1 [[!meta title="Press and media information"]]
5 Announcements and press releases
6 ================================
8 The general purpose announcements that we publish are available either
9 by email or by RSS feed on [[Tails News|news]].
10 They are mainly meant for Tails users.
12 We also sometimes publish press releases but they are not archived on
13 the website. Write us an email at <tails@boum.org> if you want to
14 receive future press releases.
16 Quick links to better understand Tails
17 ======================================
19 * [[About Tails|about]] for a quick overview
20 * [Tor overview](https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en)
21 * More details about the [[features and software|doc/about/features]] included in Tails
22 * Our [[design document|contribute/design]] about Tails specification, threat model and implementation
23 * Our [[documentation|doc]] explaining in details how to use Tails
29 mentioned regularly in the press and in research papers. This list is
30 not comprehensive, but illustrates some of the significant articles
31 that have been published about Tails.
35 * 2014: late April and early May, many press articles covered the
36 Tails 1.0 release, including:
37 - In [TAILS: Snowden's favorite anonymous, secure OS goes
38 1.0](http://boingboing.net/2014/04/30/tails-snowdens-favorite-ano.html), Cory
39 Doctorow writes "Effectively, this is the ParanoidLinux I fictionalized in my
40 novel Little Brother."
42 1.0](https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/596765/380d4e75b17ea491/) by Nathan
43 Willis in Linux Weekly News.
44 - [Anonymous OS reportedly used by Snowden reaches version
45 1.0](http://www.cnet.com/news/anonymous-os-reportedly-favored-by-nsa-whistle-blower-edward-snowden-reaches-version-1-0/)
46 by Steven Musil in CNET.
47 - [Anonymisierungs-OS Tails wird
48 erwachsen](http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Anonymisierungs-OS-Tails-wird-erwachsen-2180167.html)
49 in heise Security (in German).
50 - [Secure OS Tails Emerges From
51 Beta](http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2457452,00.asp) by
52 David Murphy in PCMAG.
53 - [Edward Snowden's OS of choice, the Linux-based Tails,
55 beta](http://www.engadget.com/2014/05/01/tails-linux-os-version1-0/)
56 by Steve Dent in Engadget.
57 - [Tails 1.0: Sicherheit und
58 Anonymität](http://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/21038/tails-10-sicherheit-und-anonymitaet.html)
59 by Ferdinand Thommes in PRO-LINUX.DE (in German).
60 - [Tails, l'OS dédié à la confidentialité, passe en
62 1.0](http://www.numerama.com/magazine/29251-tails-l-os-dedie-a-la-confidentialite-passe-en-version-10.html)
63 by Julien L. in Numerama (in French).
64 - [Anonymous Linux Distribution TAILS Reaches Release Version
65 1.0](http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/news/tails-anonymous-linux-distribution-reaches-release-version-1-0-144823?ModPagespeed=noscript)
66 by Max Smolaks in TechWeek Europe.
67 - [Snowden's Beloved Tails OS Reaches v1.0
68 Milestone](http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Snowdens-Beloved-Tails-OS-Reaches-v10-Milestone-80386.html)
69 by Richard Adhikari in LinuxInsider.
70 - [Tails 1.0 – La distrib sécurisée sort enfin en version stable](http://korben.info/tails-1-0.html)
71 by Korben (in French).
72 * 2014-04-30: [Tails, le système qui voulait vous rendre vraiment
73 anonyme](http://www.clubic.com/antivirus-securite-informatique/virus-hacker-piratage/anonyme-internet/actualite-699478-tails-systeme-voulait-surfer-facon-anonyme.html)
74 by Alexandre Laurent, in Clubic (in French).
75 * 2014-04-29: [This is the most secure computer you’ll ever
76 own](http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/29/5664884/this-is-the-most-secure-computer-you-ll-ever-own)
77 by Russell Brandom, in The Verge.
78 * 2014-04-29: [How to be secure on the Internet, really
79 secure](http://www.examiner.com/article/how-to-be-secure-on-the-internet-really-secure)
80 by Victoria Wagner Ross, in Examiner.com.
81 * 2014-04-29: [Tuck in Your Tails and Hide from Big
82 Brother](http://techgage.com/news/tuck-in-your-tails-and-hide-from-big-brother/)
83 by Stetson Smith, in Techgage.
84 * 2014-04-28: [Cómo instalar y usar Tails, la distribución Linux para navegar
86 anónima](http://www.eldiario.es/turing/vigilancia_y_privacidad/Guia-practica-Tails-distribucion-Linux_0_253374668.html)
87 by Juan Jesús Velasco in El Diario.
