4 I want Tails to use secure random numbers
6 Scenario: A random seed is read during boot and written during boot and shutdown
8 And I temporarily create a 7200 MiB disk named "temp"
9 And I plug USB drive "temp"
10 And I write the Tails USB image to disk "temp"
12 Then there is no random seed on USB drive "temp"
13 When I start Tails from USB drive "temp" with network unplugged
14 Then the random seed was written multiple times on first boot
15 And there is a random seed on USB drive "temp"
16 When I log in to a new session
17 And I wait for the random seed to be updated
18 Then there is a random seed on USB drive "temp"
19 And the random seed is different from the previous one
20 And I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off
21 Then there is a random seed on USB drive "temp"
22 And the random seed is different from the previous one