2 Feature: Microsoft Windows Camouflage
4 when I select the Microsoft Windows Camouflage in Tails Greeter
5 I should be presented with a Microsoft Windows like environment
9 And the network is unplugged
10 And I start the computer
11 And the computer boots Tails
12 And I enable more Tails Greeter options
13 And I enable Microsoft Windows camouflage
14 And I log in to a new session
16 And all notifications have disappeared
17 And I save the state so the background can be restored next scenario
19 Scenario: I should be presented with a Microsoft Windows like desktop
20 Then I see "WindowsDesktop.png" after at most 10 seconds
21 And I see "WindowsStartButton.png" after at most 10 seconds
22 And I see "WindowsSysTrayGpgApplet.png" after at most 10 seconds
23 And I see "WindowsSysTrayKeyboard.png" after at most 10 seconds
24 And I see "WindowsSysTraySound.png" after at most 10 seconds
26 Scenario: Windows should appear like those in Microsoft Windows
27 When the network is plugged
29 And all notifications have disappeared
30 And available upgrades have been checked
31 And I start the Tor Browser
32 Then I see "WindowsTorBrowserWindow.png" after at most 120 seconds
33 And I see "WindowsTorBrowserTaskBar.png" after at most 10 seconds
34 And I see "WindowsWindowButtons.png" after at most 10 seconds
36 Scenario: The panel menu should look like Microsoft Windows's start menu
37 When I click the start menu
38 Then I see "WindowsStartMenu.png" after at most 10 seconds