88 * 2014-04-23: Amaelle Guiton mentions Tails in the article [Chiffrer le Net pour
89 retrouver notre vie privée en ligne: une bonne solution qui pose des
90 problèmes](http://www.slate.fr/monde/86275/cyberespace-cypherspace-crypter-chiffrement-internet)
92 * 2014-04-22: golem.de publishes
93 [Anonymisierung -- Mit Tails in den
94 Datenuntergrund](http://www.golem.de/news/anonymisierung-mit-tails-in-den-datenuntergrund-1404-105944.html)
95 (in German), by Jörg Thoma.
96 * 2014-04-17: Bruce Schneier writes "Nice article on the Tails
97 stateless operating system. I use it." [in a blog
98 post](https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/04/tails.html).
99 * 2014-04-16: [Leave no trace: Tips to cover your digital footprint
101 privacy](http://www.pcworld.com/article/2143846/leave-no-trace-tips-to-cover-your-digital-footprint-and-reclaim-your-privacy.html)
102 by Alex Castle in PCWorld.
103 * 2014-04-16: [Tails, il sistema operativo di Edward
104 Snowden](http://www.webnews.it/2014/04/16/tails-il-sistema-operativo-di-edward-snowden/?ref=post)
105 by Luca Colantuoni in Webnews.it.
106 * 2014-04-16: In [Pourquoi Edward Snowden a utilisé Tails Linux pour
108 fuite](http://www.01net.com/editorial/618336/pourquoi-edward-snowden-a-utilise-tails-linux-pour-organiser-sa-fuite/)
109 (in French) published on the 01net net-zine, Gilbert Kallenborn
110 reports about use of Tails by Edward Snowden, Laura Poitras et al.
111 * 2014-04-15: [Tails, il sistema operativo incognito che frega
112 l’NSA](http://www.wired.it/gadget/computer/2014/04/15/tails-sistema-operativo-incognito/)
113 by Carola Frediani, in Wired.it.
114 * 2014-04-15: The recent Wired article [is
115 relayed](http://yro-beta.slashdot.org/story/14/04/15/1940240/snowden-used-the-linux-distro-designed-for-internet-anonymity)
116 on Slashdot homepage.
117 * 2014-04-15: ["Tails": Wie Snowden seine Kommunikation vor der NSA
118 versteckt](http://derstandard.at/1397520636954/Tails-Wie-Snowden-seine-Kommunikation-vor-der-NSA-versteckt),
120 * 2014-04-14: In the [press
121 conference](http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2014/4/11/video_glenn_greenwald_laura_poitras_q)
122 she held after winning a Polk Award for her reporting on Edward Snowden and
123 the NSA, Laura Poitras said "We just published a blog about a tool that's
124 called Tails, which is a operating system that runs on either USB stick or SD
125 disc, that is a sort of all-in-one encryption tool that you can use for PGP
126 and encryption. And it's just really secure. [...] So, it's a really important
127 tool for journalists."
128 * 2014-04-14: [Out in the Open: Inside the Operating System Edward
129 Snowden Used to Evade the NSA](http://www.wired.com/2014/04/tails/)
130 by Klint Finley, in Wired.
131 * 2014-04-02: In [Help Support the Little-Known Privacy Tool That Has
132 Been Critical to Journalists Reporting on the
133 NSA](https://pressfreedomfoundation.org/blog/2014/04/help-support-little-known-privacy-tool-has-been-critical-journalists-reporting-nsa)
135 - Laura Poitras says: "I've been reluctant to go into details about
136 the different steps I took to communicate securely with Snowden to
137 avoid those methods being targeted. Now that Tails gives a green
138 light, I can say it has been an essential tool for reporting the
139 NSA story. It is an all-in-one secure digital communication system
140 (GPG email, OTR chat, Tor web browser, encrypted storage) that is
141 small enough to swallow. I'm very thankful to the Tails developers
142 for building this tool."
143 - Glenn Greenwald says: "Tails have been vital to my ability to work
144 securely on the NSA story. The more I've come to learn about
145 communications security, the more central Tails has become to
147 - Barton Gellman says: "Privacy and encryption work, but it's too
148 easy to make a mistake that exposes you. Tails puts the essential
149 tools in one place, with a design that makes it hard to screw them
150 up. I could not have talked to Edward Snowden without this kind of
151 protection. I wish I'd had it years ago."
