Merge remote-tracking branch 'flapflap/de-network_configuration'
[tails-test.git] / config / chroot_local-includes / usr / local / sbin / htpdate
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # htpdate time poller version 0.9.3
4 # Copyright (C) 2005 Eddy Vervest
5 # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Tails developers <>
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 #
13 use strict;
14 use warnings;
16 use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.9.3');
18 use Carp;
19 use Cwd;
20 use Data::Dumper;
21 use DateTime;
22 use DateTime::Format::DateParse;
23 use English qw( -no_match_vars );
24 use File::Path qw(rmtree);
25 use File::Spec::Functions;
26 use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
27 use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
28 use List::Util qw( shuffle );
29 use open qw{:utf8 :std};
30 use POSIX qw( WIFEXITED );
31 use threads;
32 use Try::Tiny;
34 my $datecommand = '/bin/date'; # "date" command to set time
35 my $dateparam = '-s'; # "date" parameter to set time
36 my $maxadjust = 0; # maximum time step in seconds (0 means no max.)
37 my $minadjust = 1; # minimum time step in seconds
38 my (
39 $debug, $useragent, $log, $quiet, $set_date,
40 $done_file, $res_file, $usage, $opt, $runas,
41 $allowed_per_pool_failure_ratio, $proxy, @pools,
44 sub done {
45 if (defined $done_file) {
46 $> = 0 if $runas;
47 open my $f, '>', $done_file or
48 print STDERR "Couldn't write done file: $done_file\n";
49 close $f;
50 $> = getpwnam($runas) if $runas;
54 $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
55 # Avoid the "done" file to be created by an catched exception.
56 # When a eval block is being run, e.g. for exception catching, $^S is true.
57 # It is false otherwise.
58 done unless $^S;
59 die(@_);
62 sub message {
63 my @msg = @_;
65 if ($log) {
66 open my $h, '>>', $log or die "Cannot open log file $log: $!";
67 print $h "@msg\n";
68 close $h;
70 else {
71 print "@msg\n" unless $quiet;
75 sub debug {
76 message(@_) if $debug;
79 sub error {
80 debug(@_);
81 croak @_;
84 sub parseCommandLine () {
85 # specify valid switches
86 ($opt, $usage) = describe_options(
87 'htpdate %o',
88 [ 'debug|d', "debug", { default => 0 } ],
89 [ 'help', "print usage message and exit" ],
90 [ 'quiet|q', "quiet", { default => 0 } ],
91 [ 'user|u:s', "userid to run as" ],
92 [ 'dont_set_date|x', "do not set the time (only show)", { default => 0 } ],
93 [ 'user_agent|a:s', "http user agent to use", { default => "htpdate/$VERSION" } ],
94 [ 'log_file|l:s', "log to this file rather than to STDOUT" ],
95 [ 'done_file|D:s', "create this file after quitting in any way" ],
96 [ 'success_file|T:s', "create this file after setting time successfully" ],
97 [ 'pal_pool=s@', "distrusted hostnames" ],
98 [ 'neutral_pool=s@', "neutral hostnames" ],
99 [ 'foe_pool=s@', "distrusted hostnames" ],
100 [ 'allowed_per_pool_failure_ratio:f', "ratio (0.0-1.0) of allowed per-pool failure", { default => 1.0 } ],
101 [ 'proxy|p:s', "what to pass to curl's --socks5-hostname (if unset, environment variables may affect curl's behavior -- see curl(1) for details)" ],
104 usage() if $opt->help;
105 usage() unless $opt->pal_pool && $opt->neutral_pool && $opt->foe_pool;
107 $runas = $opt->user if $opt->user;
108 $> = getpwnam($runas) if $runas;
109 $useragent = $opt->user_agent;
110 $debug = $opt->debug;
111 $log = $opt->log_file if $opt->log_file;
112 $quiet = $opt->quiet;
113 $set_date = ! $opt->dont_set_date;
114 $done_file = $opt->done_file if $opt->done_file;
115 $res_file = $opt->success_file if $opt->success_file;
116 $allowed_per_pool_failure_ratio = $opt->allowed_per_pool_failure_ratio;
117 $proxy = $opt->proxy if $opt->proxy;
118 @pools = map {
120 map {
121 $_ = 'https://'.$_ unless $_ =~ /^http/i;
122 } split(/,/, join(',', @{$_}))
124 } ($opt->pal_pool, $opt->neutral_pool, $opt->foe_pool);
127 sub usage () {
128 print STDERR $usage->text;
129 exit;
132 sub newestDateHeader {
133 my ($dir) = @_;
135 my @files = grep { ! ( $_ =~ m|/?\.{1,2}$| ) } glob("$dir/.* $dir/*");
136 @files or error "No downloaded files can be found";
138 my $newestdt;
140 foreach my $file (@files) {
141 next if -l $file || -d _;
142 my $date;
143 open(my $file_h, '<', $file) or die "Can not read file $file: $!";
144 while (my $line = <$file_h>) {
145 chomp $line;
146 # empty line == we leave the headers to go into the content
147 last if $line eq '';
148 last if ($date) = ($line =~ m/^\s*Date:\s+(.*)$/m);
150 close $file_h;
151 if (defined $date) {
152 # RFC 2616 (3.3.1) says Date headers MUST be represented in GMT
153 my $dt = DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime( $date, 'GMT' );
154 if (! defined $newestdt || DateTime->compare($dt, $newestdt) > 0) {
155 $newestdt = $dt;
160 return $newestdt;
163 =head2 random_first_with_allowed_failure_ratio
165 Returns the result of the first successful application of
166 $args->{code} on a random element of $args->{list}.
