known_issues]].
84 <a id="known_issues">
86 # Known issues
88 Known issues of incremental upgrades are [tracked in
89 Redmine](https://labs.riseup.net/code/projects/tails/issues?query_id=126).