152 * 2014-03-17: In [Index Freedom of Expression Awards: Digital activism
154 Tails](http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2014/03/index-freedom-expression-awards-digital-activism-nominee-tails/),
155 Alice Kirkland interviews the Tails project about our nomination for
156 the *Censorship’s Freedom of Expression Awards*.
157 * 2014-03-13: In his [Les 7 clés pour protéger ses
158 communications](http://www.tdg.ch/high-tech/web/Les-7-cles-pour-proteger-ses-communications/story/25588689)
159 article (in French) published by the *Tribune de Genève*, Simon Koch
160 recommends using Tails.
161 * 2014-03-12: In his [Happy 25th Birthday World Wide Web - Let's Not
163 It](http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/mike-harris/world-wide-web_b_4947687.html?utm_hp_ref=uk)
164 article published by the Huffington Post, Mike Harris writes that
165 "Increasing numbers of activists are using high-tech tools such as
166 Tor or Tails to encrpyt their internet browsing and email".
167 * 2014-03-12: In his [US and UK Spy Agencies Are "Enemies of the
168 Internet"](http://motherboard.vice.com/read/us-and-uk-spy-agencies-are-enemies-of-the-internet)
169 article, published in the Motherboard section of the Vice network,
170 Joseph Cox covers Reporters Without Borders' [latest
171 report](https://en.rsf.org/enemies-of-the-internet-2014-11-03-2014,45985.html),
172 and writes "If you're a journalist working on anything more
173 sensitive than London Fashion Week or League 2 football, you might
174 want to consider using the Linux-based 'Tails' operating
176 * 2014-03-08: [Reporters Without Borders](http://en.rsf.org/)'s
177 Grégoire Pouget blogs about Tails: [FIC 2014 : Comment être
178 réellement anonyme sur
179 Internet](http://blog.barbayellow.com/2014/03/08/fic-2014-comment-etre-reellement-anonyme-sur-internet/)
182 [wins](https://twitter.com/accessnow/status/441043400708857856) the
183 [2014 Access Innovation Prize](https://www.accessnow.org/prize),
184 that was focused this year on Endpoint Security.
185 * 2014-03-03: In the March edition of the Linux Journal, that
186 [celebrates 20 years of this
187 journal](http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/march-2014-issue-linux-journal-20-years-linux-journal),
188 Kyle demonstrates Tails.
189 * 2014-02-27: The Daily Dot announced the experiments on porting Tails to mobile
190 devices in "[Tor takes anonymity mobile with new smartphone
191 OS](http://www.dailydot.com/technology/tor-anonymous-os-tails-freitas/)" and
192 "[Beta testing for Tor's anonymous mobile OS begins this
193 spring](http://www.dailydot.com/technology/tor-anonymous-mobile-os-tails/)".
194 Note that this is not an official project of Tails, see the homepage of the
195 [Tomy Detachable Secure Mobile
196 System](https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/libro/wiki/Tomy_Detachable_Secure_Mobile_System)
197 project for more info.
198 * 2014-02-27: In his article "[Why It’s Vital For Users to Fund Open-Source
200 Tools](https://pressfreedomfoundation.org/blog/2014/02/why-its-vital-public-fund-open-source-encryption-tools)"
201 Trevor Timm from Freedom of the Press Foundation explains that Tails « has
202 been vital for most, if not all, of the NSA journalists. [...] Its prime use
203 case is journalists trying to communicate or work in environments in which
204 they may normally be at risk or compromised. The NSA stories have been the
205 biggest story in journalism in the past decade, yet the tool the reporters
206 rely on is incredibly underfunded, is maintained by only a handful of
207 developers, and operates on a shoestring budget. »
208 * 2014-02-07: In his review of [uVirtus](http://uvirtus.org), Kheops, from
209 Telecomix concludes that « Users should prefer Tails and other mature secure
210 live distributions (such as IprediaOS, Liberté Linux, Privatix and Whonix)
211 over uVirtus since they provide a real safety improvement to the user. For any
212 activity that does not entail transferring large quantities of data (such as
213 video files), there is no strong reason to prefer uVirtus over any of these. »
214 * 2014-01-14: On Linux.com, Carla Schroder [picks
215 Tails](https://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/752221-the-top-7-best-linux-distros-for-2014/)
216 as the best Linux distribution for 2014 in the "Best Fighting the
217 Man Distro" category.
218 * 2014-01-07: [A RAT in the Registry: The Case for Martus on
219 TAILS](http://benetech.org/2014/01/07/a-rat-in-the-registry-the-case-for-martus-on-tails/)
220 explains how Benetech have selected TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito
221 Live System) to be the default environment for their use of Martus while
222 defending Tibetan human rights defenders against targeted malware attacks.
