2 Feature: Backing up the persistent storage
4 I want to backup my persistent storage
5 And easily keep that backup updated
7 Scenario: Using Tails' custom backup tool to backup a newly added file
8 Given I have started Tails without network from a USB drive with a persistent partition enabled and logged in
9 # The volume cannot be in use when GuestFs clones it, which we do below
10 And I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off
11 And I clone USB drive "__internal" to a temporary USB drive "backup"
12 Given I have started Tails without network from a USB drive with a persistent partition enabled and logged in
13 And I write a file "/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/new" with contents "foo"
14 When I start Tails' custom backup tool
15 Then the backup tool displays "Plug in your backup Tails USB stick"
16 When I plug USB drive "backup"
17 And I give the Persistent Storage on drive "backup" its own UUID
18 And I click "Retry" in the backup tool
19 Then the backup tool displays "Do you want to back up your Persistent Storage now?"
20 When I click "Back Up" in the backup tool
21 And I enter my persistent storage passphrase into the polkit prompt
22 Then the backup tool displays "Your Persistent Storage was backed up successfully to your backup Tails USB stick!"
23 # The backup tool ejects the drive, so we have to replug it
24 When I unplug USB drive "backup"
25 And I plug USB drive "backup"
26 Then the USB drive "backup" contains the same files as my persistent storage