1 [[!meta title="Shutting down Tails"]]
3 There are several ways of shutting down Tails:
5 - By clicking on the [[system shutdown
6 icon|introduction_to_gnome_and_the_tails_desktop#shutdown]] located in
7 the upper right corner of the notification area and choosing
8 <span class="guimenuitem">Shutdown Immediately</span> or
9 <span class="guimenuitem">Reboot Immediately</span>.
11 [[!img introduction_to_gnome_and_the_tails_desktop/shutdown.png link=no]]
13 - By pressing the power button of the computer.
15 - By removing physically the device Tails is running from.
19 <p>This method might in rare occasions break the file system of your persistent
20 volume. <strong>Use this method only in case of emergency.</strong></p>
22 <p>Using the [[<span class="guilabel">read-only</span> option|persistence/use]]
23 of the persistent volume prevents this problem.</p>
25 <p>If you cannot enable persistence after using this method, you should be able
26 to recover most of your data by doing a [[file system check on the persistent
27 volume|persistence/check_file_system]].</p>
33 This method does not work [[with DVD|support/known_issues#index11h2]],
34 see [[!tails_ticket 5447]].
40 This method does not work [[after using the <span class="application">Tails
41 Installer</span>|support/known_issues#index10h2]], see
42 [[!tails_ticket 5677]].
46 While shutting down, the data stored in <span class="definition">[[!wikipedia
47 Random-access_memory desc="RAM"]]</span> is erased
48 to protect from [[cold boot
49 attacks|doc/advanced_topics/cold_boot_attacks]].