223 * 2014-01: "Tails: The Amnesiac Incognito Live System – Privacy for
224 Anyone Anywhere", by Russ McRee, in this month's issue of the
225 [Information Systems Security Association
226 Journal](http://www.issa.org/?page=ISSAJournal).
230 * 2013-12: Bruce Schneier
231 [answered](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1r8ibh/iama_security_technologist_and_author_bruce/cdknf7a)
232 to someone asking him what Linux distribution is its favorite: "I don't
233 use Linux. (Shhh. Don't tell anyone.) Although I have started using Tails".
234 * 2013-12-30: Jacob Appelbaum stated at the [Chaos Communication
235 Congress](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/Fahrplan/events/5713.html):
236 "if you are a journalist and you are not using Tails, you should
237 probably be using Tails, unless you *really* know what
239 * 2013-12-12: In [A conversation with Bruce
240 Schneier](http://boingboing.net/2013/12/15/bruce-schneier-and-eben-moglen-2.html),
241 as part of the "Snowden, the NSA and free software" cycle at
242 Columbia Law School NYC, Bruce Schneier says:
243 - "I think most of the public domain privacy tools are going to be
244 safe, yes. I think GPG is going to be safe. I think OTR is going
245 to be safe. I think that Tails is going to be safe. I do think
246 that these systems, because they were not -- you know, the NSA has
247 a big lever when a tool is written closed-source by a for-profit
248 corporation. There are levers they have that they don't have in
249 the open source international, altruistic community. And these are
250 generally written by crypto-paranoids, they're pretty well
251 designed. We make mistakes, but we find them and we correct them,
252 and we're getting good at that. I think that if the NSA is going
253 after these tools, they're going after implementations."
254 - "What do I trust? I trust, I trust Tails, I trust GPG [...]"
255 - "We can make it harder, we can make it more expensive, we can make
256 it more risky. And yes, every time we do something to increase one
257 of those, we're making ourselves safer. [...] There are tools we
258 are deploying in countries all over the world, that are keeping
259 people alive. Tor is one of them. I mean, Tor saves lives. [...]
260 And every time you use Tor [...] provides cover for everyone else
262 * 2013-11-12: In its review "[Which Linux distro is best for protecting your
263 privacy?](http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/which-linux-distro-is-best-for-protecting-your-privacy--1192771)",
264 techrada.com prefers Tails over 4 other distributions: "The main advantages of
265 Tails are its readiness for USB installation and the complete nature of its
266 desktop and its documentation. The Tails system menu also contains enough
267 applications to make you do almost everything you may need without rebooting.
268 The documentation, while not interesting as the one for Whonix, is more than
269 adequate to help even Linux beginners. Yay for Tails, then!"
270 * 2013-11: The German-speaking ADMIN magazine [reviews
271 Tails](http://www.admin-magazin.de/Das-Heft/2013/11/Tails-0.20).
272 * 2013-10 : (in french) Framablog, [Le chiffrement, maintenant](http://www.framablog.org/index.php/post/2013/10/19/Le-chiffrement-maintenant-compil), contains a whole chapter about Tails.
273 * 2013-10 : SecureDrop, "Aaron Swartz’s unfinished whistleblowing platform" promotes Tails in both [user manual](https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/blob/master/docs/user_manual.md) and [security audit](http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~aczeskis/research/pubs/UW-CSE-13-08-02.PDF). via [Korben.info](http://korben.info/securedrop-aaron-swartz.html)
274 * 2013-10: The [occasional issue n°8 of
275 MISC](http://boutique.ed-diamond.com/misc-hors-series/500-mischs8.html)
276 magazine is dedicated to privacy topics. Tails is mentioned
278 * 2013-10-15: [CRYPTO-GRAM, October 15, 2013](http://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram-1310.html)
279 Bruce Schneier: "One thing I didn't do, although it's worth considering, is
280 use a stateless operating system like Tails. You can configure Tails with a
281 persistent volume to save your data, but no operating system changes are ever
282 saved. Booting Tails from a read-only DVD -- you can keep your data on an
283 encrypted USB stick -- is even more secure. Of course, this is not foolproof,
284 but it greatly reduces the potential avenues for attack."
285 * 2013-10-04: In [Tor: 'The king of high-secure, low-latency anonymity'](http://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/oct/04/tor-high-secure-internet-anonymity),
286 page 7. NSA: "[Tails adds] severe CNE misery to equation."
