3 Tails seems to be resetting the clock to 16 September 2011 12:00am at start up, subsequently causing Vidalia/Tor to fail at boot time. Booting back to the Ubuntu installation on the internal hard drive consistently shows the correct date and time.
5 Is it possible that the bug fix (link below) is what is resetting the system time? If so how can I further analyse this issue?
7 http://tails.boum.org/bugs/Cannot_connect_to_Tor_if_clock_is_too_wrong/
10 >I just noticed this too. Assuming you're having the same problem I had, keep your network connection unplugged while you boot up, then
12 sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/50-htp.sh
14 >and delete the line that says
18 >save the file, then plug into your network.
20 >There's more to the problem, but that should be an easy workaround. More detail at: [[bugs/__34__Clock_is_approx._6_months_after_the_release_date__34___but_it_was_set_correctly]]