167 Success is tested using the $args->{is_success} predicate,
168 called on the value returned by $args->{code}.
170 $args->{allowed_failure_ratio} caps the maximum failure ratio before
171 giving up.
173 $args->{code} is called with two arguments: the currently (randomly
174 picked) considered element, and $args->{args}.
176 Any exceptions thrown by $args->{code} is catched.
178 =cut
179 sub random_first_with_allowed_failure_ratio {
180 my $args = shift;
182 my %tried;
183 $tried{$_} = 0 for (@{$args->{list}});
184 my $failures = 0;
185 my $total = keys %tried;
187 while ( $failures / $total <= $args->{allowed_failure_ratio} ) {
188 my @randomized_left = shuffle grep { ! $tried{$_} } keys(%tried);
189 my $picked = $randomized_left[0];
190 $tried{$picked}++;
191 my $res;
192 try {
193 $res = $args->{code}->($picked, $args->{args})
195 return $res if $args->{is_success}->($res);
196 $failures++;
199 return;
202 sub getPoolDateDiff {
203 my $args = shift;
205 random_first_with_allowed_failure_ratio({
206 list => $args->{urls},
207 code => \&getUrlDateDiff,
208 is_success => sub { defined shift },
209 allowed_failure_ratio => $allowed_per_pool_failure_ratio,
213 sub getUrlDateDiff {
214 my $url = shift;
215 my $args = shift;
217 defined $url or error "getUrlDateDiff must be passed an URL";
218 debug("getUrlDateDiff: $url");
220 my $tmpdir = tempdir("XXXXXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1);
222 my @curl_options = (
223 '--user-agent', $useragent, '--silent',
224 '--proto', '=https', '--tlsv1',
225 '--head', '--output', catfile($tmpdir, 'headers'),
227 push @curl_options, ('--socks5-hostname', $proxy) if defined $proxy;
229 my @cmdline = ('curl', @curl_options, $url);
231 # fetch (the page and) referenced resources:
232 # images, stylesheets, scripts, etc.
233 my $before = DateTime->now->epoch();
234 WIFEXITED(system(@cmdline)) or error "Failed to fetch content from $url: $!";
235 my $local = DateTime->now->epoch();
236 my $newestdt;
237 eval { $newestdt = newestDateHeader($tmpdir) };
238 if ($EVAL_ERROR =~ m/No downloaded files can be found/) {
239 rmtree($tmpdir);
240 error "No file could be downloaded from $url.";
243 rmtree($tmpdir);
245 defined $newestdt or error "Could not get any Date header";
246 my $newest_epoch = $newestdt->epoch();
248 my $diff = $newest_epoch - $local;
249 my $took = $local - $before;
251 debug("$url (took ${took}s) => diff = $diff second(s)");
253 return $diff;
256 sub adjustDate {
257 my ($diff) = @_;
259 defined $diff or error "adjustDate was passed an undefined diff";
261 my $local = DateTime->now->epoch();
262 my $absdiff = abs($diff);
264 debug("Median diff: $diff second(s)");
266 if ( $maxadjust && $absdiff gt $maxadjust ) {
267 message("Not setting clock as diff ($diff seconds) is too large.");
269 elsif ( $absdiff lt $minadjust) {
270 message("Not setting clock as diff ($diff seconds) is too small.");
272 else {
273 my $newtime = DateTime->now->epoch + $diff;
274 message("Setting time to $newtime...");
275 if ($set_date) {
276 $> = 0 if $runas;
277 open(my $fd, "-|", $datecommand, $dateparam, '@' . $newtime)
278 or die "Cannot set run command $datecommand: $!";
279 if ( $? != 0 ) {
280 my @output = <$fd>;
281 error "An error occured setting the time\n@output";
283 close($fd);
284 $> = getpwnam($runas) if $runas;
287 if (defined $res_file) {
288 $> = 0 if $runas;
289 open my $res_h, '>>', $res_file or die "Cannot open res file $res_file: $!";
290 print $res_h "$diff\n";
291 close $res_h;
292 $> = getpwnam($runas) if $runas;
296 sub median {
297 my @a = sort {$a <=> $b} @_;
298 return ($a[$#a/2] + $a[@a/2]) / 2;
301 parseCommandLine();
302 message("Running htpdate.");
303 my @diffs = grep {
304 defined $_
305 } map {
306 my $diff = $_->join();
307 if (! defined $diff) {
308 error('Aborting as one pool could not be reached');
310 $diff;
311 } map {
312 threads->create(\&getPoolDateDiff, { urls => $_ })
313 } @pools
314 or error "No Date header could be received.";
315 adjustDate(median(@diffs));
316 done;