287 * 2013-09-12: In [Inside the Effort to Crowdfund NSA-Proof Email and
289 Services](http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/inside-the-effort-to-crowdfund-nsa-proof-email-and-chat-services)
290 by DJ Pangburn, Riseup birds write (about the TBB) "Combined with
291 the TAILS project, which Riseup supports, there is nothing better."
292 * 2013-09-05: In [How to remain secure against NSA
293 surveillance](http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/05/nsa-how-to-remain-secure-surveillance),
294 Bruce Schneier wrote: "Since I started working with Snowden's
295 documents, I have been using GPG, Silent Circle, Tails, OTR,
296 TrueCrypt, BleachBit, and a few other things I'm not going to
298 * 2013-08-13: (in French) [Tails en version 0.20](http://linuxfr.org/news/tails-en-version-0-20) on LinuxFR
299 * 2013-08-12: [Anonym und sicher Surfen mit
300 Tails](http://www.linux-community.de/Internal/Artikel/Print-Artikel/LinuxUser/2013/09/Anonym-und-sicher-Surfen-mit-Tails),
301 in the September edition of the
302 [LinuxUser](http://www.linux-user.de/) magazine, that includes Tails
303 on the accompanying DVD.
304 * 2013-08-11: In their [DeadDrop/StrongBox Security
305 Assessment](http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~aczeskis/research/pubs/UW-CSE-13-08-02.PDF),
306 a research group (Alexei Czeskis, David Mah, Omar Sandoval, Ian
307 Smith, Karl Koscher, Jacob Appelbaum, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Bruce
308 Schneier) suggests inserting Tails in the loop of the
309 DeadDrop/StrongBox system. They also write: "We believe that sources
310 should be adviced to use the Tails LiveCD. This provides better
311 anonymity and is easier to use than the Tor Browser bundle."
312 * 2013-07-02: [Encryption Works: How to Protect Your Privacy in the Age of NSA Surveillance](https://pressfreedomfoundation.org/encryption-works#tails)
313 by Micah Lee on Freedom of the Press Foundation
314 * 2013-05-21: [Tails 0.18 can install packages on the
315 fly](http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Tails-0-18-can-install-packages-on-the-fly-1866479.html)
317 * 2013-01-31: [Comment (ne pas) être
318 (cyber)espionné ?](http://bugbrother.blog.lemonde.fr/2013/01/31/comment-ne-pas-etre-espionne/)
319 by Jean-Marc Manach in "BUG BROTHER -- Qui surveillera les surveillants ?"
320 * 2013-01-29: Tails is
321 [documented](https://www.wefightcensorship.org/article/tails-amnesic-incognito-live-systemhtml.html)
322 in Reporters Without Borders' [Online Survival Kit](https://www.wefightcensorship.org/online-survival-kithtml.html)
323 * 2013-01-14: [DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 490](http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20130114#released)
328 * 2012-12-05: [Tails Secure Distro](http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Features/Tails-Secure-Distro)
329 by Bruce Byfield on Linux Magazine Pro
330 * 2012-12-03: [DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 485](http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20121203)
332 * 2012-11-05: [Tails and Claws](http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20121105#feature), review by Jesse Smith on DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 481
333 * 2012-08: (in Dutch) [Veilig En Anoniem Op Internet](http://www.oeioei.nl/internet/tails.php)
334 * 2012-07: [Linux Format](http://www.linuxformat.com/archives?issue=158)
335 contained a small, general article about Tails, as well as Tails
336 0.10.1 on the supplied DVD. *This DVD ships Tails in a `Tails` directory,
337 and its boot scripts have been altered to cope with that. The rest of
338 the system has not been altered according to our findings.*
339 * 2012-07: (in German) [Die totale Privatsphäre](http://www.derbund.ch/digital/internet/Die-totale-Privatsphaere/story/22734697),
340 by Klaus Gürtler in Der Bund, a Swiss-German newspaper
341 * 2012-06: [Tails 0.12 blends in better in Internet cafés](http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Tails-0-12-blends-in-better-in-internet-cafes-1619818.html) on The H Open
342 * 2012-06: [The Tor Project helps journalists and whistleblowers go online
344 a trace](http://www.niemanlab.org/2012/06/the-tor-project-helps-journalists-and-whistleblowers-go-online-without-leaving-a-trace/),
345 by Adrienne LaFrance on Nieman Journalism Lab
346 * 2012-05-16: (in Italian) [Tails, un sistema operativo a base Tor](http://it.paperblog.com/tails-un-sistema-operativo-a-base-tor-1175730/) on paperblog.it
347 * 2012-05-03: Tails 0.11 was announced in [LWN.net Weekly Edition](https://lwn.net/Articles/494923/); the press release was
348 [published on LWN](https://lwn.net/Articles/495669/) too.
