1 [[!meta title="Document progress"]]
3 # Create and update ticket
5 When a developer works on a task, she should create/update a ticket related to
6 the task. All the knowledge useful to the others should be kept there (or at
7 least linked from there). She should take care of updating the tags of the
8 ticket so that they reflect the actual status of the task and especially the
9 next thing to do for it to be solved.
11 The tickets are currently stored in [[!tails_redmine "" desc="Redmine"]].
13 # Report progress or failure
15 It is important for the team to know whether somebody is feeling responsible to
16 make a task happen, or that it's a wishlist/patches-welcome/don't-care-that-much
17 (would be great, but *We* don't feel committed to make it happen any time soon).
19 Thus, it is great to state if you'd like to do it, but also to state if you
20 won't do it anymore. Don't feel guilty: it's better if we all know it won't happen
21 soon rather than you feel presured while having other priorities!