1 It might be useful to use `zram` in Tails.
7 `zram` is a kernel module that makes it possible to use some amount of
8 RAM as compressed swap. This should allow using a bit more RAM than
9 what's really available.
13 See [[!tails_ticket 5740]].
19 * [systemd unit files](https://github.com/mystilleef/FedoraZram)
20 * [[!ubupkg zram-config]] in Ubuntu: Upstart job to enable zram support
24 * [howto](https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/01/msg00210.html)
26 * [Gentoo wiki page about zram](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Zram)
27 * [Google is Enabling zRAM for Chrome OS By Default](http://www.chromestory.com/2013/03/google-enabling-zram-for-chrome-os-by-default/)
28 * Linux 3.8 ships a faster lzo compression module, that's used by zram
29 ([commit](https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/?id=10f6781c8591fe5fe4c8c733131915e5ae057826)).
30 * Ubuntu's Live systems have enabled compcache (zram's ancestor) in an
31 initramfs script shipped by casper on systems with no more than
32 512MB of RAM between Intrepid and Precise. Disabled in Quantal since
33 compcache does not exist anymore.
34 * Daniel Baumann's [initial testing
35 report](https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/01/msg00224.html)
36 was quite sad: "i've tested it quite a bit with the idea of
37 enabling it automatically on debian-live systems if the machine as
38 not a certain amount of physical ram available. had only bad
39 experiences with it, so far (worse than without it)". He experienced
40 "complete lockups/panics, and general 'so slow nearly death'
41 experience of the system" on 1GB systems with no disk swap enabled.
42 He was giving sometimes half, sometimes 3/4 of the system RAM to
43 zram (<5162E7AB.3050302@progress-technologies.net>).