2 @product @check_tor_leaks @fragile
3 Feature: Tor stream isolation is effective
5 I want my Tor streams to be sensibly isolated from each other to prevent identity correlation
8 Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected
10 Scenario: tails-security-check is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
11 When I monitor the network connections of tails-security-check
12 And I re-run tails-security-check
13 Then I see that tails-security-check is properly stream isolated after 10 seconds
15 Scenario: htpdate is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
16 When I monitor the network connections of htpdate
18 Then I see that htpdate is properly stream isolated
20 Scenario: tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
21 When I monitor the network connections of tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper
22 And I re-run tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper
23 Then I see that tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper is properly stream isolated
25 Scenario: The Tor Browser is using the web browser-specific SocksPort
26 When I monitor the network connections of Tor Browser
27 And I start the Tor Browser
28 And the Tor Browser loads the startup page
29 Then I see that Tor Browser is properly stream isolated
31 Scenario: SSH is using the default SocksPort
32 When I monitor the network connections of SSH
33 And I connect to an SSH server on the Internet
34 Then I see that SSH is properly stream isolated
36 Scenario: whois lookups use the default SocksPort
37 When I monitor the network connections of whois
38 And I query the whois directory service for "boum.org"
39 And the whois command is successful
40 Then I see that whois is properly stream isolated