349 * 2012-04-23: (Video) [Protect your Privacy Completely - Web Browsing with TAILS Tor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04mzYuhl8f4)
350 * 2012-04: [Leave Your Cellphone at Home](http://nplusonemag.com/leave-your-cellphone-at-home),
351 Interview with Jacob Appelbaum, by Sarah Resnick on n+1
352 * 2012-02-02: (in French) [Vie privée : le guide pour rester anonyme sur Internet](http://www.rue89.com/2012/02/02/vie-privee-le-guide-pour-rester-anonyme-sur-internet-228990), par Martin Untersinger journaliste pour Rue89
353 * 2012-01-13: (in French) Korben.info : [Tails – La distribution Linux qui protège votre anonymat et votre vie privée](http://korben.info/tails.html)
354 * 2012-01-12: (in French) LinuxFR
355 [announces](https://linuxfr.org/news/tails-en-version-010) Tails 0.10.
356 * 2012-01-09 : (in German) Heise online [reported](http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Tails-Anonym-im-Internet-1405508.html)
357 the release of Tail 0.10.
358 * 2012-01-06: [Linux privacy distribution Tails updated to version
359 0.10](http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Linux-privacy-distribution-Tails-updated-to-version-0-10-1404973.html)
364 * 2011-11-18: [Tails, the incognito live system, gets 0.9
365 release](http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Tails-the-incognito-live-system-gets-0-9-release-1381623.html)
367 * 2011-10-28 : (in French) A Tails 0.8 CD was shipped with the [Linux Pratique, issue 68](http://www.linux-pratique.com/index.php/2011/10/28/linux-pratique-n°68-–-novembredecembre-2011-–-chez-votre-marchand-de-journaux) magazine.
368 * 2011-08: Linux Journal: [Tails - You Can Never Be Too Paranoid](http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/linux-distro-tales-you-can-never-be-too-paranoid)
369 * 2011-04-27: [The Amnesic Incognito Live System: A live CD for anonymity](https://lwn.net/Articles/440279/) on lwn.net
370 * 2011-04-20: Release announcement for Tails 0.7 on [lwn.net](https://lwn.net/Articles/439371/)
371 * 2011-04-18: Incognito is mentionned in the [Distrowatch Weekly News](http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20110418#news)
372 * 2011-04-15: Release announcement on [Distrowatch](http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=06629)
377 * 2014-06-06: Tails received an honorable mention at
378 [APC FLOSS Prize](https://www.apc.org/es/node/19368): "In
379 particular, the jury wishes to highlight the Tails project, for
380 breaking ground in the area of user privacy protection."
381 * 2014-03-11: Tails [wins the 2014 Access Innovation
382 Prize](https://www.accessnow.org/blog/2014/03/11/2014-access-innovation-prize-winners-announced-at-rightscon),
383 for Endpoint Security. Access reports that "Tails embodies the
384 successful collaboration of developers, trainers, security
385 professionals towards tackling the spectrum of user needs -- from
386 usability to security -- in high-risk environments".
391 * 2013-12-29: [Tails needs your
392 help!](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Session:Tails_needs_your_help!)
394 * 2013-11-28: [Helping Human Rights Defenders to Communicate Securely: TAILS,
395 National Democratic Institute, USA](http://www.coe.int/en/web/world-forum-democracy/lab4_)
396 at the World Forum for Democracy
397 * 2013-10-30: [Tails : confidentialité et anonymat, pour tous et
398 partout — L'utilisabilité et de la maintenabilité, fonctionnalités
400 sécurité](https://www.irill.org/events/tails-confidentialite-et-anonymat-pour-tous-et-partout)
401 at [IRILL](https://www.irill.org/)
406 * [Probando TAILS 0.16 Privacidad y
407 Anonimato](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBdGbK54WPE), an
408 introductory video to Tails, in Spanish.
410 * [Lightning talk about Tails](http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/mini-debconf-barcelona/Lightning_Talks.webm) at 2014 Mini-Debconf in Barcelona. The talk begins at 24:15 of the video.
415 * 2013-08-26: [Practical anonymity](http://www.loshin.com/) by Peter Loshin has
416 a dedicated chapter on Tails.